May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1855

Chapter 1855

Chapter 1855: Chapter 1855, Gong Mou 55

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Boss Sun secretly winked at boss Yang. He had indeed secretly sent people to take away a few raw stones, but he didn’t put all the raw stones here.

How could he be willing to give all the raw stones to Owen? So when his people were pulling back the raw stones, he sent a message to his people, asking them to take the best raw stones and not to pull them into the front yard. Instead, he secretly pulled them into the back yard.

But he didn’t expect that. Owen would actually notice it. These raw stones weren’t all raw stones.

He could only give boss Yang a look and ask him to lie for him. Even if he had to share a portion of the profits with boss Yang in the future.

In fact, Owen had long been eyeing this batch of raw stones. This batch of raw stones was going to produce Emperor Green. However, in his previous life, he had only seen the news and didn’t know which raw stones could produce emperor green. In order to ensure that he could get the raw stones of Emperor Green. Therefore, this batch of raw stones couldn’t be left out.

When boss Sun’s people went to pull the raw stones, Owen asked boss Yang to check the quantity of raw stones. In the end, boss Yang said that the quantity of this batch of raw stones wasn’t right. The raw stones in his shop should be more than 30, but the ones that were shipped were only more than 20 The difference was seven or eight raw stones, and they were less than the best quality raw stones in this batch.

Now, boss Sun wanted to use these 20 or so raw stones to send him away, so he naturally didn’t agree.

Boss Yang saw boss Sun and gave him a look. He turned his head away and didn’t look at boss Sun again.

He faintly said, “the raw stones in my shop are a total of 32, and the quantity here is 25. The difference is seven. And the difference is the best quality of the seven. “

Even if he gave all the raw stones to Owen, he wouldn’t let boss Sun take advantage of him.

Boss Sun’s face turned black. Boss Yang was obviously setting him up.

“that might be because my men didn’t bring enough raw stones. I’ll ask them to check the quantity again. “

He pretended to call his men and asked them to check the quantity of raw stones and bring the bad ones over.

Soon, a few people walked in with a batch of raw stones.

“boss, we didn’t bring enough raw stones. Fortunately, you called us, or our shop would have suffered a loss. ” Boss Sun’s men were smarter than monkeys. They knew what had happened when they heard boss Sun’s call They followed boss Sun’s words as if they were really missing a cart of raw stones.

Boss Sun’s face was filled with anger. “You useless things. If I asked you to pull the raw stones, you would be able to save me a cart of raw stones. People who don’t know would think that I’m trying to trick Owen. Am I such a dishonest person? “

“It’s all our fault for not being careful. Boss, don’t be angry. Do you think the quantity is enough? ” Boss Sun’s subordinate said.

Boss Sun pretended to count the number of raw stones. “This time, it’s seven. “

Owen looked at boss Yang. “Boss Yang, take a look. Are these raw stones from your shop? “

He didn’t trust boss Sun at all. Boss Sun had stolen seven raw stones just now. Although he had taken them back, he was afraid that boss Sun would replace them. Moreover, the quality of the raw stones in front of him was too poor. It wasn’t like what boss Yang had said They were the best quality raw stones.

Boss Yang looked at the raw stones and immediately shook his head “Although the quality of my raw stones isn’t good, the raw stones that I lost are the best quality of my pile of raw stones. These few stones don’t look good at all. These seven stones aren’t from my shop. “

Boss Sun was furious when he heard that. Boss Yang obviously didn’t want to give him any benefits. “Boss Yang, you can’t talk nonsense. The stones all look the same. How do you know that these stones don’t belong to your shop? “

Boss Yang sneered “because I want to compensate all the raw stones in my shop to you. And I really want to know if the raw stones in my shop can produce a decent jade. “. “So I asked the staff in my shop to mark the raw stones. “There are no marks on this batch of stones. “If you don’t believe me, you can take a look at the few carts of stones that were brought in. Is there a ‘Y’ on them? “

The ‘Y’ was the first pinyin letter of boss Yang’s surname. He really wanted to know if he was blind. Could it be that the gray card stones that he brought in couldn’t even get a good piece of jade?

It was because of this selfishness that he asked his staff to carve the ‘y’ on the stones.

The words were not big, so when people looked at the stones, it was very difficult to find that there was a ‘Y’ carved in a corner of the stones.

Everyone looked around the raw stones and looked carefully. Sure enough, some of the raw stones did have a “Y” carved on them, and there was nothing on the raw stones that boss Sun pulled.

Boss Sun’s face turned pale. Just like that, boss Yang exposed his trick. josei

“Boss Sun’s character is really... Sigh. “

“thanks to boss Yang, he even made a mark on his own raw stones. “

“You really can’t judge a book by its cover. Looking at boss Sun, he is still a kind person. “

“I think boss Sun has a big problem. He bought the raw stones of jade, and in the end, it was Nanyang Dushan jade. This is not even a raw stone of jade. “

People were discussing it one after another. Regarding boss Sun’s character, everyone already knew it in their hearts. Why would the raw stone of the Nanyang Dushan jade be mixed with a pile of raw jade This was definitely a problem.

Owen looked at boss Sun. “Boss Sun, where are boss Yang’s raw stones? I’ll have to trouble you to get your men to take out the raw stones. “

Boss Sun listened to everyone’s discussion about him and was already angry from embarrassment. He kicked his men. “You bunch of trash. I asked you to move a few raw stones, but you could have moved them wrong. Hurry up and find boss Yang’s raw stones. “

He could only use the excuse of moving the wrong stones to avoid everyone.

Lian Lian motioned for Owen to stop talking. Now that they didn’t have the raw stones, if they fell out with boss Sun at this time, they might not be able to get the last few raw stones.

This was the so-called saying that a strong dragon can not suppress a local snake. Here, they didn’t bring their subordinates. If they really fought, they would be at a disadvantage.

Boss Sun’s subordinates quickly ran to the backyard to look for boss Yang’s raw stones.

Under everyone’s gaze, the few raw stones were pulled over by cars.

From the looks of it, it was indeed the best quality among this batch of raw stones.

Owen counted the quantity again. This time, the quantity was right. He said to boss Yang, “boss Yang, please ask the old master in your shop to come over and open the raw stones for us. “

Under such circumstances, he didn’t dare to use the master in boss Sun’s shop.

Boss Yang hurriedly nodded. “Of course. I’ll get someone to go back to the shop and ask the master who opened the raw stones to come over. “

Boss Sun sneered. “Don’t go, everyone. Let’s see what boss Yang’s raw stones can open. “

He didn’t believe that if he hadn’t opened a decent jade gambling den in two years, what good stuff could he open today?

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