May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1892

Chapter 1892

Chapter 1892: Chapter 1892, Gong Mou 92

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

GAIA stopped in his tracks. “You want to explain the situation in the Middle East to me. What qualifications do you have to explain the situation in the Middle East to me? “

Lian Lian could clearly tell that GAIA’s voice was not right. “GAIA, did something happen? What did Sikong Yi say to you today? “

The only person he could think of was Sikong Yi. Perhaps he had said something to Gaia.

“No, he didn’t say anything to me. He said that everything has to wait for you to tell me.

“But I want to know what qualifications do you have to explain the situation in the Middle East to me? ” GAIA said.

Lian Lian’s forehead turned black as cold sweat dripped down from his forehead. What qualifications did she have to explain the situation in the Middle East to Gaia? It was because she was his queen. She had stayed in the Middle East for a long time. She understood the DA Qing of the Middle East very well And the abilities of the various factions.

Actually, she had planned to tell Gaia about her identity today. However, looking at GAIA’s current mood, she hesitated again.

“I have stayed in the Middle East for a long time, so I am very familiar with the situation in your palace, ” Lian Lian said.

The corners of GAIA’s lips were suffused with his coldness. Up until now, he had already asked to this extent, but Lian Lian still refused to tell him that she was his queen.

“You poisoned me, and now you have made me fall into Willam’s palace. What are your intentions? Why do you want to harm me? ” He questioned Lian Lian The reason he could think of was that Lian Lian was the person who had harmed him. Otherwise, why would Lian Lian treat him like this, not even acknowledging her own identity?

Lian Lian was shocked when she heard this. “Why are you saying that I harmed you? I rescued you from the middle and brought you to Willam’s palace to treat your illness and detoxify you. It was me and Sikong Yi who saved your life. “

He did not know why GAIA would have such thoughts, so she hurriedly explained to Gaia.

GAIA looked down at Lian Lian. “Were you and Sikong Yi the ones who saved me? If you and Sikong Yi were the ones who saved me, why haven’t you told me the truth until now? Who exactly are you? Tell me? “

She questioned Lian Lian.

Lian Lian’s heart froze “GAIA, there are many things between us that you don’t know. It is precisely because you have forgotten about our past that there are many things that I am unable to tell you. I am afraid that you will not be able to accept what I have told you. “

“Are you trying to say that I can not accept that you are my queen? ” GAIA said word by word, every word poking into Lian Lian’s heart.

Lian Lian felt her heart suffocate. GAIA finally knew that she was his queen.

“How did you know that I was your queen? Who told you? ” She asked.

“I found out. Do you think I’ve forgotten how to log in and search online? Our wedding was so grand. The news can still be searched, ” GAIA said.

Lian Lian’s hand touched her forehead. She had forgotten that GAIA could search online. GAIA had forgotten the past, not the skills of life.

“I am your queen. But our relationship is not like this. ” She tried hard to explain.

“Then what is our relationship like? And where is our child? The News said that you are already pregnant. According to the month, you are about to give birth. Where did you hide our child? ” GAIA questioned.

Lian Lian’s lips pursed into a straight line. That child was not GAIA’s at all. It was hers and Willam’s.

“GAIA. Actually, we are a couple in name only. I know that you can not accept this kind of thing, so I have been hesitant to tell you.

You have always liked me, but we have never had a husband and wife relationship. You have tolerated everything about me. Including my children. It is all because you love me very much.

And I treat you as my best friend. Can You understand what I am saying We are actually best friends,”Lian Lian said.

GAIA’s mind boomed, as if he was struck by lightning. His Queen and she were in name only, but not in reality. They were only friends.

“You mean that my wife has given me a big green hat and is pregnant with a wild man outside. She also intends to bring the child to the palace and become my heir, ” he questioned.

“No, it’s not what you think. I’ve never thought of bringing my child to the palace and becoming your heir.

Back then, in order to fight for the throne, you made me your queen. Announcing that my child is your heir was actually just to help you sit firmly on the throne.

My child has nothing to do with you. My child has already been born. I placed her in the safest place and someone helped me raise her.

If I wanted to use my child to occupy your throne, I wouldn’t have to save you at all. Moreover, my child would be born in the palace and not hide her outside the palace.

You shouldn’t have doubted me the most. Because right now, only Sikong Yi and I can help you,”she said. josei

GAIA clenched his fists. “even if I have forgotten everything in the past, I am sure that I love you very much. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have tolerated you and brought your child to marry me.

“And I still want to make you my queen and tolerate everything about you. “But since I love you so much, why don’t you love me?

“Who is the father of your child “I don’t believe it. Who is more outstanding than me? “

He questioned Lian Lian. He believed Lian Lian’s words. He must have tolerated everything about Lian Lian. That was why he had made Lian Lian a queen when Lian Lian was already pregnant and lived a nominal married life with Lian Lian.

If his love for Lian Lian was not so deep, how could he tolerate all of this?

But he had done so much for Lian Lian, yet Lian Lian did not love him. who was the man Lian Lian loved Who was so much more outstanding than him that Lian Lian still could not accept him.

Lian Lian bit her lips. If she were to tell Gaia that his competitor was Willam, Willam’s palace would soon turn into a battlefield.

“Who is my man? Who is the father of my child? It has nothing to do with you. We agreed that we were only husband and wife in name, and I am only your queen in name, ” he said.

“I don’t remember what I promised you back then. In other words, everything I promised you back then is null and void. Now that I have come to my senses, let’s start from the beginning. I want to establish new rules.

Since you’re my queen, you have to be my queen. Since I love you so much, you have to love me. I won’t be like a fool and watch my queen be with another man.

This time, when we return to the Middle East, you have to go back with me. Where’s your child You have to say it. I want to bring your child back to the country,”GAIA said.

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