May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1904

Chapter 1904

Chapter 1904: Chapter 1904 escaping marriage with a child 4

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“Alright, we will listen to His Majesty. ” Bo Wen said.

“Then His majesty wants the two of us to return to the country right now? ” Angus asked.

“Yes, it’s too dangerous here. The two of you should return to the country right now and take whatever you can take away. If you really can’t take them away, just leave them here if you are caught. I will think of a way to save them. ” GAIA said.

It was rare for someone to still be loyal to him. He wanted to preserve his own strength. He could not let his remaining strength be exhausted.

“Yes! I will listen to Your Majesty. I will return to the country right away, ” Bo Wen said.

Angus was in a difficult position. “Your Majesty, if I return to the country right now, Bo Wen and I will naturally be safe. But what Will Your Majesty Do? ”

“I will take good care of myself here. I also have a way to make myself safe. At least I have no problems living until now, ” GAIA said.

“Your Majesty, although it is safe now, I am afraid that after this, we will implicate Your Majesty. I don’t know if there is a tail behind us, ” Angus said worriedly.

“I can guarantee that there is no tail behind me. I am very careful when I drive, ” Sikong Yi said.

“Even if you are very careful when you drive and your majesty is not in danger now, who can guarantee that Your Majesty is not in danger in two days? After all, this is Willam’s country. I don’t understand. Why did Her Highness the Queen Bring Her Majesty here?

After Your Majesty’s poison is detoxified, why did you come here Do you know that the people of our country are worried about your safety? If you had not left from the beginning and left for such a long time, Tu Lu would not be so arrogant. josei

You wouldn’t have been unable to return to your country. Right now, our situation is really passive. In just these few months, Tu Lu has already strengthened his power. Many of the Da Qing in our court have pledged allegiance to Tu Lu.

“If you had never left your home, I don’t believe that so many people would have pledged allegiance to Tu Lu. They all thought that you were dead, so they pledged allegiance to Tu Lu, ” Angus said.

The situation in front of him made him too anxious. He thought that if GAIA hadn’t left the palace for so long, the situation in the Middle East wouldn’t have become so bad.

He hated the queen very much. If the Queen had not acted on her own and allowed His majesty to come here, the situation would not have been so bad.

He did not mention this just now because he was still immersed in the joy of finding GAIA. Now that his mind was calm, he thought of these problems.

“That is because you do not know that when Gaia left, he was actually delirious. GAIA was poisoned too deeply. Although he woke up, he was delirious and might not wake up for the rest of his life. He was like a vegetable.

If the people of Tu Lu found out about GAIA in that state, do you think that Tu Lu would let Gaia off?

A country can not be without a ruler for a day. Tu Lu would definitely use this reason to replace GAIA’s position.

I’m afraid that at that time, GAIA would not be able to wait for the poison in his body to be completely removed before he would be controlled by Tu Lu. I’m afraid that GAIA would have died long ago.

Your Queen, Her Highness, let Gaia come here to protect him. However, you don’t understand her intentions. Now, you two are still standing here blaming her.

I can tell you very responsibly that if she didn’t think of a way to send Gaia to Willam, your country would have changed its king long ago,”Sikong Yi said harshly.

He was determined not to allow anyone to question his cousin Lian Lian.

Moreover, Lian Lian was indeed dedicated to Gaia. Everything that Lian Lian did was planned for GAIA.

In the end, the Da Qing of gaia still misunderstood Lian Lian and thought that Lian Lian had made a wrong decision. Of course, he had to tell everyone that Lian Lian’s decision was the right one.

Bo Wen and Angus were silent when they heard Sikong Yi’s words.

“So, His Majesty’s poison was not completely cured at that time. But how did we see His Majesty’s figure on the city tower? His Majesty was walking as fast as lightning and looked very healthy, ” angus said.

“That was because Lian Lian used some means to let you see GAIA’s image. “. Actually, GAIA had woken up at that time, but his mind was very unclear. Not to mention standing up and walking as fast as lightning, it was difficult for him to even open his eyes. So, I brought Gaia out of the palace overnight. You should remember that at that time, Tu Lu had already forced his way out of the Palace,”Sikong Yi said.

Bo Wen nodded. “Yes, at that time, he forced his way out of the palace very hard. There were several times when I thought that Tu Lu was going to attack the palace and become the new king. “

“Then it seems that we have wronged Her Majesty the Queen. If Her Majesty’s condition after Waking Up was terrible, then Tu Lu would definitely use this reason to replace Her Majesty’s position.

“It was her majesty the Queen who was brave and resourceful and took her majesty away. Otherwise, Her Majesty would really be in danger, ” Angus said with emotion.

It was only now that they knew of Lian Lian’s methods. It turned out that Lian Lian had been supporting the entire country and protecting GAIA.

“It’s good that you can understand my cousin’s difficulties. My cousin has sacrificed a lot for GAIA. It’s just that many people still misunderstand my cousin’s intentions, ” Sikong Yi said.

He said it for Bo Wen and Angus, but also for GAIA. GAIA also had a huge misunderstanding of Lian Lian.

“All of you heard how my highness the Queen treated me. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be here. You can’t be disrespectful to her, ” GAIA instructed.

“Yes, we will definitely be loyal to Her Majesty. It’s just that her majesty has been captured by Willam, ” Bo Wen said.

“When I was in trouble, Her majesty saved me. Now when Her Majesty is in trouble, I will save Her Majesty.

The two of you will return to the country. You must help me contact the DA Qing in the court and find those who swore to be loyal to me. Tell them about my recent situation.

You must be careful not to be discovered by Tu Lu’s people. When I bring her majesty back to the country, you must protect me and return to the palace.

As long as I can take back my palace, I can take back my country. Tu Lu will no longer dare to do anything to me.

I want to capture Tu Lu, this traitor, and destroy his entire family,”GAIA said fiercely.

“Yes, we must destroy Tu Lu’s entire family. This traitor, if it weren’t for him, our country wouldn’t be in dire straits right now, ” Bo Wen said.

“Your Majesty, I think it’s fine to let bo Wen go back alone. Let me stay and protect Your Majesty. I’m really afraid that your majesty will be in danger, ” Angus said.

“If you stay, I’m afraid that Willam’s men will be fatal to you. Now that Willam knows that you went to rescue Lian Lian, he will definitely follow the clues and catch you. The two of you can only safely avoid this disaster by returning to the country, ” GAIA said.

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