May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1920

Chapter 1920

Chapter 1920: Chapter 1920 escaping with a child 20

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“Now that my problem has been solved, let’s discuss how to save Charlie. He is definitely my most loyal da Qing. When I was in the Dungeon, I heard that they were interrogating Charlie, but Charlie didn’t say a word, ” GAIA said.

“I saw it too. Charlie was beaten very badly. His skin and flesh were already torn open. Fortunately, he is a tough guy and didn’t say anything, ” XIN BA said.

“If Charlie was interrogated by them and came here to save me on my orders, then it would be troublesome. We really have to think of a way to bring Charlie away. “.

“Xin Ba, think of a way. Can you order the guards to bring Charlie here? ” GAIA asked.

“Charlie is not a thing. How can we bring him back just like that? “?

The reason why I could bring you back so smoothly was because of my aunt.

Moreover, you were not captured by my father’s men, so I could bring you back easily.

“If you want to bring Charlie back, you have to alert my father, ” Xin Ba said.

This was the most troublesome part. Charlie was captured by William’s men. They wanted to get Charlie out, after all, they had to alert Willam.

“But it’s too dangerous to keep Charlie there. Charlie knows everything about us. If Willam goes to the Dungeon to interrogate Charlie, Charlie won’t be able to take it and tell everything, then Lian Lian will be in danger, ” GAIA said.

“I’m wondering if we can save Charlie at night? ” Lian Lian said.

GAIA was taken away openly by them, but Charlie definitely could not be saved openly.

The only way he could think of was to find someone to Steal Charlie out in the dark.

“I’m afraid that this is not an easy solution, but this is the only way. I’ll think of a way to transfer those guards away and then find Sikong Yi to see if he has any way to sneak into the Dungeon and get Charlie away, ” said Xin Ba.

“Yes, this is one way. We can only pretend to be Charlie’s accomplice and get Charlie away so that Willam will have no place to catch him, ” said Lian Lian.

“Alright, I’ll think of a good way to transfer all the guards in the dungeon away, ” said Xin Ba.

His eyes darted around as he thought of a way. Then, he walked out of the basement and ordered his guards.

He sent a team of guards to the dungeon to prevent Charlie from running away. He placed his own guards in the dungeon.

With these guards to help him, it would be much easier to save Charlie at night.

Lian Lian instructed Gaia not to go out of the basement while she ran out of the basement to look for Sikong Yi. She arranged for Sikong Yi to save him tonight.

Sikong Yi finally saw his cousin coming over. “Lian Lian, are you okay in Xin Ba’s bedroom? Did Willam find you? “

He asked worriedly.

“I’m fine. No one found me. Even Arinda didn’t recognize me.

Just now, Gaia ran to the dungeon because of where Charlie was. He was caught by the Dungeon guards, and Xin Ba went to save him.

Now, he was in Xin BA’s basement. But he found out where Charlie was, and Charlie was in the dungeon.

“We have to think of a way to save Charlie. I’m afraid that Willam will personally interrogate Charlie. I’m afraid that Charlie won’t be able to withstand Willam’s torture, ” Lian Lian said.

“Who knew that Charlie was so stupid to actually be captured by Willam? ” Sikong Yi ridiculed.

“Willam’s people are indeed strong. It’s still because we were too eager to find da Qing who is loyal to Gaia that we used such an extreme method. It’s still because we didn’t think it through, ” Lian Lian said.

“But if we want to find out who is loyal to GAIA’s Da Qing in a day, this is the only way, ” Sikong Yi said.

“Xin Ba and I have discussed an idea. He has already sent his guards to the dungeon. In name, they are to keep an eye on charlie, strengthen the guards, and not let outsiders Save Charlie. These people would help us secretly and think of a way to save Charlie. Tonight, you will bring Bai Zhu and disguise yourself as a person from Switzerland to save Charlie. What do you think of this idea?”Lian Lian asked.

A pile of black threads slid down Sikong Yi’s forehead. “The result of your discussion was to let me Save Charlie?

“Do you know that this mission is very dangerous? If I’m not careful, there will be problems with my personal safety. “

“cousin, I know that this matter is indeed very dangerous, but other than this idea, I can’t think of any other way. Xin Ba’s guards will definitely help you, so if you go to save Charlie, it should be very smooth. When the time comes, I will go too, ” Lian Lian said.

When Sikong Yi heard that Lian Lian would also go, he frowned. “You can’t go. If something happens and you are caught by Willam’s people, you won’t be able to leave the palace. “

He immediately denied Lian Lian Lian’s idea.

“But if only you and Bai Zhu go, I’m afraid there will be danger. It’s better to have one more person, ” Lian Lian said.

“Even if we have one more person, we can’t let you go. I’ll think of a way to get Xin BA’s guards to help us, ” Sikong Yi said.

He was firmly opposed to letting Lian Lian go with them to save Charlie. This kind of matter would be dangerous no matter how well arranged. After all, their opponent was Willam, that terrifying man.

“Alright, we’ll discuss whether I’ll go or not at night. Cousin, do you promise to help me Save Charlie? ” Lian Lian asked.

“silly girl, if I don’t help you, who will? If we save Charlie, I’ll take you and Gaia to leave this place, ” Sikong Yi said.

“and Xin Ba, I want to take Xin Ba away too, ” Lian Lian said.

“Have you found the place where XIN BA is hiding? If Xin BA disappears, I’m afraid that William will turn this world upside down, ” Sikong Yi said. josei

“I’ve thought of a way. We’ll hide on the island for a while, and then we’ll disappear into the vast sea of people. No matter how powerful Willam is, he can’t search one person at a time. There are billions of people in this world. If he searches one person at a time, he won’t be able to find us even if he finds us when we die,”Lian Lian said.

Actually, the most important thing was how she was going to explain the past to Gaia so that Gaia would let her go.

She could escape from Willam, but she had to help GAIA return to GAIA’s palace. At that time, she had to let Gaia let her go on his own initiative. Otherwise, she would be in a lot of trouble.

“You have a point. No matter what, we have to save Charlie tonight. We can discuss the rest later, ” Sikong Yi said.

“okay, then I’ll go back to Xin BA’s bedroom first. We’ll be in touch at any time, ” Lian Lian said.

At that moment, Bai Zhu rushed in. “master, something happened. I just found out that His Majesty Willam is heading towards the dungeon. I’m afraid he’s going to interrogate Charlie personally. “

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