May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1924

Chapter 1924

Chapter 1924: Chapter 1924 escaping marriage with a child 24

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“Your Majesty, Are you saying that Her Majesty the Queen and Her Majesty Gaia are both in your country? ” Charlie asked in astonishment.

“They should all be in my country. That’s why they sent you here to Save Her Majesty the Queen. This should be just a test. They want to know which of the four of you will come to Save Her Majesty the Queen, ” Willam said.

“But why would her majesty the Queen Choose to save her at your villa? She knows that if the four of us go to that villa, we will definitely be caught by your guards, ” Charlie said.

This was something that he could not figure out. If Lian Lian only wanted to test who would come, or if she just wanted to contact them, there was no need to let them go to Willam’s villa, because Lian Lian would also know that they had arrived at Willam’s villa They would be captured by Willam’s guards.

Lian Lian’s promise was simply to send them to their deaths.

Willam’s lips curled into a cold smile. “That’s because not only does she want to know which of the four of you will come, she also wants to know which of the four of you will still be loyal to GAIA. “

Charlie was a little confused. “Your Majesty, Are you saying that Her Highness the Queen has treated your villa as a testing stone and wants your villa to test which of us will still be loyal to Gaia?

“But this doesn’t make sense. “could it be that if we go to that villa, we will be loyal to GAIA? “

“If there is a spy among you, then you must know that the villa is my villa, so you will not come. If you have defected to Tu Lu, you will not come. Instead, you will tell Tu Lu this news. Therefore, the person who appeared in that villa should not be Tu Lu’s people, ” Willam said.

“But tu Lu’s people really appeared today. That means that one of the four of US betrayed GAIA and informed Tu Lu, ” Charlie said.

“Yes, one of you informed Tu Lu, ” Willam said.

“I didn’t inform Tu Lu, and I didn’t know that the villa was his majesty’s villa. I came here because I wanted to see where the queen is. The other reason is to contact his majesty, ” Charlie said.

“I forcibly captured Bu de. He wasn’t the one who informed Tu Lu, so there must be someone else who informed Tu Lu. And those two people should be by Lian Lian’s side now, ” Willam said.

He frowned deeply. Lian Lian had set up this trap to find out who had betrayed GAIA and who was still loyal to GAIA. However, she did not know that the person Lian Lian had set up was smarter than she had imagined. Even if that person had informed Tu Lu.. That person had still come.

Now that Bu de had been captured by him and Charlie was also in his hands, one of the two people had defected to Tu Lu. According to the analysis of the current situation, Lian Lian’s situation was extremely dangerous.

What made him most angry was that he still did not know where Lian Lian was.

“Your Majesty, we can actually capture them all at once. Be It GAIA or the Queen, you can capture them all. As long as we follow the clues of Bo Wen and Angus, we will definitely be able to find the queen and Gaia, ” Charlie said.

Willam’s hand clenched into a fist. That damned little woman avoided him every day, but she did not know that she was in danger.

“They will come to save you, ” Willam said.

“Are you saying that Gaia and the Queen will come to save me? But this is a dungeon. Even if they want to save me, it should be very difficult for them to come in, ” Charlie said.

“They will definitely have a way to come in and save you. Follow them and find out where they are. I want to capture Lian Lian, ” Willam said.

“Yes! Your Majesty! ” Charlie accepted the order.

At this time, the sky had already turned dark.

Lian Lian and Xin Ba walked into the imperial garden. Their eyes glanced at the guards patrolling in the imperial garden.

Then, they hid their figures behind the big tree.

A pair of guards walked past the big tree.

Lian Lian, who was standing behind the big tree, held a stone in her hand and took the opportunity to throw it at the last guard standing at the back.

The stone was bounced onto the guard’s leg.

The little guard’s leg suddenly hurt. He thought that he had been stung by something. He squatted down to check his leg.

The guard in front of him did not wait for him. He continued to walk at his original speed. Soon, the distance between them widened.

The little guard rolled up his trouser leg. There was only a red mark on his calf. He did not see anything biting him.

He was just about to stand up when he felt a gust of cold wind sweep past the back of his neck. It was as if something had hit the back of his neck. He felt a heavy pain and his vision went black. He pounced towards the ground.

GAIA grabbed the small guard, preventing him from falling to the ground.

He grabbed the small guard and leaped up the tree in a few steps.

The guards in front suddenly realized that their team was missing a person.

“Why is there a person missing? Isn’t there another person behind you? “

“that’s right, Xiao Si is behind me today. ” As the guard spoke, he turned his head to look at the road behind him. The road was empty, and there was not a single person.

“That’s strange, then why is Xiao SI missing? “

“Maybe he needed to pee and ran off to pee. “

“that’s possible. Let’s go first. After the patrol, we’ll go back to rest. After Xiao Si pees, he’ll definitely return to the rest room. “

After the guards finished discussing, they decided to continue forward and not wait for Xiao SI anymore.

If they needed to pee during the patrol, it was possible for them to run to the bathroom. They did not notice anything unusual.

The only thing that made them curious was why Xiao Si did not tell them.

When the guards disappeared into the imperial garden, Gaia brought Xiao Si and jumped down from the tree.

“I saw them walk out of the Imperial Garden. It should be safe here, ” GAIA said.

He stood on the tall tree and looked from afar. He could see that there was no one else nearby.

Lian Lian took out the medicine that Sikong Yi had given him from his pocket. “Let’s drink it for him. “

GAIA reached out and grabbed Xiao Si’s chin, forcing him to open his mouth.

Lian Lian poured the medicine into Xiao Si’s mouth.

Xiao SI was knocked unconscious. Normally, he would only need a few minutes to wake up.

Sure enough, after a while, Xiao Si opened his eyes. However, his eyes were especially hollow, like a doll without a soul.

“You follow us, ” GAIA ordered.

Xiao SI was indeed very obedient. He followed GAIA and walked forward.

Xin Ba looked at Xiao Si as if he had seen something interesting. “Uncle’s medicine is so effective. He turned Xiao Si into a toy. “

“This medicine only has the effect of an hour. We have to be quick. Otherwise, once the effect wears off, we won’t be able to save Charlie, ” Lian Lian said. josei

“Then let’s go, ” GAIA said.

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