May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1933

Chapter 1933

Chapter 1933: Chapter 1933 escaping marriage with a child 33

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

The captain of the guards grabbed Xiao Si’s arm, dragged Xiao Si to William, and kneeled on the ground.

Charlie was lost, and he could not explain to William. He could only hand Xiao Si over to William, hoping that William could vent all his anger on Xiao Si and reduce the punishment on him.

Looking at William, her back kept breaking out in cold sweat. It was likely that in a short while, Willam’s majesty would take his head if he was unhappy.

“Your Majesty, something has happened. Charlie has disappeared, and Xiao SI appeared out of nowhere in his cell. We really don’t know what happened? Why did Charlie Become Xiao Si? ” The captain of the guards said.

Willam’s cold eyes landed on Xiao SI’s face. “Your name is Xiao Si. “

“Yes, Your Majesty. My name is Xiao Si. I am the fourth son in my family. So, everyone calls me Xiao Si. ” Xiao SI knelt on the ground and kowtowed. He felt that half of his life was gone. He was so scared that his whole body trembled.

The most wronged thing was that he didn’t do anything, but now he felt like a felon.

“How did you get to the cell? ” Willam asked.

“Your Majesty, I don’t know how I got to the cell. I really don’t know. ” Xiao Si kowtowed as if he was pounding garlic.

“You don’t know how you got into the cell? Don’t tell me we know how you got into the cell? Hurry up and confess, or I’ll beat you to death. ” The captain of the guards kicked Xiao Si beside him.

He had to force Xiao Si to confess. Otherwise, he could forget about being the captain of the guards. He was afraid that he would lose his life.

Xiao SI was kicked to the side by the captain of the guards. He struggled to get up from the ground “I really don’t know how I got into the Dungeon. I’m telling the truth. Your Majesty, You have to believe me. If I knew how I got into the Dungeon, I would definitely confess honestly. “

As he explained, he looked weakly at Willam and the captain of the guards. To be honest, even he himself didn’t believe this explanation. He wasn’t sure if Willam and the captain would believe him. He was afraid that they wouldn’t believe him either. He was a living person. How could he not know how he got to the Dungeon?

The captain of the guards laughed coldly. “Xiao Si, you’ve got guts. You dare to lie. Let me tell you. If you lie in front of His Majesty Willam, you’ll only die.

You’re a living person. How could you not know how you got to the Dungeon How did you get here Could it be that you flew here?”

“Captain, I really don’t know how I got here. Maybe I really did fly here. Or maybe I traveled through time. When I woke up, I found myself in the dungeon. Then I shouted desperately. At first, I thought I was dreaming. Later, when I shouted, I realized that I wasn’t dreaming, but I was really in the dungeon,”Xiao Si said about what happened just now.

When he woke up, he thought he was dreaming, dreaming that he was in prison. However, he soon realized that it didn’t seem like a dream, but that he was really in the dungeon.

He immediately shouted for help. Then, the captain of the guards rushed over with a group of people and grabbed him.

Even now, he still felt like he was dreaming. He also wished that he was really dreaming.

“It doesn’t seem right. You won’t confess if you use torture. Someone, bring the whip and the torture instruments over. I want to interrogate him properly so that he will be stubborn again. ” The captain of the guards immediately ordered his men to bring over the torture instruments.

The jailer immediately ran over and reported the whip and the torture instruments. He threw them all on the ground.

The captain of the guards picked up the whip and lashed it at Xiao Si.

The whip hit Xiao Si’s body, and Xiao Si’s skin and flesh immediately burst with a bloody scar.

Xiao SI cried out in pain, “I’m not lying, I’m really not lying. Your Majesty, You have to believe me. “

When the captain of the Guards’second whip was about to come down, Willam suddenly attacked and grabbed the captain’s hand.

“Stop! ” Willam ordered.

The captain of the guards did not dare to continue lashing and immediately stopped. “Your Majesty, Xiao Si is definitely lying. If you let me torture him, I promise to beat him to the truth. “

Willam ignored the captain of the guards. He looked at Xiao Si. “If you want me to believe you, you have to give me enough reasons to make me believe you.

“I’ll give you a chance to tell me clearly. Tell me from the beginning how you came to the dungeon. “

“Okay, I’ll definitely tell your majesty. I’ll be patrolling the imperial garden with the other guards tonight. I remember it clearly. I was walking at the back of the team.

Suddenly, something seemed to bite my leg. I thought it was a snake or some other bug that bit me, so I stopped and rolled up my trouser leg to check what had bitten my leg?

When I squatted down to check, I felt a pain in the back of my neck. Then I didn’t know anything. When I woke up again, I was in the dungeon.”Xiao Si tried hard to recall everything that happened that night.

But that was all he could think of.

The captain of the guards sneered. “Xiao Si, don’t you think the reason you made up is ridiculous? If you felt a pain in the back of your neck and didn’t know anything, then how did you come to the Dungeon? “

“I really didn’t lie. I felt a pain in the back of my neck. Then I didn’t know anything. I think I must have fainted, ” Xiao Si said.

“If you fainted, how did you enter the Dungeon? ” This was simply unscientific. Today, I didn’t transport any goods here. Only the guards went in and out at night, and no one was carried in. “Let me ask you, how did you come in? ” The captain of the guards said.

Xiao SI was dumbfounded by the question. How did he know how he came in He was also very curious.

“I really don’t know the rest. What I said just now was the truth. Please, Your Majesty Willam, investigate. “

“Your Majesty, don’t listen to his lies. I can pull up our surveillance footage. All the guards who came in and out tonight walked in. No one was carried in, and we didn’t bring any goods in, ” the captain of the guards said quickly. josei

Willam frowned. “pull up the surveillance footage and see who came in and out today. “

“Yes. ” The captain of the guards received the order and went to the surveillance room to pull up the surveillance footage.

Very quickly, he pulled up the surveillance footage at the entrance of the dungeon.

The time was locked onto the time after Xiao Si said he was unconscious.

The captain of the guards played the surveillance footage on his phone.

They could clearly see that a pair of guards had walked into the dungeon.

One of them looked very much like Xiao Si.

“Zoom in on this person’s face, ” Willam ordered.

The captain of the guards immediately zoomed in on that person’s face. As the image zoomed in, people could clearly see that person’s face.

“Xiao Si, that person is Xiao Si! ” The captain of the guards exclaimed, “I told you that Xiao Si must be lying. He clearly walked in by himself. “

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