May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1946

Chapter 1946

Chapter 1946: Chapter 1946 escaping marriage with a child

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“You didn’t do anything today? As far as I know, you lost Charlie, ” Lian Lian said.

She used this matter to remind Willam and distract him.

“Are you trying to tell me that I should go and catch charlie? Didn’t you take Charlie away? Isn’t it the same as catching Charlie if I catch you?

“GAIA is also in my palace, right “Now that you have disappeared, guess how chaotic they will be?

And your cousin, he should be in a hurry to look for you right now. When everyone moves, I can see everyone’s movements clearly from the high ground. I don’t even need to look for them to know where they are,”Willam said arrogantly. josei

Countless black lines slid down Lian Lian’s forehead. This was Willam’s wisdom.

Willam did not need to do anything now. He just quietly stood on the high ground and looked at all the panicking people.

Then all the hidden people would be revealed in front of him. He did not even need to look for them to know where GAIA was.

This was because GAIA would definitely look for her everywhere, and Sikong Yi would also contact GAIA. This way, Willam would save the time to look for GAIA everywhere. As long as he stood at a high place and quietly watched these people who were looking for her everywhere because they had lost her.. He would be able to find gaia easily.

“You wish. My cousin and GAIA would not be so stupid, ” she choked.

She only hoped that Sikong Yi and GAIA would not do anything. As long as they looked for him everywhere, they would expose their tracks.

But was this possible GAIA cared about him so much. If GAIA knew that she was lost, GAIA would definitely look for her.

Although she was choking, her heart was worried. She really did not know what GAIA would do.

“Aren’t you stupid? I always thought that GAIA was quite stupid. He knew that the two of us had even given birth to a child, yet he still wanted to marry you as a queen. He even gave birth to another child with me when you were the queen. He still loves you.

Lian Lian, what kind of drug did you give him To make him love you foolishly,”Willam asked.

“I also want to know why you love me foolishly. You clearly know that Gaia and I are already married. I’m the queen of the Middle East, yet you still insist on marrying me back to be the queen of Your Kingdom of Riel, ” Lian Lian questioned.

Willam’s lips pursed into a straight line. Indeed, he also foolishly loved Lian Lian, wanting to control Lian Lian by his side.

“because you and GAIA are a couple in name but not in reality. From head to toe, you are only my woman.

Of course, I want to take my own woman back to my own side. You are also the mother of my two children. Is it wrong for me to want a family reunion?”He questioned the little woman.

Lian Lian’s heart stopped. There was nothing wrong with what Gaia said. He only wanted a family reunion, but for God’s sake, what did she do wrong She just did not want to enter the palace or become a queen. She just wanted to live a normal civilian life.

Could it be that her thoughts were wrong The key was that she didn’t want to marry and have children with Willam. He and Willam were forced to have two children.

She bit down on the lobster as if she wanted to bite a man to death. She ate the lobster fiercely.

The delicious and tender meat of the lobster stirred her taste buds in her mouth.

At this time, she ignored all her anger and ate her lunch seriously. She didn’t continue to argue with Willam.

There was no point in arguing anymore. She had her reasons, and Willam had his reasons. Neither of them could convince the other, and neither could conquer the other.

In one meal, she ate all the roasted lobster, vegetable salad, and black pepper steak.

Sure enough, after all the food entered her stomach, her physical strength had recovered a lot. At least she now had the strength to move her body.

She drank all the fruit juice, and then began to digest the food in the room.

She had eaten too much food in this meal, and she was so full that she had stuffed herself.

Willam Sat Lazily on the SOFA, looking at the little woman walking around in front of him.

He was not in a hurry at all. He was like a beast in hibernation, squatting in the grass pit and watching his prey walk around in front of him. He was like God, controlling the fate of the prey. As long as he was happy, he could attack at any time But he wanted to play with his heartbeat, watching the prey in front of him with fear and trepidation.

Although Lian Lian’s expression did not show the slightest bit of fear and trepidation, he knew that the little woman’s heart must be very uneasy at this moment.

Because the little woman had never liked doing intimate things with him. Every time they were intimate, he could feel the tension in her body.

And men loved it the most when women were nervous, it could arouse their endless desire to conquer.

He looked at her patiently, as if he was admiring an oil painting.

At this moment, Sikong Yi, Gaia and Xin ba were really in a mess.

The bodyguards in Sikong Yi’s villa realized that Lian Lian had not woken up, so they did not dare to disturb her.

However, it was already noon and Lian Lian was still not up. The captain of the bodyguards had no choice but to force himself to knock on Lian Lian’s door. He wanted to ask Lian Lian if she wanted to get up for lunch, or he could send a maid to bring her lunch in.

However, the strange thing was that he knocked on the door a few times, but he did not hear Lian Lian’s voice.

He could only call out for the eldest lady loudly, wanting to wake Lian Lian Up. Because the room was too quiet, this was definitely not normal.

But it was really not normal. No matter how loudly he called out, no one in the room answered him.

But the room was locked from the inside, so he had no choice but to kick open the door.

In the empty room, where was Lian Lian’s figure Only one window was open.

The head bodyguard felt like his head was about to explode. Her eldest lady was sleeping at her house, but in the end, she lost her face.

He immediately called Sikong Yi to report the situation here.

Sikong Yi received a call from his captain of bodyguards in the palace. He immediately blew up. His cousin had actually disappeared.

According to the defense level of his villa and his cousin’s martial arts index, it was impossible for her to disappear without a trace.

He immediately informed GAIA and Xin Ba. He did not have many subordinates in this country, so he could only rely on Xin BA’s manpower to find Lian Lian.

When Xin BA heard his uncle say that his mother had disappeared, he immediately sent his guards outside the Palace to secretly look for Lian Lian.

However, Lian Lian had gone missing so thoroughly that there was no trace of Lian Lian at all.

It was as if Lian Lian had evaporated and could no longer be found.

Xin Ba immediately rushed to Sikong Yi’s small building. At this moment, Gaia was also in Sikong Yi’s small building.

“Uncle, why did my mother go missing in your villa? How useless are your bodyguards? Even my mother could not keep an eye on them, ” Xin BA shouted at Sikong Yi in a rare tone.

It was not easy for him to find his mother, but she had gone missing after only staying with him for a few days.

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