May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 2010

Chapter 2010

Chapter 2010: Chapter 2010 true and false Hubby 10

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Lian Lian looked around Chu Chu’s small building. “This is indeed a place where no one lives. Everything is scattered on the ground, as if Chu Chu ran away on her own. “

In the room in front of them, there was a pile of broken things on the ground. This scene was completely like the feeling of destroying the place one wanted to live before escaping.

“Men, search every place. See if there are any secret rooms and basements, ” Willam instructed.

Now was not the time to look for Chu Chu. They did not mind where Chu Chu was willing to run to. They only wanted to look for Xin Ba.

Willam’s men knocked the floor with their hammers. Suddenly, they found a floor that made an empty sound on the floor of the hall.

“Your Majesty, it seems that there is a secret room under this floor. The sound of this floor is very hollow, ” the guard said.

“break this floor open, ” Willam ordered.

The guards immediately smashed the floor with their hammers. Soon, the marble floor was broken open, revealing a piece of iron sheet.

They used Crowbars to pry open the iron sheet, revealing a long secret room passage under the floor.

“Your Majesty, there’s a secret chamber here, ” the guard shouted in surprise.

“quickly go down and see if my son is inside. ” Lian Lian’s tone was filled with surprise. She did not expect that she had really guessed correctly that there was a secret chamber in Chu Chu’s room.

The few guards hurriedly ran down, and Willam also ran down.

There was no one in the empty secret chamber.

“It’s empty, there’s no XIN BA here, ” Willam said.

Lian Lian also walked down. She looked at the empty secret chamber with a disappointed look in her eyes. She thought that she was going to see her son soon.

Could it be that she had guessed wrongly that the person hiding her son was not Chu Chu?

Her eyes carefully searched the entire secret room. The secret room was not big. There was only a bed, a table, and two chairs.

She walked to the side of the bed. There were obvious signs that someone had slept on this bed.

Her eyes instantly narrowed. “Look at this bedsheet. There are signs that someone used their hands to scratch the bedsheet. “

Lian Lian said.

Willam B looked at the place that Lian Lian had mentioned. There was indeed a sign that a small hand had scratched the bedsheet. Judging from the size of the mark, it was a small hand and not a big hand.

His brows furrowed into a knot. “could it be that Xin Ba really lived here? “

“Yes, Xin Ba must have lived here before. He must have deliberately grabbed the bedsheet to leave a mark for me to know that he had lived here before, ” Lian Lian said.

The trace on the bedsheet was very obvious. To be able to grab the bedsheet to such a clear fold, it needed time. It must have taken a long time to grab the bedsheet to create such a fold.

She was certain that her son had deliberately left it behind. Her hand continued to search the bed sheet and soon found another small hair.

“Look at this hair. It’s Brown. Doesn’t it look like Xin BA’s hair? ” Lian Lian continued.

Lian Lian also felt that this hair must have been left behind on purpose by her son.

“It’s easy to find out if it’s XIN BA’s hair. Take my hair and do a DNA test with him, ” said Willam B.

“Okay, I’ll take your hair for a test now, ” said Lian Lian.

“Let the imperial physician do the test, ” said Willam B.

“I’ll look for my cousin to do the test, ” Lian Lian said.

She trusted her cousin more than the imperial physician.

Willam B shrugged helplessly. “Have you never believed that I’m Willam? “

“Yes, I’ve never believed it. ” Lian Lian said and reached out to pull the hair on Willam B’s head. She took the two hairs and walked out of the secret room.

Willam B’s lips curled into a cold smile. So what if Lian Lian didn’t believe it? All the tests could prove that he was Willam.

And he was indeed Willam from another point of view.

After all, all his genes, cells, and even a single strand of hair were identical to Willam’s.

This was the so-called truth and falsehood. When he was exactly the same as the Real Willam, who could say that he wasn’t Willam?

He leisurely followed Lian Lian out of the Secret Room and didn’t stop her from looking for Sikong Yi. Lian Lian was looking for anyone to do the tests, and the results showed that he and Xin ba were father and son.

Lian Lian grabbed two strands of hair and ran to look for her cousin, Sikong Yi.

There was no sign of Sikong Yi in the living room. She immediately went to Sikong Yi’s room to look for him. However, there was no sign of Sikong Yi in the room either.

Could Sikong Yi be in the basement?

She quickly ran down to the basement and raised her hand to knock on the basement door.

“cousin, are you there? ” Lian Lian shouted.

In the basement, when Willam heard Lian Lian’s voice, all the nerves in his body tensed up. The woman he loved was only a wall away from him.

All the nerves clamored for him to rush out and hug his woman.

Sikong Yi quickly covered Willam’s mouth with a handkerchief.

At this time, he could not let Lian Lian See Willam.

He lowered his voice, “you stay here obediently. Don’t let Lian Lian Find You. “

His hand stuffed the handkerchief into Willam’s mouth fiercely.

Willam’s eyes glared fiercely at Sikong Yi. If he had not been tied to the chair, Sikong Yi would have been a cripple by now.

“I know what you’re thinking. You want to kill me. But even if you kill me, I won’t let you see my cousin. josei

If you see her now and let her know that you’re here, she’ll be in too much danger. Or let her not be sure whether that Willam B is real or not. This is the safest state for her,”Sikong Yi said.

He sealed Willam’s mouth tightly, so that Willam couldn’t make a sound. Then, he turned around and walked towards the basement door.

Willam’s gaze landed fiercely on Sikong Yi’s back. He wanted to see Lian Lian too much. He also wanted to know if their son had been found That damned Sikong Yi just refused to let him see Lian Lian.

Although he also knew that it was somewhat dangerous for Lian Lian to have him and Lian Lian together, he believed in his woman’s ability to handle these matters properly.

It was obvious that Sikong Yi’s approach was too cautious and did not consider his feelings.

Unfortunately, his hands and feet were tied and he could not even move. He could only wait for his body to recover before thinking of a way to run out and meet Lian Lian.

“Lian Lian, I’m here, ” Sikong Yi said.

As he spoke, he opened the door of the secret room and walked out. He closed the door of the secret room so that no one could see Willam in the secret room.

“cousin, quickly come and take a look at these two strands of hair. Help me do a DNA test. ” Lian Lian handed the hair to Sikong Yi.

“What’s wrong with these two strands of hair? ” Sikong Yi asked.

“One of these two strands of hair is Willam B’s. The other strand was found on Chu Chu’s bed in the secret room. I think it looks like Xin BA’s hair, but I’m not sure if this strand of hair is his. “Help me do a test, ” Lian Lian said.

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