May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 2014

Chapter 2014

Chapter 2014: Chapter 2014 true and false husband 14

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Sikong Yi listened to Willam’s words and his hands clenched into fists.

“You want to see my secret room. I’m sorry, you don’t have the right to see my secret room, ” he said.

“Sikong Yi, what are you hiding in your secret room? You actually don’t dare to let me see it? ”WillammBb asked aggressively.

“My secret room contains the secret formula and medicine that I’ve concocted. Moreover, the medicine that I’m concocting now can not be exposed to the light, nor can it be disturbed by others. Once the Air VIBRATES, the medicine that I’ve concocted will change its medicinal properties.

That’s the medicine that Lian Lian wants. If there’s a problem with the concoction of the medicine and the medicine that Lian Lian wants is not concocted, can you bear the responsibility?”Sikong Yi said.

A layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He had finally come up with a reason.

However, he did not even know how long this reason could last!

“The medicine that I’ve concocted for Lian Lian, what kind of medicine is that? ” William B asked.

“What do you know about women’s medicine? I’ve promised Lian Lian to keep it a secret. So if you want to know what kind of medicine I’ve concocted for her, you can ask her, ” Sikong Yi said.

Willam B’s expression was solemn. At this moment, he and Sikong Yi were in a stalemate. Sikong Yi said that the secret room was currently preparing medicine for Lian Lian. It was still not possible to see the light and not to have any vibrations in the air.

According to Sikong Yi, he absolutely could not break into that secret room.

Otherwise, it would be his responsibility if Lian Lian’s medicine was not successful.

But he was certain that there was absolutely no medicine being prescribed in that room and that Willam was definitely hidden in that room.

And whether he should break in and drag Willam out. If he were to drag Willam out, it would seem that his position as the head of the country would be shaken again.

And Willam would never appear in front of everyone, so he would always be the real Willam.

His lips pursed into a straight line. Unless he killed Willam, he absolutely could not forcefully barge in and let Willam expose himself in front of everyone.

His gaze shifted, and a smile appeared on his face. “since it’s the medicine prepared for Lian Lian, then you should properly prepare the medicine for her.

“When will you be able to prepare the medicine? “

“I still need it. I think it’ll take another two days. ” Sikong Yi randomly made up a number of days.

“Alright, I’ll see what medicine you’ve prepared for Lian Lian in two days. ” Willam waved his hand and led his men away from Sikong Yi’s small building.

Bai Zhu was also thrown aside by Willam’s guards.

He rolled on the ground tied up. “Master, hurry up and untie my rope. It’s strangling me to death. “

Sikong Yi walked over and untied the rope on Bai Zhu’s body. “Good Lad, you’re smart this time. You knew to call me. “

His back was covered in a layer of cold sweat. If it wasn’t for Bai Zhu secretly calling him, he wouldn’t have known that Willam had broken into his small building and was about to blow up the secret room.

When he returned, he saw the guard standing in the hall, holding the remote control of the rubber bomb in his hand.

In a moment of desperation, he kicked a stone on the ground, broke through the glass and hit the guard who pressed the remote control.

Because at that time, it was already too late to wait for him to break in and stop Willam.

Fortunately, he hurriedly ran back when he received Bai Zhu’s call. Otherwise, Willam would have already ascended to heaven by now.

“thank you for your praise, master. I didn’t expect to call you, ” Bai Zhu said.

He really wasn’t confident that he could call you even if he did it blindly.

“Get up quickly and remove all the bombs on the door of the secret room, ” he ordered Bai Zhu.

Bai Zhu immediately got up from the ground and ran down to the basement to remove the bombs on the door of the basement.

Lian Lian ran into the door, “cousin, what happened? You ran back like a wisp of smoke. “ josei

“nothing, nothing. I just remembered that I forgot to bring something, so I ran back to get it, ” Sikong Yi said quickly.

He and Lian Lian were together. His phone rang with music. When he saw that it was Bai Zhu’s phone, he immediately picked it up. There was no sound of Bai Zhu’s voice on the phone, but there were sounds of Bai Zhu and Willam B arguing.

He understood the situation through the conversation between Willam B and Bai Zhu. He knew that Willam B was going to blow up the secret room.

So he ran back to save Willam. However, he did not tell Lian Lian the whole thing. At that time, he did not have the time to say these things.

At this time, he did not want to tell Lian Lian about this. He did not want to tell Lian Lian that Willam was in his secret room.

Lian Lian listened to Sikong Yi’s explanation in surprise. Her mind replayed the anxious look of Sikong Yi just now. It was definitely not because he had forgotten something.

It was as if the house was on fire or someone was about to die.

“cousin, what did you forget to bring? Why did you run back to get it in such a hurry? ” She asked.

“I forgot to bring... ... I forgot to bring my amulet . . Yes, I forgot to bring my amulet. You know that amulets are very important to a person. We have to search so many places with Xin Ba. There will definitely be danger. If I don’t bring my amulet, if I die an unnatural death, then this matter will be very serious ...

My mother read my fortune and said that I would have a bloody calamity this month, so I must bring my amulet.

I just suddenly remembered that my amulet was left in my room, so I ran back to get it.

Now that everything is fine, let’s continue to look for Xin Ba. Let’s go quickly.”He grabbed Lian Lian’s hand and was about to bring Lian Lian out of his small building.

As long as he took Lian Lian Away, today’s matter would be over. Whether it was Willam B or Lian Lian, they would all be dealt with by him.

However, Lian Lian shook off Sikong Yi’s arm. “So you left the amulet at home. What kind of Amulet, can you show it to me? “

She didn’t believe her cousin’s words. Since when did her cousin believe in amulets?

In her cousin’s eyes, her cousin believed in his own medical skills the most.

“This, this amulet, this thing. Of course, it’s carried around with me. Moreover, my mother said that it can’t be shown to others, otherwise, it won’t work. ” Sikong Yi used a reason to implicate his mother.

“Is that so? You can’t show it to anyone yet? Then I’ll call my aunt right now and ask her what kind of amulet she can not show it to me. ” Lian Lian said as she took out her phone to call Chuxia’s number.

Sikong Yi grabbed Lian Lian Lian’s hand and said, “My mother is probably sleeping at this time. Don’t forget that there’s a time difference between our two countries.

Old People don’t sleep well. If you disturb her so late at night, she’ll have insomnia again.

“Why don’t you call her at night and ask her? That way, it’ll be daytime at her place. “

He hurriedly told Lian Lian that he should at least give him some time to collude with his mother.

“I forgot that it’s night in our country now. My aunt needs to sleep, ” Lian Lian said.

“That’s right, that’s right. Call her at night and ask what kind of amulet she has, ” Sikong Yi said.

Actually, there was no need to wait until night. She could show Lian Lian something like a jade Buddha or a golden lock later and it would be considered as passing the test.

Just as they were talking, Bai Zhu walked up and said, “master, I’ve removed all the bombs. “

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