May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

Chapter 440: Chapter 440 could not escape from his hands

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Qin Sheng looked at the speedboats. The flags on the boats were of the United Nations forces.

She was surprised. If the Coast Guard was coming, why would the United Nations forces come?

As the speedboats surrounded the small boats, wooden planks were placed on the deck of the speedboats and small boats. From the speedboats, a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms rushed onto the small boats.

“Black Eight! RELEASE THIS WOMAN! ” A leading man said.

Everyone aimed their guns at black eight.

Black eight’s hand controlled Qin Sheng to step back. “Get out of my way, or I’ll kill this woman. Give me a speedboat, I want to take her away. When I’m safe, I’ll let her go! ”

“Hehe, black eight, do you really think we can let you take her away when we’re here? ”

“Hahaha, I, black eight, have been in this world for so many years. I would have earned my life many years ago. At worst, I’ll just die together with this girl To be able to alarm the general’s woman, this girl is really precious I think your general must not let anyone die!”BLACK EIGHT SAID!

Qin Sheng’s mind was in a mess. General What General Who was that person?

This thought flashed through her mind, but she did not have time to think about it.

Oh my God, it was true that she had to think of a way to escape!

At this moment, both sides were in a standoff. Qin Sheng could see that the man in camouflage was persuaded by Black Eight. Clearly, that general did not want her to die!

However, the result of such a standoff would only be that they would give black eight a speedboat and let him take her away!

She could not be taken away by black eight. If she was taken away by him, she would not be able to live!

Her eyes narrowed and a sharp glint flashed across her eyes. Meng ran raised her foot and stepped on the man’s foot. The Iron Rod in her hand, which had not been thrown away, was thrown at the man behind her.

She did not believe that he would dare to kill her. If he were to kill her now, he would really be courting death!

Black eight was completely unprepared for the woman’s trick. He had just placed his attention on his foot and wanted to dodge when the iron rod whistled towards his head.

He ducked his head and dodged the Iron Rod. His big hand grabbed Qin Sheng’s neck. He really did not dare to kill her now. If he killed her now, he would really be beaten to death by these people!

“B * Tch, go to Hell! ” His hand suddenly tightened and grabbed the woman’s throat. He hit the woman’s Temple with his pistol just to knock her unconscious!

The soldiers in front of them aimed their guns at black eight and Qin Sheng, but they did not dare to shoot. They were afraid that the two people who were fighting would accidentally hurt Qin Sheng. josei

Suddenly, a gunshot sounded behind Qin Sheng and black eight. Black eight rolled his eyes and fell to the ground like a sandbag. Qin Sheng’s temple was hit by black eight. Her vision turned black and she fell toward the deck.

She tried hard to wake up and forced her eyes open. The scene in front of her was like a snowflake. Everything was blurry. In this blur, she saw the tall figure of a man walking toward her step by step.

She would never mistake his face, Gong Mochen Her heart was screaming, and she wanted to run to the man’s arms!

The man’s gun was pointed at Black Eight. She knew that he was the one who saved her at the most critical moment!

However, her mind was still shrouded in darkness and fell into darkness.

“General Nan Gong, BLACK EIGHT IS DEAD! ” The soldier who had been confronting black eight said.

“Lei Huo, did you take the wrong medicine? I don’t care if black eight is awake or not. Let me see how Qin Sheng is. ” Nangong Mochen ordered.

Lei Huo’s finger tested Qin Sheng’s breath. “General, she is still alive. She just fainted! ”

“Yes, take her to our speedboat! ” Nangong Mochen ordered.

He surrounded black eight with his men, but he was smart enough to hide behind black eight. Fortunately, this woman was smart enough to provoke black eight. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have found the opportunity to kill black eight!

Lei Huo carried Qin Sheng on his back and jumped onto their speedboat. “General, after we take care of this black eight, can we go to the United Nations to collect the reward? ”

“Yes, take a photo and send it to the headquarters. Ask them to transfer the reward to me, ” Nangong Mochen said.

“What about this woman? Should we send her back to H nation? ” Lei Huo asked.

“No, send her to Zonghuang, ” Nangong Mochen ordered.

Lei Huo’s lips curled into an ambiguous smile. “Tsk Tsk, Zonghuang, general, it’s been a long time since you’ve taken us to play! ”

“Don’t worry, I still have a mission. Once I complete this mission, I can return to Zunhuang at the same time! ” Nangong Mochen said.

Zunhuang was a luxurious giant ship. It sailed on the high seas and never stopped at any country. This was because this ship was a paradise for all the rich. That place was like a wandering paradise.

There were all kinds of gambling businesses on the ship. The rich could gamble freely, and there were also beauties and celebrities from various countries. Many big stars used the opportunity to serve their guests at Zunhuang as their buying point because this place served the world’s top rich.

Of course, because many businesses here were not allowed by various countries, Zonghuang could only sail on the high seas and could not enter the territorial waters of any country.

And if these rich people wanted to go to Zonghuang, they would have to fly their own private planes or their own private yachts to Zonghuang.

“Alright! General, let’s hurry up and carry out the mission! ” Lei Huo said.

Nangong mochen looked at Lei Huo as he placed Qin Sheng on the ship. He sat beside Qin Sheng and his gaze landed on Qin Sheng’s wrists and fingers. He frowned. He did not understand why this woman was so torturous. She should just wait for her death.. That way, he would not have to go through so much trouble to save her!

He raised the woman’s wrist and looked at it carefully, as if he was studying her wound.

Soon, Lei Huo drove the speedboat to the side of the Zun Huang ship. They were going to climb up the escalator and board the ship.

Nangong Mochen put a mask of an eagle on his face.

Lei Huo was about to carry Qin Sheng when Nangong Mochen raised his hand to block him.

Nangong mochen carried Qin Sheng on his back. A set of safety ropes tied her to his back. His strong arms grabbed the rope of the escalator and climbed up the escalator onto the ship.

The people on the ship knew who it was when they saw the speedboat. The man was wearing an eagle mask, which was a symbol of his identity!

“General Eagle, you’re here. I’ll inform the captain right away, ” said the sailor.

Nangong mochen nodded. “bring me the first aid kit first. This woman is injured. ”

“Yes, ” said the sailor.

Nangong Mochen walked to his presidential suite with ease. The luxurious crystal lamp shone with a gentle luster. He put the woman on the snow-white bed. Her fair skin matched the white bed perfectly. Her black hair was scattered on the bed Her curly eyelashes, long eyelids, and red lips all hooked the man’s mind. The wound on her hand was shocking to look at.

Nangong Mochen’s eyes were tightly focused on Qin Sheng’s small face. A deep blue light flashed in the depths of his eyes... ...

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