May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 444

Chapter 444

Chapter 444: Chapter 444 could not escape his grasp

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Xiao Tao shook her head. “No, I changed your clothes for you. What’s wrong? ”

Qin Sheng finally heaved a sigh of relief. It was a good thing that she was not exposed. She stood up and walked towards the table, her stomach growling.

Her appetite had been very strange recently. She could not even eat a mouthful of food that she wanted to throw up, or she was so hungry that she wanted to eat for two!

She would eat first and then think of a way to escape after she finished eating.

She finished all the food on the plate in one meal. She had to admit that the food was really delicious. The skills of the chef matched perfectly with the luxury here.

She wiped her mouth with a Napkin. “after dinner, can I go out for a walk? It’s too boring to stay in the room all the time. ”

“Well, you’re the girl who’s going to be auctioned. It’s not convenient for you to show up now, ” Xiao Tao said.

“Is it not convenient for you to show up, or can’t you walk out of this room? Why don’t you ask the captain? I want to take a walk on the ship, is that okay? ” Qin Sheng said.

She had been here since she opened her eyes. She had no idea what was going on outside. Even if she ran first, she had to observe the terrain first.

Xiao Tao was in a difficult position. She paused for a moment and nodded. After all, this woman was brought by Admiral Flying Eagle, and the captain seemed to value her very much.

“Wait a moment, I’ll go and report. Whether I can take you out depends on the captain, ” she said.

“Okay, I’ll have to trouble you, ” Qin Sheng said.

Xiao Tao walked out of the room quickly and went to ask the captain.

Time passed much faster than Qin Sheng thought. Xiao Tao returned to the room and excitedly told her that the captain allowed her to go out, but she had to wear a mask and a veil.

This was the rule here. The woman being auctioned would not show her true face. Even if she was auctioned off, she would only be said to be the daughter of a tycoon or a big shot, but her real name would not be mentioned.

If she wanted to ask for her real name, she would slowly ask in bed at night. If they were willing to tell each other their names, she could tell them herself. josei

Qin Sheng put on a white cat mask and covered her head with a white scarf, covering her entire face. The only eyes that could be seen were also covered by the white cat mask. It was completely impossible to tell who she was.

She followed Xiao Tao out of the Presidential Suite, followed by a group of bodyguards on her left and right. It was as if she was a princess on a trip.

Qin Sheng walked in the carpet-covered corridor and looked at the bodyguards beside her. She forced a smile. No wonder the captain asked her to come out. Did he want to use this method to make her give up the idea of escaping?

Walking out of the corridor of the presidential suite, one could see the hall on the first floor. There were many wealthy young masters sitting in the bustling hall. Everyone was drinking while being intimate with beautiful women. They could also enjoy the explosive pole dance on the stage.

The hall on the second floor was filled with all kinds of gambling equipment and single rooms.

Qin Sheng’s gaze was focused on the faces of those wealthy young masters. She had seen some of them before, but she had not seen some of them before. However, none of them were familiar enough to inform that person and help her to tell Gong Mochen that she was here!

Suddenly, her gaze was attracted by the figure of a man. Du Can!

Her eyes were wide open. She did not expect Du can to be playing with women here!

It was also because no one was drunk. Du Can and Yan Miao’s engagement had caused Du can to play with other women every day. Yan Miao had all kinds of quarrels with mistresses and all kinds of demands to break off the engagement. In the end, Du can was smart enough to come here and play with women!

She sighed softly. This was a really good place. Yan Miao wouldn’t even be able to find it!

Her slender figure was wearing a wide white dress. The white dress fluttered in the wind under her feet. She didn’t need to look at her face. Just her temperament and figure alone was enough to attract the attention of all men.

Du Can sat in the hall on the first floor. When he looked up, he saw a figure walking past from the third floor.

“D * MN, what a beautiful symbol. Isn’t this place not for female guests? Where did these women come from? ” He asked the woman next to him.

The little celebrity glanced at him. “Why are there female guests here? Aren’t they all here to sell? They just have a more elegant appearance and have fooled you greedy men! ”

She said unwillingly. It was very unfair to treat these little celebrity models and women of special professions here. The guests would spend their wallets, but the majority of the money they transferred would go to the captain.

Moreover, they didn’t care about food and lodging. If they had the ability, they could quickly get a man to stay in a man’s room and let the man take care of their food and drinks.

However, it was different for these women who were being auctioned off. The food was the best, the living was the best, and of course, the auction price was also the best.

It was because they were clean and not engaged in their kind of work.

She was not satisfied with this. Why were the women auctioned off so noble They were just born in the wrong place and did not have a good father!

“Haha, are you jealous? Don’t worry, but any woman is the same to me. I will definitely treat all women equally in bed! ” Du Can’s hand pinched the woman’s face.

“Du can, this girl, it is said that the whole family is the CEO. I heard that her identity is not bad. Are you interested in taking her? ” A rich young master sitting next to DU can said.

“So what if the whole family is the CEO? Isn’t it the same if the woman lies in bed? However, this girl’s figure is not bad and meets my requirements. Tomorrow, she will be auctioned. COUNT ME IN! Luo Zhi, do you want it? ” Du Can said

“It just so happens that I also want it. Why don’t we do it together tomorrow? Here, the highest bidder gets it. No matter how many people have sex, it’s okay. ” Luo Zhi introduced the rules.

“Is that so? That’s interesting. Why don’t you find a few more people? We can do it together and save money on electricity. ” Du Can said.

Luo Zhi smiled knowingly. “that’s what I mean too. The women auctioned here are worth tens of millions or billions in a night. It’s really a waste. I sold women in the black triangle for hundreds of millions. I don’t even know how many I bought. ”

“Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. You go and contact them. We’ll do it together. ” Du Can said.

The woman next to him pouted. “Master Du, YOU’RE so bad! Be careful not to scare the young lady! ”

“Little B * Tch, don’t eat sweet and crispy food. Why don’t you come tonight? ” Du Can’s hand pinched the woman’s body.

“I don’t want it. You Guys Have Fun Tomorrow Night! ” The woman’s eyes looked at the woman in the white dress who was walking over. Why did this woman’s eyes look so familiar and annoying to her?

However, she couldn’t recognize who it was just by looking at her two eyes.

Qin Sheng followed Xiao Tao down the first floor to the hall. She had been staring at Du can from the corner of her eyes. Unfortunately, she was surrounded by bodyguards and couldn’t get close to DU can. As long as she spoke to Du can, she knew that Gong Mochen would rush over to save her!

She felt the gaze on her. She followed the Gaze and looked over. The face under the mask was filled with shock. Why was she here?

Her heart sank. Why was this woman with Du can?

And she actually ran up to Zunhuang. No Wonder Gong Mochen could not find this woman no matter how hard he tried, and she ran away... ...

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