May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 661

Chapter 661

Chapter 661: Chapter 661 real and fake husbands 1

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Du Can curled his lips and said unhurriedly, “my idea is that you take both men in! How about it? Is this a good idea? I guarantee that the two of them won’t fight anymore! ”

Chuxia’s eyes were wide open. “One wife and two husbands? This is so cool! I agree with the 360-degree ‘H’ in the bed! ”

Qin Sheng almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Did this Chuxia dare to tarnish her reputation again?

“If you have the ability, take both Sikong Jue and Ming Tai in! ” She retorted.

Chuxia laughed, “I’m a girl, how can I have the guts? Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, these two are a little too strong. If this goes on for an entire night, I’m afraid your life will be over! ”

Sikong jue was willing to let her take them Her heart was cold, but she kept all her thoughts to herself. No one knew her secret.

She loved Sikong Jue to the extreme and hated him to the extreme.

In the next moment, her hands clenched into fists. Even if Sikong jue kneeled down and begged her to return to his side, she would not give this man another chance!

She had been hurt enough by him. Her heart was dead. She would never hurt this man again!

At this moment, Qin Sheng only wanted to hit the wall. was she worried about the strength?

“I don’t want two men. My husband is only Gong Mochen! ”

“I know, but now that the two of them are fighting like this, if you insist on having only one man, I think they can kill one of them! Aren’t you afraid that you will accidentally hurt the Real Gong Mochen? ” Chu Xia said.

Chu Xia’s words hit the bottom of Qin Sheng’s heart. She was afraid of this.

“But, but, I can’t have two men! ” Qin Sheng stammered.

She couldn’t accept this.

“Hey! Are you stupid? Go home and take your pick! Just don’t hurt one of them! ” Chu Xia gave Qin Sheng an idea.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips into a straight line and looked up at the two men who were fighting passionately. One of them was punching the other in the face. She hurriedly shouted, “if it’s my uncle’s, then stop. Otherwise, it’s fake! ”

Decisively, as soon as she said that, the two men stopped.

Nangong MOCHEN’s face was in pain. He did not expect that he was still slightly weaker than his brother. He had been hit in the face by Gong Mochen!

The veins on Gong Mochen’s fist were popping out. He had almost beaten up Nangong Mochen!

Qin Sheng finally heaved a sigh of relief. She took a few steps towards the two opposing men. “I can’t tell which one of you is the real uncle now. Both of you come home with me. As time passes, I will definitely be able to tell which one is the real one. ”

Her eyes flashed with a sharp gaze. No one knew what she was thinking. She already had a way to distinguish between the two men. It was Lian Lian Lian!

Lian Lian was Gong Mochen’s biological daughter. Using Lian Lian’s hair, it could be determined that the man was Gong Mochen!

However, she could not say this now. After all, in everyone’s eyes, Lian Lian was Li Ang’s daughter. Moreover, one of the men was general feiying.

She would not forget how general feiying treated her on the gambling boat. She could not say, or else if he knew, Lian Lian would be in danger. Moreover, she was also worried that general feiying would tamper with the results of the test.

She had to do this secretly.

“No! ” The two men said in unison.

Gong Mochen naturally would not agree to let Qin Sheng and Nangong Mochen be under the same roof. Nangong Mochen naturally would not agree to take his time to choose. After all, he was afraid that Qin Sheng would really be able to tell the difference after a long time!

Qin Sheng crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at the two men calmly.

“those who feel that it is not possible can leave. The one who will stay is the Real Gong Mochen! ”

She had no freaking way out. Who would want to live under the same roof as the two men?

Gong Mochen and Nangong Mochen looked at each other for a long time, but no one said a word.

Qin Sheng looked at the two people who were almost standing like statues and rolled her eyes. “Both of you don’t agree? Then I’m leaving! ”

She turned around and left without looking at the man behind her!

“I agree! ” The two men said. josei

Gong Mochen wouldn’t let Qin Sheng leave. He had waited for five years, but he had only reunited with the little woman once. How could he let her leave.

Nangong Mochen could only agree. He had to get Qin Sheng and become the real Gong Mochen!

Qin Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the two men were obedient.

“Alright, it’s decided then. We’ll live in the villa together until I can tell which one of you is Gong Mochen. During this period, you’re not allowed to fight anymore! ”

“Alright, I agree, ” said Nangong Mochen.

“If he dares to touch you, this rule doesn’t count! ” Said Gong Mochen.

Nangong Mochen also realized that there was still this problem. “right, you’re not allowed to touch her either. Otherwise, don’t blame ME FOR BEING RUDE! ”

Qin Sheng’s lips curved into a smile. “Alright, I’ll listen to you guys on this one. ”

Suddenly, she realized that it was not bad to have two men supervising each other. At least she was absolutely safe now and did not have to worry about being violated by anyone.

Chu Xia clapped her hands. “congratulations, CEO Qin, for bringing a beautiful man home! ”

In an instant, under her guidance, the women applauded and celebrated. It was simply too exhilarating. Bringing two beautiful men home at once and giving them one at a time would make them wake up from their laughter!

Qin Sheng’s forehead was streaked with black lines. She was speechless. Why did she bring a beautiful man home?

However, this news was released at the same time. It instantly became the most popular news in the world!

When Qin Sheng saw the news, she was following two men on her left and right. She was toasting the entire banquet hall. The atmosphere was as if she had married two men.

She forced a smile on her face. She just wanted to get through the banquet as soon as possible so that she could fix the two men’s hair. It was easier to divide the two men now because one of them had a bruise on his face.

Her mind flashed with her own plan, thinking about how to get the hair of the men.

In the banquet hall, the sound of a woman fighting suddenly came out, interrupting her thoughts.

“Vixen, you’re bullying me. I think you’re courting death! ” Yan Miao slapped Yan Fei’s face.

She was wearing a wolf costume. On her beautiful evening dress, there was wine spilled by Yan Fei. She had only worn a limited edition evening dress once, and it had cost her millions!

Tears rolled down Yan Fei’s eyes. “I’m sorry, sister Yan Miao. I didn’t do it on purpose. I’ll wipe it for you. Otherwise, I’ll accompany you in your evening dress! ”

As she spoke, she squatted down to wipe the wine stains on Yan Miao’s body.

Yan Miao took advantage of the moment when Yan Fei squatted down and kicked Yan Fei’s lower abdomen. “Get lost. Do you think that I’ll forgive you just like that? You’re not even worthy to carry my shoes!

A vixen who’s been ridden by tens of thousands of people. Do you think that you don’t know your background You’re just a woman who sleeps with men in a hotel!”

She could not vent her anger and ridiculed Yan Fei’s identity. She raised her head proudly. She was the daughter of a real estate tycoon. With Yan Fei’s identity, how could she compare to her?

However, Yan Fei, who was kicked to the ground, had a pitiful look on her face. She instantly won everyone’s sympathy. “Sister Yan Miao, I’ve already admitted my mistake. You can’t bully me like this. ”

“bully you? You stole my husband, and you’re still pretending to be pitiful! ” Yan Miao’s round palm hit Yan Fei’s face. She hated Yan Fei’s pitiful and seductive look the most!

Everyone looked at the two women with interest. A good show of a real wife hitting a mistress was about to begin... ...

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