May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Chapter 713: Chapter 713 must have children

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

The two of them looked extremely awkward. They did not know what to say.

Shen Tong took the medicine and walked towards Qin Sheng. “This is the medicine I made for you. ”

“thank you. I’ll drink this medicine later. I just drank the medicine that Nangong Mochen gave me, ” Qin Sheng said with a frown.

Why did she have to force her? Both of them were Chinese medicine. She was most afraid of taking Chinese medicine.

“You have to take it now. It was sent to you at the right time. That way, the two medicines will have the greatest effect, ” Sikong Jue said.

“Ah? You still want to drink it? ” Qin Sheng saw the black medicinal soup in the glass jar and almost spat out the last one.

“If you don’t want to leave any side effects, drink it quickly. I’ll ask the doctor about your condition and prepare the medicine for you. ” Sikong Jue’s eyes glanced at Chu Xia again before he left the room.

Fortunately, he could see her one last time since she came here.

His heart was cold and bitter. The pain engulfed her heart.

Chu Xia stood up. “I’ll feed you the medicine. ”

“No need. I can feed Qin Sheng the medicine, ” Shen Tong said. She hugged the medicine jar tightly and did not give it to Chu Xia.

Chu Xia withdrew her hand awkwardly. It was obvious that Shen Tong was trying to chase her away.

“Then, then I’ll leave first. Qin Sheng, I’ve brought Jian Jian back to the country. We can video call when we get home, ” she said to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng had woken up. She should fulfill what she had said to Ming Tai and leave H nation forever. josei

Qin Sheng waved at Chu Xia. “have a safe trip. ”

The distance between them was indeed not considered a distance anymore. Even though they were separated by the ocean, the video call on her phone was still right in front of her eyes. It saved her from the sadness of parting.

She watched Chu Xia walk out of the room before turning to look at Shen Tong.

Shen Tong had already poured the medicine for her and brought it to her mouth. “You must drink this. Drink every drop. Brother Jue brewed this medicine for an entire night yesterday. ”

Qin Sheng took a deep breath and treated it as drinking her own life. In order to save her life, she could only sacrifice her tongue!

A Cup of medicine was poured into her stomach. It was indescribably horrible.

“Sikong jue brewed medicine for me for an entire night yesterday? ” She asked.

“Yes, do you doubt what I said? ” Shen Tong asked.

“I don’t doubt what you said. I want to ask, why is Sikong Jue Reeking of alcohol? I’ve never kissed Sikong Jue and smelled alcohol on him, ” said Qin Sheng.

Shen Tong’s heart skipped a beat. Sikong jue had drunk an entire night of alcohol. She could not count the number of bottles in his room.

She thought of the man who was covered in wounds the night before. Her eyes dimmed. She had a clear idea of how much Chu Xia and Jian Jian meant to this man.

Sikong Jue’s life was about to end when Chu Xia and Jian Jian left.

“He... he was in a bad mood and drank some wine. ”

“then why was he in a bad mood? ” Qin Sheng continued to ask.

“Ah? ” Shen Tong pursed her lips into a straight line. “because... Qin Sheng, what are you trying to say? ”

She suddenly realized that Qin Sheng’s words were not right.

“I just want to ask, why is Sikong Jue in a bad mood? Is it because the woman and son he loves are leaving, and he can only stay with a woman who doesn’t love him? ” Qin Sheng said bluntly.

This time, she had a narrow escape. She understood one thing. A person only had one lifetime. She had to live in the present, and she could not let herself have any regrets, especially feelings.

Even if Sikong Jue and Chuxia were destined not to be together, she did not want Sikong Jue to be trapped in a besieged city that he could not walk out of. In fact, this was not good for Shen Tong or Sikong Jue.

If Shen Tong could let go, Sikong Jue could start a new relationship without Chuxia. If Shen Tong let go of a man who did not love her, wouldn’t she be able to find a man who loved her?

However, Qin Sheng’s words stabbed into Shen Tong’s heart like a knife.

“Are you saying that I have interfered with Chuxia and Sikong Jue? ” She asked.

“I don’t mean anything. I’m only asking you. Are you really happy when you see Sikong Jue like this? ” Qin Sheng continued to ask.

Shen Tong held her anger in her chest. Happy If Sikong Jue did not love her, how could she be happy?

If Sikong Jue was not happy, she could not be happy either!

“I, I just want to live a peaceful life with my senior brother! ” She shouted angrily.

She only had one wish, what was wrong with her?

“But is this life what your senior brother wants Your father died early. He raised you, took care of you, and took care of you. You were sick, and he tried his best to treat you. In the end, he wanted to take care of you for the rest of your life, whether he was willing or not,”Qin Sheng said.

“Brother Jue loves me very much. He loves me! ” Shen Tong said stubbornly.

“He loves you, but he never touches you, nor does he marry you? Shen Tong, I don’t mean anything by it. I just hope that you can think clearly about how you want to make Sikong jue happy. If you really love him, shouldn’t you make him happy? ”SaiddQinnShengg.

Shen Tong clenched her fists. She naturally wanted to make Sikong jue happy, but she was not in his happiness!

She had never thought about it before. If she really loved him, shouldn’t she make Sikong Jue happy?

She turned around and walked out of the ward. She walked mechanically like a robot without a mind.

Qin Sheng did not call Shen Tong. Many things had to be thought through by the person involved. Otherwise, no one would be able to say anything.


At Chu Xia’s home, Chu Xia and Ming Tai were pulling their luggage and bringing their two children. Just as they were about to leave, someone knocked on the door.

“Who is it? ” Chu Xia was surprised. They did not know many people in h nation. The person they were most familiar with was in the hospital. Who else would be looking for them?

She opened the door and did not expect to see Shen Tong.

“Shen Tong? Why are you looking for me? We, we are leaving right now. ” Chuxia’s first reaction was that Shen Tong was monitoring whether she and Jian Jian had left or not.

Shen Tong’s gaze was a little stiff. She pushed Chuxia away and went straight to Jian Jian. She Hugged Jian Jian. “Jian Jian can not leave! I WANT TO BRING HIM BACK! ”

Since Sikong Jue could not let Chuxia and Jian Jian go, then she would bring Jian Jian back. Would that mean that she and Sikong Jue could return to their previous lives?

“You want to Take Jian Jian away? Why do you have the right to take Jian Jian away? Jian Jian is my son! ” Chuxia was stunned. She had finally made a deal with Sikong Jue and returned Jian Jian to her, but Shen Tong came to ask for Jian Jian again.

“Jian Jian is also brother Jue’s child, isn’t he? Why can’t brother Jue Raise Jian Jian? You already have a daughter with Ming Tai, can’t you just leave Jian Jian to brother jue? Can you consider it as me begging you? ” Shen Tong said.

Chuxia sneered, “it was that bastard Sikong Jue who asked you to Snatch Jian Jian away? That bastard, he promised and still wants to go back on his word? I won’t give Jian Jian to him! ”

She walked over and held Jian Jian’s hand as she spoke.

Jian Jian turned around and shook off Shen Tong’s hand, saying, “Tong Tong, I won’t be with that SMELLY old man! Go back and tell him that I hate him! MOM, let’s go! ”

Seeing that Chu Xia and Jian Jian were about to leave, Shen Tong turned to look at Chu Chu.

She rushed towards Chu Chu and hugged her in her arms, pressing a dagger against Chu Chu’s neck. “If you don’t return brother Jue’s child to brother Jue, I’ll kill you and Ming Tai’s child! ”

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