May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 816

Chapter 816

Chapter 816: Chapter 816 chasing her back 6

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“Do you know how to act? Get lost, your image and temperament do not meet the requirements of the show. If she is allowed to act with me, I will quit! ” Willam said harshly.

Chu Chu shut her mouth, feeling wronged. Big Tears rolled down her face. josei

Chu Xia could not stand her daughter’s sadness. She quickly held her daughter in her arms and took her away. Ming Tai followed her to coax the little princess.

“Chu Chu, don’t be sad. It’s always like this for the first time. Daddy will find many opportunities for you to act in the future and let you be a big star! ” Ming Tai said.

“Yes, your daddy has already agreed. Don’t cry anymore. If you cry again, Mommy will feel sorry for you. ” Chu Xia couldn’t stand her own children being wronged the most.

Because it was really not easy for these two children to survive. They had almost died from birth. How could she bear to let them be a little unhappy?

Especially her daughter. She cared more about her, and in the end, she spoiled her daughter into a willful character.

“No, I want my prince. ” Chu Chu cried out.

“Chu Chu, there are many princes. William is not the only one. ” Chu Xia said to her daughter. This Willam was simply her daughter’s Voodoo.

“But I like him! Mommy, am I really fat? Am I ugly? ” Chu Chu cried

“No, you are daddy’s little angel. DADDY LOVES YOU! ” Ming Tai could not stand the child he raised and suffered such a blow.

“Daddy, you are lying! ” Chu Chu said.

“Daddy is not lying. In the future, when you grow up, Daddy will introduce you to a fitness trainer to help you lose weight! ” Ming Tai knew that he loved Chu Chu very much. That was why he felt that Chu Chu was good at everything.

“I want to lose weight now, ” said Chu Chu.

“How can you do that now? You’re still young and your body is more important. Don’t you want to grow taller? ” Chu Xia had a headache when she heard about losing weight. How could she bear to let her daughter starve? She usually did not eat sweets or junk food.

Chu Chu’s eyes turned. “I want to find my daddy and ask him to prescribe me weight loss pills. I lost weight after eating them! ”

“Ah? ” Chu Xia was really confused. She did not expect such a young child to come up with such an idea

Just to ask her to look for Sikong Jue The thought of Sikong Jue gave her a headache. She wanted to drink medicine from Sikong jue every day now. She did not know if the medicine was real or not. It could prevent pregnancy!

“Alright, I’ll bring you to your daddy after mommy gets off work, ” said Chu Xia.

No matter how chaotic Chu Xia and Chu Chu’s place was, there was no little female lead in the filming location. The boss also told them who the new little female lead was. The director could only wait for a while.

Chu Chu Hugged Xin BA and stood in front of the bright window. The sunlight enveloped her, making her look like an angel doted on by the heavens.

Willam walked step by step to Lian Lian’s side. “Can I bring you out to play? ”

Lian Lian turned to look at the boy. Her cold and arrogant eyes flashed with a sharp gaze. The disdain was emitted from her bones.

“Not good. Don’t Pester me! Otherwise, I’ll have my daddy throw you out! ” The cold words escaped from the corner of her lips. Her Small Chin was raised.

Willam’s gaze was fixed on the girl in front of him. It was as if he did not hear the girl’s dissatisfaction. He just stared at her like he was protecting some rare treasure.

He slowly lowered his head and gently kissed the girl’s forehead. That deep love and attachment was emitted from deep within his bones.

Lian Lian raised her hand and slapped the boy’s face. It was crisp and loud.

“Cut! ” Willam called out and restrained all his emotions. The coldness that could kill anyone shot out from the bottom of his eyes.

He turned to look at the director. “How was it? Was it a pass? ”

“A pass! A PASS! The shooting was too good! You Brat, you know how to pick people. It completely met my requirements. No, it completely exceeded my requirements. It was too perfect. Why did it go down? ” The director ridiculed.

Willam had secretly told him to give him a test shoot. He was sure that he would be shocked. He had nothing better to do, so he agreed to Willam’s request. The result was beyond his imagination.

“I didn’t tell Lian Lian about the following scenes. She doesn’t know the lines, ” Willam said.

With his and Lian Lian’s state, this scene was a true portrayal of them. There was no need for any lines or acting. As long as their true feelings were revealed, it would be fine.

But the following scenes were different.

“What scenes? ” Lian Lian heard Willam’s words and walked over to ask the director.

“Lian Lian, do you want to film? I guarantee that you will become a child star! ” The director said.

“I don’t want to become a child star. I don’t want to act with Willam! ” Lian Lian immediately objected.

Qin Sheng brought back Chu Chu, who had been comforted by her. She had used the female lead of two movies to get Chu Chu to stop crying. However, the male lead of those two movies had yet to be decided. It might not be Willam, so Chu Chu was still throwing a Tantrum!

“What acting? Director, you want Lian Lian to act? ” Qin Sheng was surprised.

“That’s right, CEO Qin. Look at what I just shot. My performance was really perfect. I didn’t add a slap scene, but Lian Lian added it herself. She’s too promising. Train this child well. She’ll definitely be a big star! ” The director said.

Qin Sheng felt a headache coming on. “I don’t want my daughter to act. I think we should find someone else. I’ve talked to the talent scout and asked them to find a suitable little girl immediately! ”

“Is there anyone more suitable than Lian Lian? I don’t think so. Besides, my schedule is very tight and I don’t have time to wait for you to find someone. Finding the right person isn’t something that can be found in a day or two, ” Willam said.

The director nodded. “Yes, Willam is right. It’s not that easy to find a suitable person. I think we should let Lian Lian Act, and there aren’t many scenes. If CEO Qin doesn’t like Lian Lian acting, we WON’T DO IT AGAIN! We’ll only act in this one! ”

Chu Xia looked at the finished film. “Lian Lian’s acting is really good. Qin Sheng, I think we should let Lian Lian Act. She and Willam work very well together. There aren’t many scenes anyway, so we’ll just treat it as putting out the fire! ”

Ming Tai also tried to persuade Qin Sheng that she could act immediately, but in the end, Qin Sheng still had to look for someone else.

Only Chu Chu was unhappy. She had been killed by Willam and Lian Lian had replaced her And now everyone was praising Lian Lian Lian!

She was the daughter of a big star, a natural born star Lian Lian not only stole her prince but also stole her scenes. She snorted coldly and ran to her brother to seek revenge for her.

Qin Sheng was finally persuaded by these people. However, there was no airport scene, so it was fine once the scenes were filmed.

“Alright then, let Lian Lian Act. ”

“Great! Let’s start filming! ” The director instructed.

“I think we should go outside and film the scenes in the forest. The timing is perfect. We can come back at night to film the scenes in the acting studio, ” Willam suggested.

“Alright! Let’s go and film the exterior scenes! ” The director instructed.

Willam brought Lian Lian to where they were supposed to stand. They were behind the tree while the others were on the other side of the tree. Willam controlled the little girl between him and the tree. His fingers hooked her Chin and his voice was cold “Do you think you can escape from me? ”

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