May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 842

Chapter 842

Chapter 842: Chapter 842 habits of Love 2

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

“What seems right? It’s right! ” Qin Sheng said.

“Yes, that’s right. SISTER QIN is right! Anyway, I just want to be with Li Ang. I don’t think I’ll fall in love with another man other than Li Ang, ” Le Le said.

“Then that’s fine. You stay here and watch the movie. I’ll go to the hall first. Good luck tonight! ” Qin Sheng said.

Le Le Nodded with a red face. “Yes, I’ll watch it well. ”

Although she had promised Qin Sheng, when she saw Qin Sheng leave, she opened the video with her hand. She was so embarrassed that she almost died!

She covered her burning face with her hand. Did she really have to do this with a man?

What a shameful thing to say She climbed onto the man’s body and then... ...

She really didn’t have the face to continue watching.


In the hall, Qin Sheng was very busy toasting the guests who were celebrating her birthday. Everyone was her good friend. In her mind, she imagined how great it would be if the person beside her was really Gong Mochen!

Her eyes inadvertently looked at the glass window. Through the glass window, she was stunned to see that familiar mask!

Gong Mochen Her heart suddenly tightened, and she looked straight at the man in the dark under the shade of the tree!

“Qin Sheng! ” Nangong Mochen called the little woman in front of him, “what are you looking at? ”

Qin Sheng quickly turned her head, “I’m not looking at anything! ”

She nervously looked at the darkness under the shade of the tree and gasped for breath.

Nangong Mochen’s eyes were fixed on the outside of the window. There was nothing in the dark under the shade of the tree, but he clearly saw the shocked look in the little woman’s eyes just now!

“nothing at all. Was My eyes playing tricks on me just now? ”

“It must be your vision! I really didn’t see anything. I was just tired from standing. I was dizzy from toasting, so I looked outside, ” Qin Sheng quickly said.

“Yes, my vision was blurry. You’re tired. Let me carry you and rest for a while! ” Nangong Mochen said as he carried the little woman horizontally.

Qin Sheng was carried by the man. Her Gaze looked out of the glass window from the man’s shoulder. In the darkness, it was as if the person she saw just now was a fantasy!

Hubby, is that you You came just now, right?

Her heart was beating painfully. Today was her birthday. If Gong Mochen had not lost his memory, then he would definitely remember her birthday!

But was it really her illusion just now or did he really come?

No, where did Nangong Mochen want to carry her to He said that he wanted to carry her to rest!

Could it be that he wanted to go back to his room?

Her heart tightened. “where are you taking me? ”

Her tone could not hide her nervousness. She was too afraid that he would carry her to her room. josei

“To rest. Didn’t you say that you’re tired? ” Nangong Mochen carried the Little Woman to the SOFA and placed her on it. “How about here? If you’re tired, sit down. If others want to toast, let them come find you! ” Nangong Mochen said.

“Yes, yes, this place is good. You’re the most attentive! ” Qin Sheng said happily. She was really happy.

“Of course, I’m your husband! ” Nangong Mochen said.

Chu Xia saw Qin Sheng sitting on the sofa and immediately took out a big compass “Let’s play the game. This compass has a punishment item or a big prize. Everyone can switch to whatever they want! Don’t go back on your word. You must follow the punishment item on the compass. You can’t replace it with a punishment drink! ”

“Okay, we all agree! ” Everyone gathered around to watch the game. They all agreed to play this game.

Qin Sheng gestured for everyone to sit in a circle. “Everyone, sit down. Let’s see who will start first. ”

“Of course, my wife will start first! She’s the birthday girl today! ” Nangong Mochen said.

“THAT’S RIGHT! Qin Sheng should start first today! ” Many people shouted.

“okay, I’LL START FIRST! I’m going to spin the needle! ” Qin Sheng’s eyes swept across the compass. There were all kinds of items on it. There were punishments, questions, and grand prizes.

Her finger played on the needle, and the needle spun quickly.

Amidst the screams, Qin Sheng actually earned a five million red packet!

“Oh my God! Qin Sheng won five million! ”

“It’s amazing! I thought this prize would never be transferred! ”

Many people were discussing. This grand prize was really big, and it was as good as the face value of a special prize in the lottery. No one thought that it was real!

Nangong Mochen took out his phone, “The prizes on the compass today are all real, and I’m the sole investor! Congratulations to my wife for winning the Grand Prize! ”

He lowered his head and kissed the little woman on her forehead. “My dear, I will transfer the money immediately! ”

After he finished speaking, he pressed on the screen of his phone. Following the sound of a notification, five million yuan had been transferred to Qin Sheng’s account!

Qin Sheng took out her phone and showed everyone the screen. “I have received the prize money! Let’s see who will transfer the needle next! ”

There was an excited applause. It must be known that many of the employees here were Qin Sheng’s employees. They were all ordinary office workers. Everyone wanted to win a grand prize or something!

“President Qin, who wants to spin the compass next? ” Everyone asked hurriedly.

Qin Sheng looked at the needle. “To be fair, I announce that one side of the needle points to the compass project, and the other side points to the next person who wants to spin the compass! ”

“Okay! We agree! This is only fair! ”

Everyone applauded to show their agreement!

And at this time, the other side of the needle was pointing at Li Ang.

Li Ang stood up. “Then it’s my turn to SPIN THE COMPASS! I feel like I’ll be lucky if I spin behind the birthday girl! ”

“Spin, spin faster! ” Everyone shouted.

Li Ang raised his hand and moved the needle. The needle spun rapidly. Gradually, the speed became slower and slower. Slowly, it seemed like it was going to stop!

“Oh my God! 300,000? Is the Grand Duke going to win 300,000? ”

“This is not fair. Why are the winners not short of money? ” Someone complained.

“It’s moving. The needle is still moving! ”

“punishment wine, one stab! ”


“HAHAHA! This punishment item is good! ”

The needle finally stopped, and everyone burst into laughter.

Li Ang’s face turned green. He did not understand why he was so lucky to switch to this punishment program.

“I’ll punish you with alcohol, okay? ” He said quickly.

Chuxia read the punishment program seriously “You have to find a member of the opposite sex and drink a glass of WHISKEY MOUTH TO MOUTH! Grand Duke, we’ve already said before that you can’t replace the punishment with alcohol! You go ahead! I’ll give you the alcohol. Girls, you have to choose for yourself! And GIRLS HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE! ”

She read the items loudly and looked at Li Ang with a mischievous smile, not knowing who he was looking for!

Li Ang looked at Qin Sheng for help, but before Qin Sheng could say anything, the man looked at him fiercely.

“Don’t have any ideas about my wife! My WIFE IS NOT LOANED OUT! ” Nangong Mochen hugged the little woman beside him.

Li Ang looked around the people. Whether they were people he knew or not, it was not good for him to feed them Wine mouth-to-mouth, right?

“What? How about this, let’s try our luck. Whoever comes over later will be the one! How about this? ”

He was going all out, treating it as if he was kissing a doll!

“Sure! We agree! ” Qin Sheng quickly agreed, “Haha, Li Ang, look who’s here? ”

She was just about to laugh until she was out of breath... ...

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