May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 916

Chapter 916

Chapter 916: Chapter 916 of the Royal Technique 16

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

The Room was very quiet. Chu Xia could vaguely hear Ming Tai’s voice on the phone, “what happened to Sikong Jue? What did you say? Did you find him? ”

She quickly asked. This man had disappeared for a long time. She could not find any news about Sikong Jue.

Qin Sheng asked Mu Xue to check Sikong Jue’s credit card account, but she did not find any record of him swiping his credit card.

It was as if he had disappeared from the world.

Ming Tai’s face was a little pale. He did not know what to say to Chu Xia, “that... Chu Xia, you really care about Sikong Jue, don’t you? ”

“I care about him? Damn it, I can’t wait for him to die! He’s been playing me for ten years, making me give birth to two children for no reason. Does he think he can buy away all the suffering I’ve suffered for so many years just because he gave me his property? Damn it! If I see him, I’m going to slap him to death! ”

Chuxia vented all her dissatisfaction towards Sikong Jue.

Ming Tai let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that this answer would not be too much of a shock to Chuxia.

“that... don’t get too excited. Qian Chuan just called to say that Sikong Jue is dead. I don’t think this answer will affect you too much, right? ” He asked as he looked at Chuxia’s reaction.

Chuxia chuckled. “He’s dead? Are you kidding me? He’s going to Piss me off. He won’t even DIE HIMSELF! ”

“Chuxia, it’s true. Qian Chuan called to inform me about this. Because you’re his only family, he asked me to tell you to go and offer incense to Sikong Jue. No matter what grudges you have, a dead person can’t be brought back to life. I’m sorry for your loss. Let Bygones be bygones. This is the address Qian Chuan sent me. I’ll send it to you, ” Ming Tai said. josei

He tapped on his phone screen and sent the address to Chuxia.

Chuxia opened the electronic map and looked at the marked coordinates. She knew this place. It was the mountain where Sikong Jue and Shen Tong used to live. “Is he here? ”

“Yes, I heard from Qian Chuan that he was buried here. You should go and see him. Actually, he has always liked you. It’s just that he has the responsibility of Shen Tong, so he can’t confess to you. He’s already dead, so you should forgive him, ” Ming Tai advised Chuxia.

CHUXIA’s mind went blank. Was Sikong Jue really dead?

“How did he die? Was He in a car accident or something? Ask Him clearly! ” She asked unwillingly.

She had been hoping for Sikong Jue’s death every day, but when she heard the news of his death, her heart felt like it had hit rock bottom!

“I didn’t ask that many questions. Why don’t you give Qian Chuan a call? I think he knows, ” said Ming Tai.

Chuxia called Qian Chuan according to the number in Ming Tai’s phone. “Qian Chuan, how did Sikong Jue die? Don’t LIE TO ME! ”

“How would I dare lie to you! ? ” It was a heart attack. You know that he had a serious heart attack. He must have lost all hope in life these days. He must have been torturing himself to death by hiding. “I helped you bury him. You have to give me the funeral fee! ” “Don’t you have all his money? “?

“Not much. I helped you save it. I only spent 500,000 yuan to buy the cemetery, the tombstone, and the coffin. It’s an absolute friendship price. Remember to transfer the money to me! ” Qian Chuan said.

Chu Xia naturally knew that Sikong jue had a heart attack. It was not only Sikong Jue who had a heart attack. Jian Jian and Chu Chu also had a heart attack. However, Jian Jian and Chu Chu had received treatment from Chinese and Western medicine since they were young. Their bodies had basically recovered. There was no major problem

However, there shouldn’t be any problems with Sikong Jue Hadn’t he received treatment since he was young?

“How did he have a heart attack? Isn’t his heart attack fine? Isn’t he not going to die? ” Chuxia caught the crux of the problem.

“There’s no way to explain a heart attack. Perhaps a heart attack can take a person’s life! Whether you want to go or not, you decide. I still have a surgery here. Remember to give me the funeral fee! ” Qian Chuan hung up the phone as he spoke.

Chuxia was completely in despair. She had originally doubted Qian Chuan’s words, but it was really hard to say if a heart attack was real. Just like Qian Chuan said, a heart attack could turn a person into a dead person.

Her hand was clutching her phone, her face was so pale that it had lost all color.

“Sister Chuxia, are you alright? A dead person can’t be revived. I’m sorry for your loss. ” Mu Xue tried to persuade Chuxia.

Chuxia turned to look at Mu Xue. “Mu Xue, there’s only one life in this life. Don’t do anything you regret. You must cherish the person in front of you. I’ll be leaving first. I hope you two will be happy. ”

After she finished speaking, she ran out of the room.

“SISTER CHUXIA! ” Mu Xue wanted to chase after her, but Ming Tai pulled Mu Xue back.

“You can’t run now! Be careful of the baby. Chuxia knows what to do. She knows what to do. Besides, she still has two children. She can’t do something stupid, ” Ming Tai said.

With her understanding of Chuxia, he knew her personality very well. That strong personality of hers would not fall because of anything. Moreover, Chuxia loved her children very much. Even if it was for the sake of two children who were still underage, Chuxia would still be strong enough not to fall.

Mu Xue stopped in her tracks. “Then Tell Qian Chuan to take care of Chuxia. Sister Qin is not in h nation, so no one will take care of Chuxia. ”

“I know. I’ll get someone to take care of Chuxia. You’re not feeling well. Go back to your room to rest. I’ll go chase after her, ” Ming Tai instructed Mu Xue.

He would never call Qian Chuan and ask Qian Zhuanzi to take care of Chuxia. Qian Chuan must think of Chuxia as a money tree.

He arranged for his private jet to send Chuxia to Sikong Jue’s grave.

Ming Tai had caught up to Chuxia. She really wanted to scold herself for being stupid. She had forgotten that Ming Tai had his own private jet. She boarded Ming Tai’s plane and returned to h nation.

A few hours later, Ming Tai’s plane landed in h nation.

Chuxia was no stranger to that mountain. It turned out that Jian Jian was sent here to learn Kung Fu from Sikong Jue.

The Rugged Mountain Path was not as complicated as she was feeling right now.

It was not until she found the small cemetery according to the electronic map that all her nerves were completely cut off.

Sikong Jue was really dead. Sikong Jue’s name was carved on the cold tombstone.

Her fingers ran across the cold tombstone. “Sikong Jue, YOU BASTARD! You left me, my son, and my daughter just like that! You don’t want to take responsibility anymore, do you?

You gave me all your assets just to buy off all the grudges between us. Do you really think I’m easy to bully? “Bastard, BASTARD “I WANT TO WHIP THE CORPSE! ”

She was so angry that she kicked the man’s tombstone. She thought that he had just left in a fit of anger and would come back sooner or later. Who knew that that meeting would be their last!

The woman’s fists and feet kicked the tombstone. She wanted nothing more than to smash the tombstone.

“What are you doing? Why did you kick brother Yu’s tombstone? ! ” The woman’s voice rang behind Chu Xia.

Chu Xia turned her head and saw Shen Tong walking over!

“Why are you here? Didn’t you run away? ”

“Of course I’m here. Don’t tell me I’m going to let a vicious woman like you bully my brother Jue’s tombstone? Chu Xia, you’re too ruthless! ” Shen Tong said.

Chu Xia slapped Shen Tong’s face. “What right do you have to criticize me? If it wasn’t for you, Sikong Jue wouldn’t have died! ”

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