Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 392

Chapter 392: You Can Forget Anything, but You Can’t Forget Your Personality!

Maybe a Fake Gintama Chapter 392 You Can Forget Anything, but You Can't Forget Your Personality!josei

"Ahhaha, what a good kids." Kawaki smiled and walked in front of the two of them. At the same time, he reached out and patted their shoulders, "Yes, I am the best producer in this world. As long as you listen to me obediently, I will not let the two of you suffer... Come, relax your body..."

"Wait!" Kawaki suddenly reacted. He quickly retracted his hand and shook his head, "No, no! It's not like that! Even if the two of you listen to me obediently, I have nothing to be happy about!"

'Shi*! Because I was thinking about the pillow business, I accidentally got too deep into the acting! I was led by the nose by the two of them!' Kawaki thought to himself that something was wrong.

"En?" Gintoki and Toshiro looked at Kawaki in confusion.

"Um, the two of you," Kawaki faced the two of them again and explained, "It looks like the staff at the front desk... Cough, cough! The staff at the front desk must have made a mistake!"

"Made a mistake?" Gintoki asked doubtfully.

"But this is what senior told us!" Toshiro said while twisting his fingers.

"Well, then let me explain a little." Kawaki cleared his throat and pointed to the red wine and candles on the desk. Then he pointed to the big bed that was full of petals, "I am a producer, and called the newcomer to this room. The high-end red wine and big bed over there, you should understand by now, right? Do you understand?"

'No, wait!' Kawaki suddenly reacted and looked at the red wine and the big bed beside him with a shocked face, 'What kind of prop is this? Why did such a thing appear in an instant?! This is completely a scum producer who asked his idol for a pillow business! Can you be more careful with the props?'

"Eh?" Paako frowned. He gently placed his index finger on his lower lip and closed his eyes to look up. After a moment, he opened his eyes and nodded, "It's like this. I got it! You have to guide me while drinking red wine, right? Thank you, producer! Aiya! Producer Kawaki is really a great person! He actually spent time outside of work to guide newbies like us, right? Toshiko~"

"Yes, yes, Producer Kawaki is really a good person~" At this time, Toshiro started to act coquettishly and let out a coquettish voice.

"Although there are some differences..." Kawaki tried hard to calm himself down. He smiled again and explained, "But it's basically like this, drinking red wine while guiding, that's what it looks like. It's just that the part of guiding is slightly..."

"Slightly?" Gintoki looked confused.

"Slightly more adult guidance." Kawaki reminded them in a low voice.

"Adult?" Toshiro was puzzled.

"Don't play dumb, you two! You definitely understand, right?" Kawaki leaned over to the two of them impatiently and reminded them in a low voice, "I've already said it several times. The one I called over isn't the two of you. It's the woman called Otsuu-chan..."

"Of course I understand!" Gintoki interrupted Kawaki again, "You want to teach us the etiquette and dining rules, right? To make us great adults!"

"As expected of the world's best producer~ Super awesome~" Toshiro praised coquettishly.

"AHHHHH!" Kawaki hugged his head frantically, "Is it so difficult to understand?! Is it so difficult to let the two of them understand this matter?! Who... who will help me!"

Just as Kawaki finished speaking, a voice from the side sounded in a timely manner.

[Paako and Toshiko are new artists who just joined the company yesterday. Because of they have the same muddle-headed personality, they now form a muddle-headed girls duo.]

'You should have told me about this earlier!' Kawaki thought to himself, 'But... if you put it this way, it is impossible to use ordinary methods to make these two people with muddle-headed personalities go back... Then, I can only give them a proper showdown and scare them away! Even if it is these two guys, they can not do anything that goes against their own personalities! This is the rule!'

"What's wrong, Producer Kawaki?" Gintoki asked in confusion.

"Yes, you have been in a daze since just now," Toshiro said.

Kawaki took a deep breath and then looked at the two of them with a serious expression, "I think I already know how to make you two understand. Well, both of you are newcomers, right?"

"Yes, newcomer." Gintoki and Toshiro nodded at the same time.

"In other words, the two of you do not understand the rules of the entertainment industry very well, right?" Kawaki asked again.

"We don't understand at all." Gintoki shook his head.

"In other words, you are willing to teach us this? Thank you so much!" Toshiro said in surprise. Then, he quickly bowed, "Please advise me!"

"No, no," Kawaki hurriedly waved his hand, "Ah, that, how should I put it..."

"Why do you look so distressed?" Gintoki put on a natural dumbfounded expression and asked doubtfully.

"It's all because of the two of you!" Kawaki couldn't hold back and cursed.

"Eh?" Gintoki and Toshiro both showed a natural stunned expression at the same time and looked at Kawaki doubtfully.

Looking at these two people's expressions, Kawaki could no longer keep his cool. His veins popped out as he scolded, "Ah! That's right! I like our company's newcomer, Otsuu-chan! That's why I asked the front desk to let Otsuu-chan come to my room! Then, I confess to her and also give the 69 female lead role to her! What! What's wrong with me? I also worked very hard, okay! What's wrong with having a little sweetness?!"

"I can't even step out of this room. What's wrong with making use of my rights to have a good relationship with the girl I fell in love with at first sight? Is there anything wrong with that?! Ah?! Is it not okay?! Even such a simple wish is not okay?!"

"Ah, so it's like that..." Gintoki nodded and then complained, "If that's the case, why don't you just say it from the beginning?"

"Yes, yes. Since that's the case, you should have said it from the beginning~" Toshiro nodded in agreement.

"I didn't want to say it!" Kawaki cursed, "It's all because of the two of you! Without the two of you, it's already over! Why are you two idiots here? Why are you still so muddle-headed? It really makes people angry!"

"Toshiko, do you understand?" Gintoki looked at Toshiro with a puzzled face, "That's it, right? What is it called? What business is it?"

"If I remember correctly, it was called sea cucumber business or mayonnaise business..." Toshiro replied with a slight frown.

"It's the pillow business(unspoken rule)! Speaking of which, what mayonnaise business?! Just hearing it makes people unable to eat!" Kawaki roared.

"Bastard!" Toshiro instantly exploded and grabbed Kawaki. However, he immediately relaxed and thought to himself, 'No! I was almost infuriated by this bastard! Character setting! Pay attention to your own character setting! A muddle-headed Toshiko!'

'How is it? Did you accidentally reveal your true thoughts?' Kawaki curled the corners of his mouth in disdain, 'That's right! Those words just now were all said by me to make the two of you collapse! Once your character setting is destroyed, the two of you will have no choice but to step back! Follow your character setting according to the design plot? Don't joke around! How could I do such a troublesome thing!'

At this moment, Gintoki looked at Kawaki with excitement and cheered, "Pillow business... great!"

"Huh?" Kawaki was stunned.

"While doing my job as a producer, I'm also running a pillow business!" Gintoki looked at Kawaki with a face full of admiration, "You are trying your best to sell pillows, right? That's right, I understand! You want us to do pillow business, right?"

"Um... did you not understand what I said just now?" Kawaki asked doubtfully.

"Not only guidance, he even introduced us to a part-time job. He really is the best producer!" Gintoki praised. At the same time, he looked at Toshiro, who was at the side, and said, "Don't you agree? Toshiko?"

"Yes, yes, the best producer!" Toshiro nodded in agreement.

"Paako? Toshiko?"

Ignoring Kawaki's words, Gintoki continued to say, "Just like that, right? Like the famous former CEO of TV sales pitches, right? What kind of voice should I use? Is it better to be a little bit shriller?"

"Listen to me!" Kawaki loudly reminded.

"Cough cough..." Gintoki walked to the side and picked up the two pillows on the big bed. He pinched his throat and shouted, "This pillow, it's very comfortable~ As long as your head is placed on it, you will immediately fall asleep! Two pillows only cost 3,000 yen! In addition, there is a big sale event to reward customers. You can get 5,000 yen off immediately!"

"The price and discount are upside down!" Kawaki retorted.

"I want to go around the entire street and shout!" Paako continued.

"What?" Kawaki asked in confusion.

"Because I am so touched! Producer Kawaki is really great! He is really great! He is willing to let me do the pillow business! Producer Kawaki! Pillow Business! Producer Kawaki's Pillow Business!" Paako shouted with a touched face.

"Stop it! Do you want me to be banned by the entertainment industry?!" Kawaki roared.

"By the way, why don't we change your name?" Gintoki asked, rubbing his chin, "How about I change your name to Jiang You instead of Kawaki?"

"Not bad, Paako. How did you come up with such a good idea? You might be a genius!" Toshiro praised. Then, he came to Kawaki's side and knelt down on one knee. He stretched out his two hands and shook them continuously, "Pillow Business Producer~ The sparkling pillow business producer~ Producer Kawamakura~" (TL note: Makura means pillow.)

"Everyone, come quickly~ Come to Producer Kawamakura's side~ " Gintoki shouted exaggeratedly from the side, "It's all because of Producer Kawamakura's name~"

"What the hell! They should all have been scared away, right?" Kawaki complained.

"You are really modest~" Paako sighed.

"My career as a producer will be over!" Kawaki roared.

"It doesn't matter if you are not so modest~" Toshiro stopped what he was doing and said.

"I admit it!" Kawaki shouted.

"Producer Kawamakura, we will follow you for the rest of our lives!" Gintoki and Toshiro swore at the same time.

"Hurry up and scram back to where you came from!" Kawaki hugged his head and shouted frantically.

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