Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087: Three to one

The two swords in Hongshuibin's hand were all shattered. Seeing that the giant sword continued to attack him, he screamed and transformed "Candle Light Youying" into a leopard shape, and leaped to the side to avoid the nameless killer.

How could the Anonymous make it easy for Hongshuibin to escape, driving the "dead" to catch up with his legs, and turning on the propeller to assist in acceleration, chasing Hongshuibin and rushing over, the giant sword chasing Hongshuibin's back, as long as he hits it can be skinned Bone extraction.

Hung Hung Bin drove "Candle Light Youying" on all fours and ran fast with milking energy, but he still couldn't get rid of the unknown person behind him. He had reached his limit, but he could not pull the distance between the two sides. Instead, the giant sword was away. He was getting closer and closer, I was afraid that he would pierce the armor on his back in a while.

When the Anonymous focused on pursuing Hong Bin, Chen Feng's attack came in time. A series of light beams blocked all the space behind him in the next second that the Anonymous passed by. It was impossible for the Anonymous to chase without being hit.

The Anonymous was eager to remove at least one opponent first, and broke into the large beam of light shot by Chen Feng regardless, the "undead" armor clinked, and the rain-like beams left potholes one after another.

Relying on being a special plane, the Wumingshi forcibly endured Chen Feng’s attack. Although his forward speed was affected to a certain extent, the distance between him and Hongshuibin was still shortening. As long as Chen Feng was tightened a little bit because he was afraid of accidental injury, he couldn’t do it. Launched such an intense offensive.

The Anonymous opened his mouth and wanted to laugh up to the sky. He was very dismissive of the promised arrangement: "Promise, promise, you are really too confident, just trust Hong Hsu Bin to let him confront him alone. This is not a sheep. What is it?!"

"Really? But it seems that you can't succeed?" There was no panic in the promised voice, as if the person who chose to be in danger was not the Hongbin assigned by him.

The promised voice came from above, and the Wumingshi felt a bad feeling in his heart, and he quickly looked up: "What? What is going on?"

I didn’t know it. I was shocked when I saw Xu Nuo jumping high above him, head down, two beam rifles pointed at him, and descended rapidly with the help of gravity acceleration, and the violent attack had spewed. Out.

It turns out that Hongshui Bin is just a decoy to attract Anonymous chase. Chen Feng’s beam offensive is to protect Hongshui Bin, and the other is to cover up the trajectory of the promised action, so that he can quietly come to the Anonymous, and he has been launched so far. The most powerful attack.

The promised speed was too fast and too fast, the Anonymous looked up and saw "Dark Night", and in the next second he promised to drive it down nearly one-third of the distance. This speed was much faster than the progress of the Anonymous chasing Hsu Bin. Before Wuming could catch up with Hongbin, he was promised to catch up.

After promising to launch a fierce attack, the "Candle Light Youying" piloted by Hongbin stopped and transformed into an eagle type. The beam sword used by the human type was destroyed, and he needed to rely on the other two weapons to fight.

The threat from his own work has basically been resolved. Hongbin can focus on the offense, open his eagle beak slightly, and aim the built-in beam cannon at Wuming. It's time for Hongbin to raise his head and revenge!

The way forward was intercepted by Chen Feng and Hongshuibin’s attacks. He wanted to stay where he was, but he had a more lethal promise to attack his head. Anonymous had no choice but to retract his sword and retreat. After a round, the "undead" suffered a lot of minor injuries. However, Chen Feng and the others were unscathed. In contrast, Anonymous did not know how to lose.

But I want to defeat any of the three people on the opposite side first, but why is it so difficult? The Anonymous hasn't felt this kind of frustration for a long time. The last time he met the man many years ago, he changed his life and embarked on the current path.

Not wanting to recall the past experience again, the Anonymous focused his attention on Promise. The most important thing to win is to defeat Promise. As long as Promise cannot participate in the battle, the remaining Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin are not at his disposal.

He promised to feel Wuming’s gaze, and took a few steps forward to make his position more prominent to cover the two young pilots behind him. No matter what, he must protect them. This is the future of the Ancient Godlan Republic. I hope.

The promised action fits Wuming’s mind. As a top pilot, if you want to fight, you have to fight happily, especially today when the two of them are in their best condition after many days of rest. thing.

"To be honest, you surprised me a lot. After a few battles, your condition is getting better and better. It's a pity not to take the initiative to join the battlefield." Wuming is a bit regretful for the promise, but he has such an amazing strength. The sick body has no room for improvement.

He promised to shake his head again and again. He didn't have such a strong sense of professionalism. Apart from the things he had to do, he could do almost everything else: "No, no, no, don't go out to fight indiscriminately in my appearance. ."

Speaking of this, promised to take a sip of the wine gourd, and slightly suppress the pain that broke out in the body. Taking the initiative to join the battlefield means to bear more pains caused by hidden injuries. It is still willing to refuse to refuse the promise.

The Anonymous didn’t really want to promise to take the initiative to participate in the war. In case he promised that the Vietnam War will become stronger, then he might want to invest all the fighting power of the Creation Organization here. The promise of three days of drying and two days of fishing is what he wants to see. .josei

Turning his lower arm, Anonymous once again flew up with his huge sword, and rushed to promise: "Then I will help you relieve this pain!"

"You two be careful by yourself, I can't take care of you anymore." Xu promised to turn around and tell Chen Feng and Hongshuibin to make them pay attention to safety, drew out the beam sword and fought the Anonymous.

In order to prevent the Anonymous from having a chance to get close to Chen Feng and Hongshuibin easily, he promised to use the weapon he was not the best at, and still be able to fight against the Anonymous, but he could not hold on for too long. Just playing.

Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin looked at each other and they spread apart. They understood each other's meaning. They promised so desperately how could they stand by and watch. Chen Feng controlled the floating cannon with less than half of the energy supply to take off, and Hongshui Bin also held his body. Discomfort came to Promise to help, they believed that they could provide some help to Promise.

The two men's participation in the battle made the promise quite useful, because it allowed him to slightly reduce the pressure and slow down the speed of the hidden wounds. On the contrary, the Anonymous was more irritable. Chen Feng and Hongshuibin's attacks caused him three different attacks. The influence adds a lot of difficulty to him.

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