Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1098

Chapter 1098: suspicion

Jin Buhuan’s words are seamless. He not only steadily rejected the request for troop increase, but also showed that he will fight seriously, so that Chevanov could not make any more requests. He turned to look at the European Union base camp on the map. The important thing is to break it down: "Since Commander Kim said so, we won't mention this matter anymore. I hope you can really help us with all your strength and repel the European Union in the shortest possible time."

Jin Buhuan told them that he promised that there would be no problem at all. As long as they fight steadily, the victory will definitely belong to them: "Xu Jishi is in good shape. It seems that Anonymous cannot participate in the battle as he wants. We have a great chance."

Tchaikonov was still brooding about Jin Buhuan’s vows that the Anonymous would support the European Union. After Chevanov was persuaded, he walked up to Jin Buhuan and stared at Jin Buhuan’s eyes and asked. "The European Union will attack our ancient Soviet empire. After all, it is caused by the Creation Organization. Commander Kim seems to know the leader of the Creation Organization very well. I wonder if I can tell us more?"

Jin Buhuan shrugged and did not answer positively. He would not tell the other party that he knew the purpose of Anonymous: "In fact, it is not an understanding, but before coming over, he has done an in-depth analysis of the Anonymous, and our country has always I’m fighting the Genesis Organization, so I’ll understand their thinking a little bit better."

Not only that, but Jin Buhuan has also led to trouble, and pointed the finger at the actions of the ancient Soviet empire some time ago: "According to the results of our investigation, your ancient Soviet empire attacked the deputy leader of the creation organization in the recent operation. Killed, this should be the reason why the Anonymous started this war. As for why it was so large-scale, perhaps the Anonymous wanted to take this opportunity to declare to the world that they couldn't provoke it casually?"

Jin Buhuan’s remarks hit Tchaikonov’s sore spot. The death of the deputy leader of the Creation Organization was the result of the encirclement and suppression of the ice city pilots. In other words, it was because Tchaikonov’s actions led to the Gusu Empire. Being caught in this crisis, as the culprit was still arrogantly questioning others in the command room, Jin Buhuan’s counterattack without naming his name was good, which made Tchaikonov feel very embarrassed.

"Huh!" Tchaikonov had nothing to say, and walked out of the command room with a wave of his hand, not knowing what he wanted to do.josei

Chevanov hurriedly wanted to call Tchaikonov. Now the ancient Soviet empire is facing internal and external troubles. It is not a time of casual tempering. They need to cooperate sincerely to tide over the difficulties together: "Commander Tchaikonov, please stay. We have to study how to survive this crisis that affects most of the world, and don't be arrogant."

Tchaikonov still went out. He had another goal: "You can discuss it. I will return to the battlefield and try to end the battle with the European Union as soon as possible. Otherwise, no matter how we study the countermeasures, we will not be able to make it. Shot."

Tchaikonov's move can first help the ancient Soviet Empire break free from the vortex of war, and second, it can leave Jin Buhuan to ease the embarrassment, which is a good way of emergency and wise.

Chevanov thought of Tchaikonov’s intentions, and no longer insisted on him staying in the command room, and discussed with Jin Buhuan about countermeasures. The two revolved around the battle with the European Union and against the Saint Gama Empire. To prepare for the exchange of opinions, the details of the offensive and defensive alliance between the two countries have been reworked.

Just as the ancient Soviet empire was inseparable from the ancient Soviet empire to help them defeat the European Union, the ancient ancient Soviet empire does not want to lose its powerful ally, as long as the two countries can stand on the same position and believe in Saint Gama If the empire wants to do something, they also have to weigh whether the price paid is affordable.

After the dialogue between Chevanov and Jin Buhuan, the news came back to the general command of the ancient Soviet empire. The commander of the military therefore understood the intention of the ancient Shenlan Republic and immediately contacted the general commander Ma. So that the two countries can carry out more in-depth cooperation.

Turning his eyes to the European Union, when the Gusu Empire received the news that the Saint Gama Empire had attacked the Ju Timor Federation, the European countries also received the news at about the same time and notified the command of the battle on the front line.

The commander of the European Union trembled after receiving the news. He had a very bad association. Why would the Anonymous lead so many countries to form an alliance to attack the ancient Soviet Empire? Why did Anonymous mobilize mechas from other places to help them when the European Union was in crisis? If connected with the actions of the Saint Gama Empire, all this becomes terrible!

I also saw the rapid wear and tear of the European Union mechas on the main battlefield, while the creation organization and the ice city mechas played lively there, but very few organic armors retreated to the battlefield, which made the European Union command more uneasy. , Co-authored they were calculated?

The more I think about it, the more disturbed the commander of the European Union is, and the more disturbed he is, the more he sees something, the more he feels that something is wrong. Even though the mecha on the St. Petersburg base on the main battlefield is damaged, he still thinks he is at a disadvantage. .

With this in mind, the command of the European Union did not want to continue to waste combat power needlessly. He must ensure that there are enough mechas to go back to the country to deal with threats that may occur at any time, and ordered all mechas in combat: "The whole army retreats." , Don’t be too fast, stabilize the line of defense and slowly return to the base, I will let the fort on the base support you."

The European Union pilots were fighting fiercely. Suddenly they were very puzzled by such orders, but they could only follow the idea of ​​the European Union command, slowly get rid of the entanglement of the St. Petersburg base mecha units, and retreated to the base camp.

The mechas at the St. Petersburg base wanted to chase it again, but were blocked by the turrets raised at the European Union base camp. The raindrops of artillery fire hit the areas separated by the two sides, forming a clear dividing line.

No one wants to go up to the gunfire. The armor strength of the mechas is limited. No matter how small a small amount of mechas can force their way through the dense area of ​​artillery fire, when Chevanov didn’t give clear instructions for them to attack the whole army. , Rash action will only be in vain.

The mech forces of the European Union began to slowly withdraw from the main battlefield, and the Anonymous who was watching the entire battle behind the mech forces of the Creation Organization immediately realized that it should be the actions of the Saint Gama Empire that caused the European Union command to suspect, and then immediately Also let the pilots of the Creation Organization retreat to the base, they don't need to continue to fight the ice city mecha.

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