Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121: Private conversation

10% off all purchases in Ancient Godland Republic, that is to say, they can always use this bank card to enjoy the same service with less money than others, and there is a loan of 10 million, basically they can buy it. You can buy whatever you want, and there is no limit to the repayment period. Users can pay back if they want, or not if they want to. The effect of this bank card has reached an outrageous level.

But this is not the most enviable part of this bank card. The most important thing is that it is a limited edition. There are only a few hundred in total. Only the pilots who performed the best in the reinforcements of the ancient Soviet empire can get it. Holding them is a proof of identity. With this bank card in hand, who would dare to despise it when walking outside? Invisible can make many things simple.

Even promised to take this bank card into his arms solemnly. The significance of this card is quite significant. Regardless of whether he needs money in the future, as long as he takes out this card, he can prevent a lot of unnecessary trouble.

This is actually a method used by the military to gather people's hearts. Now some uncontrollable families have vaguely appeared in the three military regions. These families occupy a great distance from the emperor, and they have made a lot of names across the country. Head, some pilots with a bright future were unwittingly bewitched and joined their team.

Among them, the Murong family is the most typical. Murong Nanbo wants to turn the Southwest Military Region into the back garden of the Murong family and turn it into a stepping stone for the Murong family's revival. Guan Yuzhen's power, but Guan Yuzhen didn't want to act too hastily, and was noticed by Guan Yuzhen. Instead, Commander Ma was on guard.

On Commander Ma’s side, national interests are higher than personal interests and family interests. Murong Nanbo’s move greatly violates his ideas, so he wants to start to concentrate power to the center and weaken the influence of various families on the military area. , Summoning the pilots to the military department, announcing the rewards and issuing bank cards in person is the first step to win people's hearts.

No one would refuse such a powerful bank card, especially if it can be used as a capital to show off to others in the future. All pilots happily put it away and put it in a safe place. The first step in the centralization of the military is considered smooth. Stepped out.

The rewards have been announced. Guan Yuzhen and Pan Bayi have always stood behind Commander Ma without saying a word. This is the home field of the military department, and it is the reward given by the military department. They don’t need to step in. It is enough to stand behind him and show his support.

"It seems that everyone is very satisfied with the rewards given by our military department. I hope you can make persistent efforts and achieve better results. The military department will definitely reward your merits so that your efforts will not be wasted." Commander Ma’s intention was successfully achieved. He said vigorously: "Now you can return to your jobs. Although the war in the ancient Soviet Empire has ended, the threat from the Saint Gama Empire still exists, and you must not take it lightly."

The threat to the Ancient God’s Republic has not been completely eliminated, so the domestic pilots cannot completely relax. These pilots who have just returned to the country will continue to go to various strategic locations, ready to welcome from the Saint Gama Empire at any time Possible attacks.

Everyone can understand this arrangement, especially after witnessing the tragic situation of the ancient Soviet Empire after being invaded by the European Union. No one wants to see that their motherland has also fallen to this point. They will never let the Saint Gama Empire attack. Get in! This is the truest thought in every pilot's heart.

The pilot on the last side had already begun to turn around and walk out. Chen Feng was also preparing to leave with them. At this time, Commander Ma called out to him: "Ye Qi, Chen Feng, a few of you from the Independent Operation Team, keep it. I still have something to tell you."

Chen Feng turned around and looked at Commander Ma in confusion, what else does he have to explain to himself? Want to leave them alone? Is there anything that can't be said in public?

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at Xu Xu again, wanting to get some answers from the promise, but saw him shaking the wine gourd towards him: "Tsk tusk tusk, it seems Commander Ma wants to tell you something special I’m also very interested in the news of the news. Let’s listen to it."

With the promise to accompany him, Chen Feng completely let go of his heart. The position and strength of the promise are there. Even if the military department has the courage to forgive them, they dare not do anything, they will wait to see Commander Ma Gourd. What kind of medicine is sold here?

"Follow me to the office, this is not the place to talk." Commander Ma turned and walked towards the depths of the military. The next dialogue will be more private and not suitable for communication in full view.

Guan Yuzhen focused on Ye Qi, and followed Commander Ma into the depths, which made Ye Qi firmer in his conviction. Even his adoptive father allowed himself to follow in, so he didn’t need to worry at all. What would be bad.

Pan Bayi and Chen Feng had a lot of contact with them when they were in the Southeast Military Region. They had a certain friendship, and smiled at them, indicating that although they could follow with confidence and boldly, they did not have any malice.

So everyone went all the way to Commander Ma's office. On the way, Hong Bin couldn't help looking around, as if looking for someone.

Chen Feng guessed Hong Bin’s intentions at once, nudged him with his elbow, and whispered: "Are you looking for Ma Kewei? Commander Ma is in front, or we can ask him where he is. ?"

"Deadly~ If you ask like this, Commander Ma will explode directly on the spot, what bad ideas he has, go and go!" Hong Hung Bin was a slap on the backhand, and Chen Feng was feeling happy with him.

Chen Feng saw that he had not succeeded in flicking Hong Bin, and he said nonsense: "You are a very promising ace pilot at any rate, and you have a special plane that countless people envy. It is with Commander Ma. The daughter is a good match, so why do you worry about it? Tell Commander Ma directly, maybe he will approve it directly?"

How could Hongshuibin be fooled? He stretched out his feet and wanted to kick Chen Feng's ass. This bad friend changed his way to pit himself, and his conscience was really bad: "Fuck you! How can this kind of thing be casual? That said, don't hurt me!"josei

The movements of the two made quite a lot of noise, which caused Commander Ma to look back twice, and Hong Shubin quickly retracted his hands and feet and did not dare to do anything to Chen Feng again.

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