Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1199

Chapter 1199: Honeymoon

Hearing that Chen Feng was about to draw Ji Ling into his team, everyone was silent. After all, their contact with Ji Ling was only on the battlefield, and they were still hostile. They didn’t understand what Ji Ling was like. People, so I don’t know how to answer.

The momentary quiet atmosphere made Ji Ling tense. He returned to the Qulan God Republic where he was unfamiliar with nowhere to go. For such a person who once belonged to the Creation Organization, various military districts were reluctant to accept. Because of the consideration of protecting the secrets of the military district, they can't let in a dangerous person casually.

So Ji Ling wants to have some performance opportunities in his later life, so he can only hope to enter Chen Feng and their independent action team. If even this team is not willing to accept him, he really won’t Know what to do.

In the end, everyone’s eyes were on Nangong Mengdie. Their independent action team was led by the Nangong family. If you want to increase the number of players, you have to ask the opinions of the Nangong family. Now Nangong Mengdie is pulled by You Jia. Aside, then they have only Nangong Mengdie to rely on.

Seeing everyone looking at themselves, Nangong Mengdie decided to take responsibility, and stepped forward and asked Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, can you be sure that his joining will not have a negative impact on us? Now our team is very stable. Trust each other, will it cause problems if you add an unfamiliar person in?"

"I don't think it will. Just like me, Ji Ling has a deep hatred of Wuming. He has no reason to work for the Creation Organization. Moreover, after saving the Yongqi Research Institute and us, Ji Ling has completely broken with the Creation Organization. He has nowhere to go now. Coming to our team is the best solution." Chen Feng explained in detail what Ji Ling did on Lao Mian for everyone. If he had a different intention, he and You Jia would have If they died there, the people of Yongqi Institute could not be rescued.

Chen Feng didn’t think that Ji Ling would join the Creation Organization again. He continued: “Ji Ling is very experienced in concealment and sneak attacks. Sister Nangong Huandie also needs someone to teach her these skills so that The modified machine can play a greater role, so I think the addition of Ji Ling can bring us a great help."

"Since Brother Chen Feng thinks it's okay, let Ji Ling join our team." Nangong Huandie, who had just finished talking to You Jia, walked back and directly agreed to let Ji Ling join the independent operations team.

Nangong Huandie is the leader of this independent action team. Her consent is the most important. Only with her permission can Ji Ling have the possibility to enter the team. A smile began to appear on Ji Ling’s face. It seems that he can finally be stable. Down.

Nangong Mengdie walked over and stood in front of her sister. She was not too relieved of Ji Ling. Some could not accept her sister's decision. She would like to suggest that she think about it again: "Sister, is it too rash, do we want to observe it for a while? time?"

"Sister who is okay." Nangong Huandie shook her head to her sister. She has unconditional trust in Chen Feng. Even if Chen Feng is now someone else's husband, she is still willing to rely on him: "Brother Chen Feng has more contact with Ji Ling. He will know this man who once belonged to the Creation Organization better than we do. Moreover, our team also lacks an assassin-like mecha. The addition of Ji Ling can make up for the last link."

"I also tend to accept Ji Ling to join, but I want to say in advance that you'd better not have other ideas, otherwise I will never show mercy if I find out!" Ye Qi also walked out and expressed his willingness to accept Ji Ling. However, he would pay attention to what Ji Ling did and would not let him do anything that would harm the team.

Except for the sisters of Nangong Mengdie, Ye Qi is the most convincing person in this team. With his support, Nangong Mengdie will no longer stop her sister and agree to let Ji Ling join their team, but she still retains A bit wary, will monitor Ji Ling together with Ye Qi and observe his every move.

Hongshuibin and Zheng Zhirong had no ideas, and followed the crowd and said, "Then let Ji Ling join, we can all."

It seems that everyone has no opinion. Chen Feng opened his arms to Ji Ling: "That's it! Ji Ling, welcome to join us!"

Ji Ling and Chen Feng hugged heavily, then took off their black robes and showed their true colors in front of everyone to express their frankness: "Thank you! I will do well and I will never let you down!" "

Successfully allowed Ji Ling to join his independent action team, and then Chen Feng was about to talk about his own affairs. He pulled You Jia to his side. The two looked at each other sweetly and smiled, and Chen Feng said, "Anyway, mine. The modified machine hasn't been repaired yet, so the two of us decided to set off tomorrow for our honeymoon in Guro. Let me tell you beforehand.

"What? You're going to spend your honeymoon abroad now, are you too sudden?" Hong Hung Bin looked dazed, what's the matter, Chen Feng was leaving again just a few days after everyone had joined together.

Chen Feng nodded. This is a decision he made after confirming the maintenance status of everyone's mechas. There is no task to complete at the moment. He should spend a good time in the two-person world with You Jia: "Yes, I think the big guy Each hasn't fully prepared the mechas, so it's better to take advantage of this relatively easy time to do what you need to do, otherwise you don't know when you have to wait until you have time."

"You two should really go out and play. The actions of all parties are still in the stage of deployment. There will not be too large-scale battles in a short period of time, but after a while, there will be no time to leave after many forces are involved. If you want to go on your honeymoon, hurry up.” Ye Qi is very supportive of Chen Feng and You Jia going out to play.

Ye Qi thought of himself. He returned to the Southwest Military Region to participate in the battle after graduation. He has never had time to spare. He finally fell in love and married his wife, but he never had time to accompany him. This is the biggest thing in his heart. regret.josei

So Ye Qi is very supportive of Chen Feng taking the time to spend his honeymoon. Now it is the most stable period of time in the Ancient Shenlan Republic. If you don't seize the opportunity to enjoy yourself, then you won't have this shop after you pass this village.

Chen Feng was the same as Ye Qi thought, and this was the unanimous opinion reached between him and You Jia yesterday: "That's how I thought about it. We discussed for a long time yesterday, and finally decided to visit the Pyramid where we have never been before. , Feel the ancient culture that has passed down through the ages, and then you can devote yourself to their respective businesses."

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