Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1206

Chapter 1206: The price of beauty

"I want to buy him some thick coats, because we are going to the Sphinx and the Pyramid to play, so please recommend some clothes that can withstand the low temperature." You Jia pulled Chen Feng to the front and said that it was coming in. To buy clothes for Chen Feng.

The shopping guide carefully observed Chen Feng a few times, made sure to write down Chen Feng's figure, and then took the lead to walk to the men's clothing section: "Okay, please follow me here."

Men's clothing is not as fancy as women's clothing, so there are not so many styles, so the area will be less, but there are still a lot of clothing displayed on display. With the hard work of many designers, it is still possible Created a lot of different styles of menswear.josei

There are already a lot of customers choosing clothes here, and even Chen Feng has seen the familiar faces of people from the ancient Shenlan Republic. Most of the people who buy clothes are tourists from other places. It seems that they are all to resist the severe cold of the day and night. Come.

Under the leadership of the shopping guide, You Jia quickly determined the clothes for Chen Feng to buy. She chose three coats of different styles, two of which were thicker and one thinner. Life is enough to use.

Although the designers of this clothing store are better than the design masters invited by Yu Jia’s father, their clothes are also pretty good, especially after the shopping guide recommended by You Jia specially selected for Chen Feng, which is very suitable for his body and style. Chen Feng was extremely satisfied after reading it, and immediately decided to buy these three clothes.

And seeing that he had bought three pieces of clothes in a row, but You Jia was still empty-handed, Chen Feng expressed regret that he would add clothes for You Jia and asked the shopping guide to take them to the women's clothing area to buy for You Jia.

The shopping guide was very happy. The customers she received were able to buy more clothes, which brought her more success. At the beginning, she had no hope of seeing two young people entering the store, but never thought of these two. The young man had a generous export, and decided to buy such expensive clothes without blinking. The rake in it was enough to pay her one or two months' salary.

For safety reasons, the shopping guide reminded Chen Feng: "The prices of our clothes are relatively high. Most people come in and buy only one or two pieces. Are you sure you want to continue shopping?"

"It's okay, I can afford the money." Chen Feng asked the shopping guide not to worry that he had no money, and then said to You Jia: "I didn't have any money to buy anything for you, but now it's different. What do you want? I can buy it for you. I can’t let you buy clothes for me today, so I can choose a few so that I can feel better.”

"Okay, then I'm welcome~" You Jia smiled happily and asked the shopping guide to take herself to the women's clothing area.

Ever since Chen Feng was adopted by Hong Bin’s family, Hong’s father has treated him very well, almost like a real father and son. Although he has no worries about food and clothing, Chen Feng is still under the fence and has no financial resources of his own. In terms of daily life, it is relatively economical, not to mention what valuable items to buy for You Jia and Hongshuibin. Now that they have become pilots, they finally have a higher income, and I want to make up for the regrets of the past.

You Jia understands Chen Feng's thoughts, so she didn't hesitate to let the shopping guide lead the way, as to help Chen Feng complete the things she couldn't do in the past. It just so happens that she also likes the styles of these clothes. You can bring one or two. Go back to commemorate.

There are so many different styles of women's clothing. Chen Feng is dazzled by the dazzling array of different styles of clothing. Even You Jia can't make up his mind for a while. Even if there are shopping guides around to help, the two spent several times more Only two clothes were selected in the menswear section.

You Jia hesitated between the two clothes. One of the two clothes was cute and lovely, and the other was steady and dignified. She liked them very much, so it was difficult to decide which one to choose.

In the end, Chen Feng waved his hand proudly: "I want all of these two. There are five clothes in total. Could you please pack them for us."

You Jia really likes these two pieces of clothes, and Chen Feng is really not short of money, so she no longer forces her to make a choice, and hands the clothes to the shopping guide.

Five expensive clothes were sold at once. The shopping guide was overjoyed and started to pack the clothes quickly: "Please wait a while. I will definitely help you pack them neatly."

Putting the five coats in five bags, Chen Feng picked them up all in one hand. He would never let You Jia take care of this kind of physical consuming task, and he took the initiative to take it every time.

The three of them came all the way to the counter. There are two people here who are paying and checking out. They are also Asians from their skin color and appearance, but they are weird.

The man in front is at least forty or fifty years old, and all the hair on the top of his head has fallen out. He is a very standard Mediterranean. Judging from his clothes, he should be a man of rich family background.

However, the female companion next to him seemed a bit too young. Chen Feng estimated that she should be less than twenty years old, and her peers should still be studying at school, and she was still wearing a gorgeous dress in Cairo, where the temperature is so low at night, showing a naked body. Large areas of gray skin are easily reminiscent of women who have lost their feet.

There is a huge difference in age between the two. How do you look at it? Chen Feng thought that this should be a big money with a young and beautiful lover who came out to play. It didn't matter to him, it was better to wait quietly behind him as if he hadn't seen it.

But if you don't cause trouble, things will come to you on their own initiative. Chen Fengyuan wanted to wait with You Jiahao in the back. As a result, the Mediterranean waited for the bill to be boring. He turned his head unintentionally and saw You Jia's peerless appearance.

Because it is inevitable to change clothes in the shop, and the heating is on in the building, the temperature is much higher than outside. You Jia took off the hat and mask in the middle of the shopping. Show your appearance in front of others.

The people who can buy clothes in this shop are basically rich or expensive. Although they are surprised by the beauty of You Jia, they can also restrain their impulse and appreciate this beauty from a distance without being abruptly stepped forward. .

But this Mediterranean Sea was different. When he saw You Jia, his eyes became wide and he never moved away, and he didn't even notice that the wallet in his hand fell to the ground.

As expected by Chen Feng, he is a nouveau riche. Suddenly he has no place to spend. So he finds a few lovers to play around the world. The meaning of his empty life is spending money and playing with beautiful women.

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