Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1209

Chapter 1209: Get through

The Mediterranean returned the special bank card to Chen Feng, and knelt down at him when he bent his knees: "I'm sorry! I don't know Taishan. I offended you inadvertently today. Please let me be your sir, please don’t remember the villain. , I swear I will never show up in front of you again, let alone disturb your wife!"

"Don't kneel down, stand up for me!" Chen Feng hurriedly reached out to support the Mediterranean Sea. He couldn't let the Mediterranean Sea fall to his knees. God knows if anyone next to him is secretly paying attention to this place. People kneel to him, fools know that their identity is more special, and will bury hidden dangers for subsequent honeymoon trips.

How dare the Mediterranean disobey Chen Feng's request and quickly propped up his body, but his legs were still swinging uncontrollably. He could only use his hands to prop up on the wall next to him to ensure that he would not slip and fall suddenly. Go down.

The roles of the two people have dropped. The Mediterranean Sea, who was just unbelievable, is terrified of Chen Feng, for fear that Chen Feng will take the previous things to him. They are all pilots who have been specially commended by the military. This young man is definitely not easy. If he is determined to attack, his son will not be able to save him.

Fortunately, Chen Feng didn’t want to spread the matter. He preferred to calm down and appease the Mediterranean, saying: "My wife and I just want to travel quietly. Today’s things have never happened, and you are not allowed to mention me to others. Identity, we are all in peace, understand?"

"Understood, I understand! I won't say anything!" Mediterranean nodded like smashing garlic, and the sparse hair on his head became more messy, dangling in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

"Shhh! Don't move so much!" Chen Feng held down the shoulders of Mediterranean Sea, so that he would not make any large movements to attract attention: "You go back and finish the bill and take your people away. Do nothing else, eyes Don’t look around."

How dare the Mediterranean say more, turn around and ran to the cash register: "Okay!"

Back at the cashier, Mediterranean did not dare to look back at Chen Feng. He kept urging the cashier to check out quickly. After paying all the money, he threw a note to the cashier: "You can send it to this address."josei

After speaking, the Mediterranean hurriedly grabbed his mistress and ran out. He didn't dare to stay in this shop any more. If Chen Feng changed his mind about what he wanted to do to him, he would not be able to escape.

The change in the attitude of the Mediterranean makes people feel unbelievable. How could he suddenly run away in despair, just like a bereaved dog. What magic power does that young man have?

All the shopping guides who did not serve by the Mediterranean looked at the corner where Chen Feng passed, trying to see what magic the young man had performed. Only You Jia was not surprised by covering her mouth and laughing. Of course she knew what Chen Feng used to make the Mediterranean attitude. After such a huge change, one is a real pilot, and the other is just the father of the pilot. Should I think about which one is more important?

Although he warned the Mediterranean not to be too exaggerated, the performance of the Mediterranean fleeing has deeply betrayed him. Chen Feng could only hide in the corner and think hard, trying to find a reasonable explanation to dispel the doubts of others outside.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng couldn’t find anything particularly good to conceal his special idea. In the end, he decided to add some truth to it. The best lie is not to completely cover up the truth, but to make it true and false. People can't tell the truth.

In order to make his words more real, Chen Feng straightened his waist and walked out slowly. He deliberately showed some official power and said to those shopping guides who were stunned at him: "It's very unfortunate. I happen to be working in a government department. He is responsible for the pilot dispatching. He can't be arrogant in front of me, otherwise his son will suffer the crime in the future."

Chen Feng’s explanation was a combination of reality and fiction. He first pointed out that he was a person working in the field of mecha and a government employee. This could explain why he was in danger when facing a special bank card just now, and then said himself. The pilot is responsible for dispatching. As long as the pilot doesn't want to provoke such a person casually, if he is sent to a place where there is no grass and the danger is extremely high, then there is no place to cry.

Let alone the Mediterranean Sea of ​​the pilot's father, for the safety of his son, and for his future prosperity and wealth, he can't provoke Chen Feng, and it is wise to leave in time to resolve the conflict.

Hearing this explanation, the shopping guides in the store can understand the behavior of the Mediterranean, and will not pay too much attention to Chen Feng because of this, because the government staff in charge of the pilot dispatch is not a pilot after all, it is giving people. I felt shocked by pilots who could drive mechs to fight everywhere, so they didn't feel too much.

In this way, Chen Feng was able to get through. Although it was a small one that attracted the attention of others, he was finally rounded up by him. He did not expose his identity more, and did not cause too much trouble. As a result, It's barely acceptable.

Picking up the five clothes she bought, Chen Feng put them on the counter in front of the cashier: "Thank you for checking out for me. I was delayed by what happened just now. My wife and I have to rush. Go to the hotel."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment!" After thinking that Chen Feng is really a government worker, the cashier didn't dare to neglect him too much. He quickly entered the information of five pieces of clothing and said with a soft smile: "Five A piece of clothing costs 30,000 yuan in total, do you use your card?"

"Yes, just swipe this card." Chen Feng took out the bank card he had always used and handed it to the cashier. He still did not take out his special bank card. If he used it in front of these people, he would just wear it. Well, fortunately, Kari still has a lot of money earned from missions, enough for him to come to Gueluo this time.

After the checkout, Chen Feng carried five big bags in one hand and You Jia in the other and walked out of the shop. Unfortunately, he is a person who has specially trained his body. If you are an ordinary person, you need to use so many things in one hand. .

The shopping guide who just received Chen Feng respectfully sent the two out of the house, so even if a distinguished customer can’t get to know and make a good relationship, it’s not bad. Maybe he’ll come to shop again next time. You can make money by receiving it again. A lot of rake.

After walking to the place where the shop could not be seen, Chen Feng reached out and scratched You Jia's Qiong nose, and slightly despised her, "You have been watching the theater by the side, and you didn't come to help me. I almost found no excuse. "

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