Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213: Kuro's first mech

Chen Feng looked up at this exotic mecha. The yellow armor was visible to his eyes. Perhaps he had feelings for the desert environment he lived in all year round. Even the colors of their mecha were made to resemble the desert.

Ordinary people would think about it, but who is Chen Feng? He is a promising pilot, who can see the deeper reasons for the color of the mecha armor.

Guillaume is a country full of deserts. There will be sandstorms from time to time, and sandstorms in severe cases. The mixed sand and soil is a yellow scene in the eyes.

If the mecha wants to operate in the closed Luo, it is bound to encounter this situation frequently. If the mecha is colorful, it is easy to be spotted in a dim yellow, and it is impossible to get close to the opponent in a concealed manner.

But painting the mecha in yellow completely solved this problem. After being integrated with the wind and sand in the sky, it will be extremely difficult for the enemy to find their whereabouts. You must pay more attention to your surroundings to make your own combat effectiveness not small. the discount of.

The yellow painting gives the mecha a natural protective color, and in the right environment, it can burst out stronger combat effectiveness. This is the fundamental reason why the mecha chooses this color.

"Since the first day it was built, this mecha has helped the Gueluo army to defeat the rebels in the territory, and after that, it fought fiercely with the creation organization terrorists, so that they did not dare to easily set foot in Gueluo's. Territory." The tour guide on the other side became more excited as he spoke, making various gestures along with the voice. It was as if those battles had been personally experienced by him.

After speaking, the tour guide took a step back and retreated to the side of the mecha. He stroked the scarred armor of the mecha and said emotionally: "Look, these gunshot wounds on its left leg armor were used by them when purging the rebels. All kinds of powerful weapons came out, but it stubbornly resisted the offensive, approached the opponent step by step and killed their leader. All the remaining rebels collapsed and surrendered. This is what it left from the first battle. The result of the battle."josei

"As for these sword wounds and stab wounds, they were all left during a battle with the mecha of the Creation Organization. At that time, it fought two enemy planes with one mecha, and after being destroyed by its armor, it still fought hard to defeat the opponent. , Helped Cairo stop the terrorist attack of the Creation Organization.” The tour guide pointed to several scars on the chest and back of the mecha. These marks silently told of its bravery at the time.

"Everyone knows that mechas often suffer serious damage in battle, so they need to replace their body parts." Finally, the tour guide explained to everyone the heavy damage the mecha had suffered: "This mecha is no exception. It suffered severe blows in various severe battles, and it has experienced nearly a thousand repairs, large and small, but even so, it has never been defeated, and its pilots have become the most powerful of today. Pilot, is our patron saint!"

Having said that, the tour guide showed a look of longing. The pilot of this mecha is the object of admiration in Gula. It is because of his existence that Gula can have the current peace and stability, otherwise there will be wars everywhere. Country, who will come to travel?

The tour guide’s explanation caused waves of surprises. No matter what the mechas, they are looked up to all over the world. There are not many people who can drive mechas in battle. Most people only have envy, especially such a full load. The heroic mecha, its legend is enough to make people very interested in it.

Tourists took out their mobile phones and took photos with mechas. When they returned, they could brag to others that they saw the first mecha in the history of the Luoluo and heard what a great history.

There is no pilot to control the mecha, so it stands there quietly, responding to the various behaviors of everyone in silence, but if it has a soul, it may be very proud.

Following the tour guide’s explanation, Chen Feng also took a closer look at the mecha. The traces left on it were indeed not covered. Every path caused huge damage to the inside of the mecha. If the driving skills of the mecha were a little bit Weaker, these injuries can completely cause the consequences of plane destruction.

Luo Luo deliberately left these scars on the mecha without erasing them, the purpose is to tell all the passengers who came over that they have such an unbeaten mecha with a brilliant record, so that they can spread the news of their country's strength back.

"Haha, the people of Gueluo are really ghosts, just thinking about deceiving these people who don't know the truth." Chen Feng smiled, not telling the truth, he still has the Ancient Shenlan Republic and Gueluo and there is no hatred, there is no need to expose Their minds.

After a long period of close observation, Chen Feng has been able to estimate the combat effectiveness of this mecha. Its structure is actually very simple. Compared with the three major mecha powers, there is nothing too special. Armor and weapons are also very general. They don’t even have the thick armor of the Gusu Empire. They are fairly standard. They probably don’t have any super power and speed. Everything can be said to be ordinary and not ordinary.

As for the enemies defeated by the mecha in the guide, the rebels needless to say that since the advent of mechas, those traditional weapons can hardly defeat them, and it is easy to use the advantages of mecha to defeat them.

As for the Mecha of the Creation Organization that was killed by him, it was just a relatively weak pilot in the Creation Organization. Behind the Creation Organization was the Saint Gama Empire, so their main energy was on the ancient gods. The two sides of the Republic and the lowest scores of the Zhu Timor Federation, for Bula, simply planned some terrorist attacks, and it was reasonable to lose.

So no matter how the tour guide brags, the mecha itself did not allow Chen Feng to see its particularly powerful place. Its achievements are just normal, and it is nothing to Chen Feng, who has fought many dangerous enemies.

As for You Jia, she also said that she did not catch a cold with this mecha. At first, under the passionate explanation of the tour guide, she observed the mecha for a long time with great interest, but she is a leader in the field of mecha research. I can see through the nature of this mecha. It can not be defeated in a single battle. In addition to the powerful control of the boot division itself, it has a vital connection with the strength of the opponent it faces.

If it is facing the opponent Chen Feng and the others have encountered, it is afraid that it will die before leaving the army. This is the final definition of this mecha after You Jia calculated various data.

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