Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236: Rout

Subsequently, the pilot of the Genesis Organization controlled the mecha to shrink half of the body, reducing the range that can be attacked to a minimum, and using both hands to protect the sides of the head, he must use the most sure defense to protect himself. Arrived to the companion.

Groups of light beams hit this mecha continuously. They didn't just hit each other from the angle that Chen Feng launched. After Chen Feng's subtle control, these light beams collided with each other and changed their directions. Some flew from the side of the mecha, and some even went around to the other side, launching an offensive in all directions without dead ends.

The superb skills made the two pilots who were still ascending below look terrified. This Chen Feng seemed to be more powerful than the rumored one. Can they really defeat this full-fire enemy? After the battle, they had doubts for the first time.

The beam unscrupulously hit the established target. Even if the abandoned beam rifle was separated from the mecha, it was still struck into fragments directly in the air. The fragments rotated to the ground and fell, and slowed the rise of the two mechas below. speed.

The propellers behind the next stricken Genesis mecha did not have much defense protection. They exploded soon after being hit continuously. The power of the explosion blasted this mecha out and added it out of thin air. A bit faster.

However, the increased speed did not make this mecha out of danger. Chen Feng anticipated this in advance during the attack. All attacks were left with room to turn around. As soon as the previous attack was successful, he immediately re-adjusted his angle to make a new one. One round of attacks does not give the opponent any breathing space.

The pilot of this mech felt the vibration behind him, and was just still happy that he might have the opportunity to escape the attack range with extra speed, and fell into despair again in the next second. Chen Feng’s attack never stopped, always following. The movement of his mecha changes.

"This Chen Feng is stronger than known, who can stand it!" The pilot yelled in the mecha. If it weren't for the wrong information, how could he have judged the power of Chen Feng's attack wrongly? Let yourself chase the high altitude far away from your companions.

The pilot of the genesis organization used his arms to protect his head tightly to ensure that the cockpit would not be hit by a beam of light. Such a distance would not even make sense to explode. The only thing he could do was to save the deadliest part and wait for his companions to rescue Yourself.

The time is too late, the two mechas of the Creation Organization below have risen a long distance, less than 300 meters away from the mecha that is being attacked by Chen Feng, and can replace them in a few seconds. Resist the attack.

Chen Feng had attacked for so long, how could they save the target as they wished, suddenly activated the thruster and flew forward, leaping ahead of them to directly above the mecha being attacked by him.

The mecha only took care of protecting the cockpit, where it could manage other things, and didn't notice the position of Chen Feng after moving.

The two mechas below wanted to remind him that it was too late. Chen Feng flew up and kicked his arm covering his head with the help of gravity acceleration, kicking that arm into half, exposing the head of the mecha below.josei

The pilot didn't know what was going on, he felt his eyes lit up, and the arm that was supposed to be close to his head disappeared.

He just felt a little bad, and Chen Feng’s attacks followed one after another. Two beam rifles were aimed at the cockpit position of the head and fired continuously. All beams were centered on the target position, and the already fragile head of the mecha The ministry almost blasted into dregs.

Suffering a fatal blow, the mecha shuddered twice and then stopped struggling. It fell to the ground. Everyone could see that the pilot inside was not saved. The uncontrolled mecha was only the result of a fall and an explosion.

Having lost one of their companions, the remaining two pilots of the Creation Organization knew that they had no chance of winning. Chen Feng’s attack power was stronger than expected. No one remotely contained Chen Feng’s floating artillery. They What to use to fight with it?

Thinking of this, the two Creation Organization mechas scattered and fled. Since there is no hope of winning, let's run away quickly! And they are still praying in their hearts, hoping that the other person is slower than themselves, so as to attract Chen Feng to chase and give them a chance to escape.

They have tried their best to escape, but the weapons in their hands have greatly hindered their speed. There is almost no difference in the distance of escape. Holding heavy weapons will inevitably slow down, so they will not be able to catch up with their rescue partners before, and now they cannot escape too much. fast.

The two pilots were anxious, and they urged Motor A to turn on their thrusters to help the flight. They did not dare to throw away their weapons. This was the best item they could use to defend. If they didn't have weapons to help them, they would be afraid of themselves. Will soon be defeated in Chen Feng's attack.

Chen Feng didn’t want to let them go. He retracted the beam rifle to his side, and raised two more floating cannons. Every three floating cannons chased an enemy aircraft so that it could not escape smoothly, but he himself chased first. For mechas that use giant hammers, the speed of this mecha will be slower, and the giant hammers in his hands are too easy to protect the body, and the attack effect of the floating gun is not very good.

Being chased by Chen Feng behind his ass, the pilot who used the giant hammer complained, "Why are you chasing me? Why don't you chase him? He was the first to attack you just now, you should hate him even more. Well!"

"Don't worry, all of you don't want to run. If you solve you, I will solve him immediately." Chen Feng didn't have the time to chat with him, and the floating guns moved back rhythmically. Two of the floating guns that had been fighting for a long time returned. The back of the mecha was charged, and the beam saber was picked up again in his hand. It seemed that he was actually preparing to solve the opponent by close combat.

Seeing Chen Feng switch to a beam sword and approach him, the pilot of the Creation Organization felt insulted. He used a giant hammer. Even if your strength is stronger than mine, you can't run against the natural disadvantages of the weapon. Head to head with yourself.

Chen Feng dared to step forward to fight with him. The pilots of the Creation Organization added a lot of courage in vain. He took up a giant hammer and aimed at Chen Feng: "It's okay if you chase me down, but you still dare to play hand-to-hand combat with me. Let me see how I clean up you today!"

"Then you try!" Chen Feng ignored him, raised two beam swords and rushed up, the remaining floating cannon hovering beside him, quietly waiting for the best time to attack.

The pilot of the Creation Organization was confident enough to copy a giant hammer and smash Chen Feng’s face. He wanted to force Chen Feng back with his strongest strength. If possible, it would be best to cause some damage to his modified machine, and then Can escape more smoothly.

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