Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1243

Chapter 1243: contradiction

"I think the three mechas from the Genesis Organization are not ordinary mechas. You are not blinded by their appearance? And I detected another mecha flying towards you. I'm so worried about you. "You Jia was very concerned about Chen Feng's battle. The enemies appeared one after another. She was very afraid that her husband would talk to her.

Chen Feng told the truth about his fighting process. At first, he was indeed fooled by the first reflection, but he adjusted quickly afterwards and screamed at the genesis organization pilot: "There was a little bit at the beginning, but once I met him It feels wrong. Their mechas are definitely modified ones, but they are disguised as ordinary mechas. The people of the Creation Organization are really sinister."

As for the mecha detected by You Jia should be Yunyang’s modified machine, his sneak attack did not pose too much threat to Chen Feng, but the final collapse of the mountain caused some trouble: "The mecha that appeared behind was Yun Yang. Yang drove, he wanted to hide and shame me. Fortunately, I have been vigilant, he failed."

"We heard a huge noise in the direction of your battle. What happened?" Teacher He expressed curiosity about Chen Feng's battle. They all felt the violent vibrations in school. What happened to make trouble? There was such a big movement.

Chen Feng nodded. The entire mountain was tens of meters short by the explosion. People nearby did not feel that it was abnormal: "Oh, it was Yunyang who dug many passages in a mountain, luring me into fighting and then blasting the mountain down. Up."

It is precisely because of this incident that You Jia is so worried. There is one more enemy and the tremor that can be felt from a distance. She is restless in the research building, for fear that Chen Feng will encounter accidents: What is expected, I'm so afraid of you getting hurt."

Chen Feng hugged You Jia, stroking her soft shoulders, comforting her, "Don't worry, if you build the modified machine for me, none of them will want to hurt me."

"Okay, I'll talk about the battle later. Chen Feng, first, how do you feel about your modified machine? Did you have any problems during the battle? Or is there anything that needs improvement? Tell me quickly. Now, let's make targeted adjustments." After getting acquainted with Chen Feng, Montalelli didn't even bother to say polite words, and directly asked Chen Feng's thoughts on the modified machine, so that she could complete the modification of the modified machine as soon as possible. work.

Chen Feng shook his head. In the previous battle, the modified machine performed well and completely crushed the mecha of the Genesis Organization: "There is no problem. The modified machine performed well in all aspects. I think it is ready for actual combat."

Montalelli did not agree to Chen Feng. With her cautious style of work, she must be completely sure that the modified machine is completely perfected before handing it over to Chen Feng: "That won't work, even if you think it's good, but we still have to test the modification again. With the data of the aircraft, sometimes internal problems may not be detected. You have to make sure that there are no hidden dangers before you can get on the battlefield. This will take time."

However, Chen Feng still wanted to drive the mech to the Southwest Military Region as soon as possible. After being attacked by the Creation Organization, he could no longer stay at ease in school to test the modified machine: "No, now the Mech of the Creation Organization has appeared in Around the school, there must be something wrong with the defense line of the Southwest Military Region. I can't waste any more time. I must go there earlier to support Shui Bin and the others!

"I disagree. Your modified machine has not been thoroughly tested. If something goes wrong inside, can you survive the ever-changing battlefield?" Montalelli confronted Chen Feng and blocked it. Chen Feng's road leading to the modified machine, she would not let Chen Feng leave until she could not ensure that the modified machine had no safety hazards.

The two people have their own reasons for the needle points to the Maimang. Teacher He sees that this will not work, and stepped forward and pulled them away: "Well, you two don't fight, you are kind to not be so nervous. Go back to the research room first. Discuss what to do."

Chen Feng believed that the modified machine performed perfectly in the previous battle, and there was no need to carry out various tedious tests. He stayed on the spot and wanted to argue with Montalelli. It was You Jia who dragged him into the research building and ended the problem. Confrontation of meaning.josei

While walking, You Jia said to Chen Feng: "The director Montalelli is for your own good. Your modified machine has been rebuilt with new technical ideas. In many places, we are still not sure whether it is feasible or not. Maybe It will cause irreparable effects, so please be considerate and stop quarreling with her."

It’s not that Chen Feng doesn’t understand Montarelli, but he has a reason for having to attack: "I know what Montarelli thinks, but she also has to understand the current situation. If the defense line of the Southwest Military Region collapses, let the world be created. The organized mech broke into our country unscrupulously. What is the point of improving my modified machine test?"

You Jia told Chen Feng to stay calm and worked with Montalelli for a while. She had a solution: "I will help you persuade her. Now we go to the research room first. If we want to convince her, we must show The facts make sense."

You Jia had said so, and Chen Feng was willing to believe her, so he followed You Jia to the research room and waited for Teacher He and Montalelli.

Seeing that Chen Feng and You Jia had advanced to the building, Mr. He turned to Montalelli and said, "Chen Feng's consideration is right. Don't be so rigid. Sometimes things are urgent and you have to let go. "

"Then what if something goes wrong with the refitting machine? We can't help him when he steps on the battlefield. The people of the Creation Organization never show mercy. If something goes wrong, Chen Feng will be injured and will die. Gu Shenlan Can the Republic bear this loss?" Montalelli still did not agree. From the perspective of protecting the pilot's safety, her consideration was correct.

Teacher He didn’t think about how to persuade Montalelli for the time being. He pushed her towards the research room first, and the boat went straight to the bridge. Everyone here is smart, and the wisdom of everyone can do it: “Hey, go to the research room. Let's discuss it slowly, and we will definitely find a solution."

In the research room, the four people were sitting in jeopardy. Chen Feng and Montalelli looked at each other and refused to accept each other. You Jia and Teacher He smiled bitterly at each other. It seems that if the problem cannot be solved successfully, the two people will continue to be hostile.

Seeing that neither of them would be the first to bow their heads, You Jia took the initiative to provoke the topic: "Now we are facing a contradiction. Chen Feng wants to drive the modified aircraft to reinforce the defense line of the Southwest Military Region as soon as possible, but Director Montalelli believes that the modified aircraft The test has not been completed yet, so you must stay and continue the next test."

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