Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1264

Chapter 1264: Accomplishment

Following Hongshuibin’s sight, Ye Qi also found the location of Yunyang, and estimated the resistance he would encounter when moving forward. He told Nangong Mengdie to attack here first: "No problem! Mengdie, use yours first. Attack clear!"

Nangong Mengdie adjusted the angle of the heavy beam blocking rifle and used a powerful attack to help Hong Bin open a way forward. Without a word, Hong Bin rushed forward, stomping on the ground with all his limbs, quickly shortening the distance with Yun Yang.

Ye Qi and Zheng Zhirong took a few steps forward to attack the mecha who wanted to chase Hong Bin, and relieved Hong Bin from worries.

When the attention of the Genesis Mecha was attracted by Hongbin, Chen Feng controlled the modified aircraft to fly over them, before Hongbin, launched a fierce attack on Yunyang from above, and the six beams tightly surrounded the cloud. Around Yang, he couldn't get away.

Nangong Phantom Butterfly also appeared to attack at the right time. Gu Qian, the mecha of the Creation Organization, couldn’t look after him. He couldn’t figure out whether he should go to help Yunyang or should he turn around and kill the mecha that always disappeared. The formation became More chaotic.

No matter what, he couldn't escape from Chen Feng's attack. Yun Yang watched as Hong Shubin was getting closer and closer to him. The sharp claws on the limbs of "Candle Light Youying" gleamed, and it probably won't take a few seconds. Come to yourself.

Yun Yang didn’t have the confidence to fight with Hung Shui Bin. He cried out and threw a beam rifle and used the explosion of the weapon to create a safe environment. He turned around and ran in the opposite direction. Compared with his own life, he won on the battlefield. He didn't care about it at all.

Seeing Yunyang hugged his head and scurrying, Hong Hung Bin sneered disdainfully at the corner of his mouth: "I want to run now? It's too late, look at it!"

"Candle Light Youying" opened his mouth, the beam cannon was fleeting, and penetrated the right thigh of Yunyang's modified machine at a speed that the naked eye could not catch up, destroying his mobility, and Yunyang forgot about Hongbin's special machine. There is also a powerful long-range attack ability. A dog fell to the ground after eating shit, and he fell to the ground for a long time without any relief.

After Hongshuibin succeeded, Chen Feng launched another attack from above. If it weren't for several mechas loyal to Yunyang rushing out to protect him, Yunyang would go to the west to learn from the past few rounds.

After receiving Chen Feng’s attack with his body, all the mechas rushing over turned into fire regiments one after another, and then two mechas came up next to them, one left and the other supported the Yunyang modified machine and continued to escape, reloading the mecha He also rushed to the scene and raised his shield high to block Chen Feng's angle of attack.

"It's a pity! Let Yun Yang run away, just a little bit!" Chen Feng patted the cockpit annoyedly. If he could control one more weapon, Yun Yang would definitely stay here today.

With so many armored protections, the effects of long-range attacks are very few, but Yunyang has been hit hard, and it should not have much impact on the subsequent battles. Chen Feng turned and landed in the direction of the mountains. The World Organization’s mechas have already begun to gather, and he does not want to continue flying in the air to become an enemy's active target.

The battle on Chen Feng's side achieved the desired goal, successfully attracting more and more Genesis mechas to come back to defend. The momentum of everyone was curbed, and sometimes they had to retreat. The disadvantage of the number of mechas made them difficult. What effective attack is being created.josei

The Mecha of the Creation Organization was transferred back. It was an excellent opportunity for the Mecha of the Southwest Military Region to launch a counterattack. Ji Ling immediately raised his arms and shouted: "Our independent operations team succeeded in the raid. The World Organization is eliminated here!"

Before leaving Guan Yuzhen to fight alone, the pilots of the Southwest Military Region were very depressed. Then they were very happy to see Chen Feng and their raid. Now Ji Ling said that they can launch a full-scale attack. These pilots seem to have just come out of the cage. Like wild beasts, swarms rushed towards the messy Mecha Troops of the Creation Organization.

The Anonymous, who was watching the battle behind him, heard the shouts and turned to look at the front battlefield. He realized that he was completely caught up in the opponent's strategy. It seems that the Genesis Organization is about to swallow another bitter defeat today.

Looking at Guan Yuzhen, who had never stopped fighting, Wu Ming thought he should have no time to direct the battle. Who will be in control of the mecha unit of the Southwest Military Region on the spot: "Who is in charge of the other side? Why is it so accurate? What are our possible moves? If every step were not taken advantage of, we would not have lost so embarrassed.

As I thought about it, Wuming's pupils shrank suddenly: "It's Ji Ling! Yes, only he is the most familiar with the Creation Organization! Okay, you betrayed me, and you brought your enemies to defeat me. You will see you and me in the future. I must kill you myself!"

Ji Ling, who had betrayed the Creation Organization, would bring them such a tragic failure. The Wumingshi felt like a knife cut. He no longer expected Yun Yang to lead someone to kill this traitor. As long as he had the opportunity, he would definitely do it himself.

The failure of the Creation Organization is unavoidable. In order to prevent the loss from expanding, the Anonymous ordered: "The Chinese army and the rear army will immediately retreat, and the front army will leave some mechas with self-detonation to intercept and pursue them. !"

The Anonymous decided to sacrifice some pilots in exchange for the survival of most of the pilots. This decision was very cruel. Changing to be a pilot from another country might cause infighting on the spot.

However, the pilots of the Creation Organization didn't care at all. They had the consciousness of dedication since joining the Creation Organization. The pilots who were designated to stay shouted, "For this blue and clear planet!" The mechs of the Southwest Military Region rushed up, and at the same time started the self-detonation procedure of the mechs, wanting to die with them.

Ji Ling is the person who knows the most anonymous methods. When these mechas exhibited abnormal actions, he reminded them: "Be careful of the self-destruction of the Mecha of the Creation Organization, and reload the mecha on top, so that they cannot cause too many casualties!"

And Ji Ling also quickly informed Chen Feng and several people in front of them who were still attacking the formation of the Creation Organization: "The people of the Creation Organization are going to run away. The Anonymous will definitely come and look for you. You should leave quickly and don't get caught!"

"Got it!" Chen Feng and the others immediately stopped entanglement with the Mecha of the Creation Organization, gathered in one place to break through the interception of the Mecha of the Creation Organization, and left the encirclement before the Anonymous came back, not giving them a chance to attack them. .

Nangong Phantom Butterfly also activated the stealth function of the modified machine again, and safely left from the creation organization mecha group. Nangong Dream Butterfly attacked a few more beams to help them block the route that might be pursued and then retreated with the heavy beam blocking gun. , All the members of the Independent Operation Team evacuated safely.

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