Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272: Join hands to meet the enemy

At this time, six beams of light suddenly flew from the side, all of which hit the physical knife that was about to make achievements.

Needless to say, this attack came from Chen Feng. While retreating, he kept watching the Wuming's actions with floating cannons for emergencies, but he found that the Wuming had killed Ji Ling with six floating cannons. Start together to help Ji Ling win the space to escape.

The six beams struck at the same position, staggering the Wu Mingshi's knife to the side. Ji Ling took the opportunity to fly back and quit the distance he would be attacked.

At this time, another mecha took up Ji Ling’s previous position. It fearlessly launched an attack on the Wumingshi, drew a long knife from its waist, and slashed towards the special plane "Undead" with lightning speed. Arm.

This mecha was the "Candle Light Youying" piloted by Hongshui Bin. The Tang Knife in its hand made a sharp piercing sound in the air, and there was an aura of swearing to stop without cutting off the hands of the "dead".

It is a pity that the synchronization rate between the two is too far apart. The Wuming family is in a bad mood after missing the opportunity to break Ji Ling. As a result, Hongshui Bin actually provokes him, and directly returns without evading.

I saw the hands of the "dead" retract back at a faster speed, and the knife in his hand changed its angle and hit the Shushui Bin Tang Knife. The two weapons collided head-on, and the knife with no charge actually blocked the sword cut by Shushui Bin using the drawing technique. Tang Dao slowly pressed Tang Dao back.

Hung Hung Bin alone would definitely not be an opponent of the Anonymous, but the gap between the two is so large that it is beyond everyone's imagination. I think that at the beginning of the Gusu Empire, Hung Hung Bin would at least be able to fight the Jihuang pilot. , But in front of Anonymous, it is like a child fighting with an adult, and there is no hope at all.

Just after saving Ji Ling's friend and falling into danger, Chen Feng hurriedly launched another attack. Six floating cannons surrounded the Wumingshi, attacking the back of the "dead" and attempting to attack the cockpit inside by defeating his armor.

Chen Feng’s attack caused some trouble to Wuming. He swung his head several times to avoid the attack, and thus failed to cause more damage to Hongshui Bin. However, Hongshui Bin still could not escape, and Chen Feng pushed the floating cannon in again. Some wanted to increase the power of the attack at a closer distance to create space for Flood Bin.

The Anonymous waited for this moment. If the floating artillery flew too high or far, he would not be able to attack. Attracting to his side was the best opportunity to attack. He took the initiative to let go of Hongbin and swung his knife towards the flying artillery. , Anyway, killing these young people is like trying to get something from the bag, don’t worry about it in a short time.

After Chen Feng discovered the intention of the Anonymous, it was too late. He tried hard to control the floating cannon to escape, but the Anonymous first threw out two swords and penetrated the two floating cannons next to him, and the sword in his hand shot four consecutive times. The remaining four floating artillery pieces that had been turned were destroyed. So far, Chen Feng’s floating artillery pieces had been destroyed.

After so many battles, Chen Feng’s floating artillery has not withstood such a severe blow. In the past, a few destroyed ones were already very powerful, and this was just a simple round of attacks by the Anonymous, and its powerful combat power was therefore It can be seen.

With a deeper understanding of the gap between the two sides, Chen Feng reminded his companions who are still around the Anonymous to leave quickly: "The Anonymous is too strong. We are not opponents. Shui Bin and Ji Ling, you should withdraw quickly!"

"Want to go? There is no door!" But Anonymous jumped and blocked the retreat of Hongshui Bin and Ji Ling, preventing them from leaving.

Seeing that the two of them had no chance to escape, Ye Qi stopped to escape and turned back: "No! We still can't escape just to escape. Instead of being defeated by him, we should let go, we may be able to fight for him together. To the front line of life!"

Naturally, Chen Feng wanted everyone to rescue Hongshui Bin and Ji Ling who were intercepted by Anonymous, but he couldn't say that he would put others in danger because of this. Now Ye Qi is willing to participate in the battle regardless of safety. He is very grateful: "Thanks But you must be more careful. Being hit by an anonymous attack is likely to be fatal."

"That's no way. We can't let us abandon our companions and run for our lives, and he can't let us go." Nangong Huandie has activated his invisibility ability, and is ready to sneak in and give the Anonymous a sneak peek.

Zheng Zhirong pulled out the nunchaku hanging on the fuselage, and while playing tricks, he charged towards the Anonymous with Ye Qi: "I have been in the war for so long, and I haven't had a chance to fight a demigod pilot. Let me try it today!"josei

But Nangong Mengdie’s speed did not slow down, she ran to a long distance before stopping, set up the heavy beam blocking rifle, and started looking for a suitable angle of attack: “I’m supporting from the rear, and I believe there is my firepower. , Anonymous dare not attack too unscrupulously."

Chen Feng also raised the last three floating cannons, and grabbed two beam rifles in his hand, preparing to besiege the Anonymous with his companions: "My floating cannons have suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that they will not be able to exert their full attack power. You have to be careful!"

"Where is that nonsense, I will go together if I want to go, and I will chase you one by one!" The Anonymous didn't care that Chen Feng and the others wanted to besiege him. He had absolute confidence in his own strength, even Chen Feng and the others. The number has doubled again, and there is still no difficulty for him.

Taking advantage of Wuming's attention on the other companions who came around, Ji Ling hurriedly picked up the dagger he had taken away, how could he be missing from the fight with Wuming.

Hong Hung Bin transformed the "Candle Light Youying" into a leopard form. Since the head-on confrontation is not as good as the Anonymous, he is ready to use his advantages in speed and dexterity to deal with it. His awakening ability is accuracy at high speeds, and should have Some effects.

"Candle Light Youying" continuously flew around the "dead", but the sharp claws made Wuming a little hesitant. Sometimes he had to dodge if he couldn't block it with a knife, and was delayed by Hongbin for a while.

Obstructing Wuming's attacking rhythm, Ye Qi, Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling who had picked up the dagger also rushed over. Ye Qi changed the spear tip of the spear into a cross shape, and slammed the left arm of the "dead": "A person attacking a limb first Let's talk about destroying its mobility!"

"Okay! No problem!" Ye Qi was very prestigious among the crowd. Zheng Zhirong directly expressed his obedience, holding the nunchaku and smashing the "dead"'s right arm.

Ji Ling waved the dagger silently, and stab the "dead" left leg in a soft but powerful way. Under his delicate control, the dagger made no sound, and ordinary people would never notice it.

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