Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1351

Chapter 1351: Battle of God of War

The mechas of the Ancient Gods and Blue Republics also came to the place where the battle had just occurred. Looking at the remaining mecha fragments on the high seas, you can estimate how tragic the battle was. Under the leadership of Edward, the mechas of the Saint Gama Empire were fighting. It is only in the fight that the life is going to cause so many wrecks.

Commander Pan has always observed and analyzed the situation on the field through the screens returned by the reconnaissance mecha. Seeing that the troops left behind by the Saint Gama Empire are so desperate, it shows that their large troops have not been withdrawn long enough. Commander Pan issued an update. The order requires the mecha units to speed up again and must catch up with the Zhu Timwen Federation to form a joint attack.

Edward resisted the grief and flew back. At the same time, he contacted and notified the commander-in-chief of the attack by the Ju Timor Federation army, and warned him that the reconnaissance mecha of the Ancient Godlan Republic had appeared. Will come soon,

The commander-in-chief asked Edward not to worry. Since the preparations were sufficient, the plasma gravity compression guns were transported to the country one step earlier, so they moved quickly in light clothing and were not so easy to be overtaken. The troops delayed another ten minutes, and they were now less than half the distance from the coast of the motherland.

After listening to the commander-in-chief, Edward was relieved. His fighting was effective and helped the army have more time to retreat safely. Unfortunately, the offensive of the Zhu Timwen Union Army was too fierce and many pilots unfortunately lost their lives. The few people left by his father died to rescue themselves.

"I will not let down your kindness, if you know well, please feel at ease." Edward clenched his fist silently, remembering his promise to them again.

With the scattered mechas around, Edward found a route that was not easy to think of to retreat towards the Saint Gama Empire. The next battle was nothing for him, even if he wanted to do something with his existing manpower. The number is also powerless, so I believe the commander-in-chief will do his own thing.

The Confederate army of Zhu Timor pursued them all the way, and finally saw the retreating mechas when they were about to reach the coastline of the Saint Gama Empire. This discovery made them one by one as if they had been beaten up with blood, screaming and then speeding up.

"I have chased it here and still don't give up. Do the people of the Zhu Timwen Federation want revenge so much?" The commander-in-chief of the Saint Gama Empire looked at the Zhu Timwen Federation mechas that were rushing like a mad dog. They were all so close. Now that he has his base camp, the enemy can actually rush forward and attack so frantically. What a hatred is this.

If you want to fight, I will fight, how can the Saint Gama Empire be afraid of the Ju Timor Federation! The commander-in-chief ordered the entire army to meet the enemy, and behind them there is the support of the whole country. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is much stronger than the enemy who is attacking from a long distance: "Prepare to fight, and move closer to the coastline while fighting. Our support will soon come. , Zhu Timwen Federation will not be arrogant for long."

The war broke out suddenly. The mechas of the two countries were fighting each other as if they had entered a meat grinder. From time to time, the mechas suffered heavy damage and fell. The mechas that fell on the bottom of the sea hardly had any mobility, and the mechas were specially inserted below. Killing one by one in the past, basically falling is equivalent to death, the speed of mecha wear is very fast.

"Kill! Whether our Ju Timor Federation can clear the shame depends on this battle!" The commander-in-chief of the Ju Timor Federation looked crazy in the command room. If the people of the Saint Gama Empire were to withdraw to the coastline, they would do it again. There is no chance of a comeback, so this battle must be grasped, and the enemy must not be easily broken free.

"Break them out! Let the world know that our Saint Gama Empire is invincible in this world!" The commander of the Saint Gama Empire also wanted to kill the Ju Timor Federation army that was chasing here. If they can win, then The prestige of the Saint Gama Empire will reach an unparalleled level.

The killing moves of the two sides attracted blood, and people were killed every second. The scene was more tragic than all previous battles. For a while, even the sea was dyed red, and it was all the blood of the originally precious pilot.

The top pilots of the two sides started a duel again. This time, neither side kept their hands. They all displayed their strongest methods. They must show each other good looks in the final battle. It is difficult to have such a duel opportunity in the future. , When will you stay if you don’t fight?

The pilots of the Zhu Timor Federation are very hard-working, but they are not as good as the Saint Gama Empire in terms of their overall strength. After fighting for a period of time, the victory scale gradually tilted towards the direction of the Saint Gama Empire.

Where can the pilots of the Zhu Timwen Federation be willing? They did not come here for a long distance to fail, so they rose up to take their own lives to bring harm to the opponent, and barely pulled back some disadvantages, causing the opponent to suffer. Small casualties.

When everyone was fighting for their lives, the mechas of the Ancient Godlan Republic were late to arrive. Although they were the first to respond, after all, the starting position was a bit far away, and when they arrived at the battle site, they were the last party.

Seeing the emergence of a force that cannot be underestimated, the commander-in-chief of the Saint Gama Empire is no longer as relaxed as at the beginning, and urges reinforcements to the rear, because he knows that although they have a certain advantage now, if it is ancient Shenlan Republic joins the battle group and everything will be reversed. He is not stupid enough to be confident that he can fight with the two sides.

As soon as the Ancient Godlane Republic arrived on the battlefield, Commander Pan ordered them to directly support the Zhu Timwen Federation. The goals of both sides are the Holy Gama Empire, so they must not hesitate to try their best to help. .

Sure enough, as soon as the mechas of the Ancient Godlan Republic joined the battle, the Saint Gama Empire could no longer hold them. The casualties of the mechas continued to intensify and they were likely to collapse.

In an emergency, Griffin no longer only acted on Abe Boya, but also continuously shot the mecha in the melee with the beam rifle in his hand, killing the enemy planes that had broken into his camp one by one, helping to stabilize the line slightly.

This is where the double-gun fighting technique is strong. It allows Griffin not only to use the beam rifle for close fighting, but also to launch long-range shooting while fighting, almost with its own power. The troops contend.

Boya Abe didn't want Griffin to influence the battle. He used the ship-cutting knife to the extreme. He danced this huge sword so that the blade was almost invisible, leaving only the light and sword shadow in the air. You can see how powerful and speed he is. fast.josei

If Abe Boya was faced with other pilots, it is estimated that he would be cut in half if he couldn't support it even for a second.

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