Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378: trial

After Chen Feng and Nangong Huandie were taken away, everyone looked at You Jia. You Jia is Chen Feng’s wife and has the most say in Chen Feng’s safety. They should have had exchanges when they were in the same room. Want to know how she decided to deal with this crisis.josei

You Jia did not show a flustered look. She and Chen Feng had discussed the plan in advance: "Chen Feng is now using Teacher Lang as a cover, but it is impossible for the Nangong family to ask Teacher Lang for verification. We must contact Teacher Lang immediately and ask him to come over. Testimony for Chen Feng, with Teacher Lang's testimony, Chen Feng can escape the crisis."

"I'm coming!" Hong Shubin immediately took out the phone and dialed Teacher Lang's number. He didn't want to see Chen Feng being tortured.

Lang Ba and Xu promised have been living in the hotel near the Nangong family, waiting for help from young people at any time, and the phone number of Hong Bin was noticed immediately.

"Yeah, I finally called and made me wait for a day for nothing. I thought they could do it by themselves." Xu promised to lay on the bed lazily, drinking with a wine gourd that has always been in his hand.

"It seems that the Nangong family is really moving, it's time to go in." Lang Ba picked up the phone to connect to the communication: "Shui Bin, you came to me because of Chen Feng, right?"

Although Hongshuibin was very impatient, he explained the situation concisely: "Yes, Teacher Lang, people from the Nangong family just took Chen Feng and Nangong Huandie away. I am worried that they will be disadvantageous to Chen Feng, so I want to invite you over. help."

It is impossible for Lang Ba to refuse Hongshui Bin’s call for help, and promised that he would enter the Nangong family in the afternoon: "Okay, Teacher Xu and I are nearby. In order not to break in suddenly and make the Nangong family suspicious, we will go in tomorrow. , Don’t panic, they should not be able to do much in one day."

"Okay, let us have people here to help you withdraw the defenses from the outside, so that you can come directly in, trouble the teacher." Hongbin told them the good news, and began to prepare for the arrival of the two teachers.

Nangong Mengdie found the person responsible for controlling the defensive facilities and asked them to shut down the illusion at the appointed time. Although Chen Feng would drop the colorful sword, the family of Nangong Mengdie still has a certain influence in the family, so things are going well. It went smoothly, it just took a lot of talk.

Chen Feng and Nangong Huandie were taken to the prison and detained in different rooms. In each room, there was a special person to interrogate them, asking them to tell the truth about how to learn to fall the colorful sword.

After receiving Chen Feng’s reminder, Nangong Huadie didn’t explain anything. He only pushed everything to Chen Feng. He only said that he was surprised when he found that Chen Feng could use the same swordsmanship as himself, but Chen Feng said he was from Lang Ba Learned it by the side, so she has no way to go deeper.

Nangong Huadie’s refusal to cooperate made the interrogator a headache. After reporting the situation to the Patriarch, the Patriarch personally went to interrogate Nan Gong Huadie, hoping to get some useful information.

"You have imparted the top martial arts of the Nangong family to outsiders privately, and now you have not rushed to admit your mistakes and seek lenient treatment, and you still want to go farther and farther down the wrong road?"

Nangong Huadie has always refused to cooperate, asking three questions: "I really don't know. Brother Chen Feng didn't learn the colorful swords from me. What can I do? You should ask him and Teacher Lang. "

Patriarch couldn't find a breakthrough from Nangong Huadie, and he was so angry that he even sweared: "Damn! Just keep talking hard, after I find out the truth, you will regret what you did today, **** yes You have ruined your life!"

"Please, I think what you find out at the end will be exactly the same as what I said." Nangong Huandie didn't take this set. She would not admit that she taught Chen Feng. Isn't there a saying? Sit and wear at the bottom; resist strictly and go home for the New Year.

What's more, until now Nangong Huadie doesn’t think that he is wrong. Chen Feng is a trustworthy person. Instead of shedding a powerful martial arts that no one can learn, it is better to give it to someone who can entrust it to play a greater role. . And the facts also proved that Nangong Huadie was right. Chen Feng used the Fallen Colorful Sword to kill countless enemies and made various contributions. For the Republic of the God of Quran, this approach was correct.

Unable to deal with Nangong Fantasy Butterfly, the Patriarch focused on Chen Feng's side. Chen Feng was the main person in this incident. Now that he will drop the Ying Colorful Sword has been confirmed, as long as it can be proved that he learned from Nangong Fantasy Butterfly. Yes, then everything is over.

However, Chen Feng’s tone is stricter than that of Nangong Huadie. From beginning to end, he insisted that he had learned a set of nameless swordsmanship from Langba, and he didn’t know what this set of swordsmanship was called. It would be the same as Luoying Colorful Sword. I was also surprised, but it had nothing to do with Nangong Magic Butterfly, not what the Nangong family thought.

Chen Feng and Lang Ba had already confirmed their views on this matter at the time. After being threatened by Nangong Ao, they communicated specifically and perfected every detail inside, so they answered in a clear-cut manner, regardless of the interrogator. No flaw can be found no matter how to induce.

Even the Patriarch himself interrogated him and found nothing. Regardless of whether he was intimidating or tempting, Chen Feng kept repeating a set of rhetoric, repeatedly without any omissions, making him impossible to start.

Neither side could find any loopholes, and the family owner finally acted on Chen Feng and asked his men to take out the entire set of torture equipment used to interrogate the prisoner, in order to torture Chen Feng to force him to confide the truth.

Facing the torture instrument with the blood stains on it, Chen Feng didn’t change his face: “No matter how you do it, it’s useless. I said that I learned this sword technique from Teacher Lang. If you have any doubts, please ask him for confirmation. , If you use these methods on me, Langya Mecha Academy will definitely not let you go after it spreads out."

The owner put the knives in the torture equipment in front of Chen Feng one by one, trying to stimulate Chen Feng’s nerves to force him to submit: “If you are willing to tell the truth, these instruments of torture will not be used at all. There are blood stains left by people who have been punished before, which looks very scary. I don't think you want to hurt your body, right? It's better to admit it happily, and we can live together peacefully in the future."

At this time, admitting it fell short. Although Chen Feng was upset by the torture instrument, he still didn't let go: "I have nothing to say, everything is what you heard."

"Dead duck's mouth is hard! You wait and see!" The owner angrily threw the torture instrument and walked out of the interrogation room.

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