Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1476

Chapter 1476: Win or lose

After avoiding a few beams, Wuming felt that his speed was affected, so he rushed forward regardless of Chen Feng's attack, and wanted to resist the beam to catch up with Hongbin.josei

However, Anonymous soon discovered that the idea was simple. The power of the beam emitted by the floating gun was much stronger, and it could always hit the same place to superimpose damage. Several armors of the "dead" were damaged near the edge of collapse.

"To what extent has the'Broken World' been strengthened? The Ancient Godland Republic has created an extraordinary special machine, I can't be hit anymore!" Wuming was shocked secretly, according to this rhythm, he has not yet approached the flood Bin himself had to hang the lottery first, which was not the result he wanted to see.

Hong Bin escaped some but was frightened in a cold sweat. Anonymous was not so fast in the simulated battle. They did not estimate that they needed more attention in the subsequent battles.

After discovering that the Anonymous was stronger than expected, Ye Qi and others dared not relax anymore. Even if their speed could not keep up with the three above, as long as the three of them started fighting, they still had a chance to approach, and at least they could contribute.

The Anonymous gave up the intention of chasing Hong Bin and immediately used the acceleration of gravity to crash down, and directly replaced the target with Chen Feng, who was flying up from below, and hit them by surprise again. This is the temporary reaction ability of the top pilot, which can be in the shortest time. Find the most suitable target within a period of time.

In order to help Hongshuibin ask the Anonymous to chase, Chen Feng has been ascending at full speed. Suddenly encountering an accelerating descent of the Anonymous, he seems a little frantic. If he is really rushed in front of the Anonymous, it is likely that something will happen.

At a critical moment, another beam of light flew to the center of the two of them. This beam was much stronger than the beam fired by the floating gun. It completely sealed the large space in front of Chen Feng and blocked the "World Breaking" behind. Disappeared from the eyes of Anonymous.

"Damn! It's her again!" Wuming furiously smashed the driver's seat behind him. If it weren't for Nangong Mengdie's timely attack, he would have rushed in front of Chen Feng to launch a series of attacks.

Nangong Mengdie played an extremely dazzling role in the previous few battles. Although the special heavy beam sniper rifle in her hand is not a special machine weapon, it is not inferior to the power of a special machine weapon. The disadvantage is the number of attacks and frequency. Both are relatively low. Although Anonymous felt a headache, she did not specifically list her as the primary target of attack.

But now it's different. There are two special planes entangled by Wumingshi, and Ye Qi and others are always looking for opportunities nearby. If he can't defeat at least one mecha in time, he will probably lose more damage to the other.

The pressure on Anonymous's heart has increased greatly. These guys who could be squeezed to death in the past are now growing so fast. It was a big mistake to fail to mobilize personnel to kill them before.

After regretting his past decision, Anonymous continued to raise the giant sword. Since he could hardly find a chance in a short period of time, let it go. Even if Chen Feng and the others have the ability to cause harm to himself, what about it? The real strength itself still occupies an absolute advantage, and there is no need to worry about losing it.

It’s not that the Anonymous had thought of entering a demigod state to quickly resolve these little guys who were besieging him, but he considered that such a large-scale operation of the Ancient Godlan Republic could not be without top pilots. As for why there is no appearance on the battlefield now, it is very big. It may be used to deal with himself, so he can't just enter a demigod state to consume his energy, otherwise he will probably suffer.

The Anonymous's care gave Chen Feng more opportunities. Since he was unwilling to use the demigod state, they would not be too strenuous in fighting. Compared to the more practical idea of ​​inflicting a blow on the Anonymous, they just persisted for a little longer.

The Anonymous’s giant sword is still unmatched. Once he attacked in which direction, the people over there had to retreat at full speed, and then the people in the other direction would be restrained. The eight people fought in mid-air, and the heat was overwhelming. .

The Anonymous rushed from left to right in the air, feeling like a fish caught in a fishing net. No matter which direction he rushed in, he would always be pulled back. This feeling made him very uncomfortable, plus the opportunity of the creation organization. Jia's falling speed was too fast, making him gradually unable to remain calm.

"Okay, you scheming spirit, not only did you not appreciate my kindness to nurture you, but you also leaked my data to the Ancient Shenlan Republic. You are really a good son!" Wuming guessed that Chen Feng and others passed the simulation The plane has simulated a battle with itself, and there must be a credit for it, otherwise how could they calculate so accurately.

Ji Ling stabbed a dagger a few times, and said ironically: "You killed my parents, killed the men, women and children in my family, and deceived me for many years to work for the Creation Organization. If you are kind to me, I will be clean in these years. ! Now I am from the Ancient Godland Republic, and I won't listen to your mercy anymore!"

The Anonymous regrets the original decision, so he should not take Ji Ling away. In that case, he will focus on cultivating other people who are more useful to the Creation Organization: "It really disappoints me. I was better off training Yunyang at the beginning, although His potential is weak, but he is still quite suitable for the creation organization."

"Are you talking about Yunyang? I think you will probably never see him again in the future." Chen Feng suddenly interjected and pointed towards the battlefield where the mecha army was fighting.

The Anonymous didn't understand Chen Feng's meaning, so he looked in the direction he was pointing, and he almost broke his teeth when he saw that he was almost angry. He saw that Yun Yang was now in a state of frantic escaping, and he could die anytime, anywhere. .

Originally, Yun Yang didn't want to participate in the battle. After hearing the Wumingshi's decision, he was looking for a back path for himself. He wanted to leave quietly when the fighting between the two sides reached the fiercest, and then find a chance to make a comeback.

Yun Yang has never been to the front line, but this does not mean that others will not find him. After the Anonymous is restrained, the nominal command of the Creation Organization has become Yun Yang. If he can defeat him, then he will be The confidence of the organization pilot will be a big blow.

Pan Yuguo was the first to stare at Yunyang. He asked his comrades to take charge of destroying the genesis organization mechas, and controlled the "crazy war" all the way. After defeating seven or eight mechas, he successfully broke through to Yunyang. Ahead.

It's not that Yunyang didn't see Pan Yuguo's actions, but he couldn't get away at this time. The battle didn't take long, and Pan Yuguo received a lot of attention. It would be too embarrassing for him to flee without fighting.

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