Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1494

Chapter 1494: Hard fight

Regardless of whether or not all of the Genesis Organization mechas can be wiped out here, the safety of his companions must be given top priority. Chen Feng cannot allow Zheng Zhirong to fall into a crisis and ignore it.

Chen Feng’s actions were expected by the pilots of the Creation Organization. They separated five mechas to intercept Chen Feng, and the others looked to the remaining five people. This was their previous plan to divide the battlefield with numerical advantages. , Once which side wins, it can snowball the victory.josei

Ye Qi saw through the other party’s plan and called everyone back to him. They had to deal with the impact in what they were best at: “Don’t be dissipated by them, everyone gather, Mengdie, you go back, we can’t be led by the nose. ."

Nangong Mengdie originally stayed in a relatively backward position. After hearing Ye Qi's command, she immediately turned around and continued to pull away. With the destructive power of the blocking gun in her hand, it was enough to cause fatal damage to the Genesis Mecha.

There happened to be a Genesis Organization mech that came up from the back. They didn't want to ambush too many mechas on the way in, otherwise it would be easy to be spotted. This mecha was only a lonely one.

The pilot of this mech was very confident. He saw the weapon in the hands of Nangong Mengdie and felt that this was a modified machine that was only good at long-range attacks. It should be easy to win by going up close.

In the next second, he regretted it. When he rushed forward, the opposing modified machine unexpectedly threw three boomerangs and flew over. The lights on these boomerangs flickered, and it was very difficult to deal with.

But the arrow had to be sent on the string, and the creation organization pilot bit his head to block the flying boomerang with a beam sword.

"What a powerful force!" After shooting three boomerangs into the air, the pilot of the creation organization felt that his whole person was not good. He should be the attacker. Why was he almost unable to lift his hand because of the boomerang shock Up?

Without time to think about the details, the Mecha of the Creation Organization has arrived in front of Nangong Mengdie. He managed to raise his arm that had just been exhausted because of blocking the boomerang, trying to attack the enemy who seemed to be unable to adapt to close combat.

Nangong Mengdie carries the blocking gun behind her back, her legs are already ready to go. Many enemies think she is not good at fighting and want to defeat herself by narrowing the distance, but they don’t know that her legwork has been trained to a higher level, and then combined. Lin Xian specially enhanced the leg strength for the modified machine. When the enemy is not prepared, he will easily be subdued by his own blow.

This mecha of the Genesis Organization is the same. I thought that it would be easy to win victory when I got close, but I never thought that this was Nangong Mengdie deliberately letting him over. He was kicked in the waist by a flying leg just when he got close, and the whole person was embarrassed. Up.

This kick made the creation organization pilot find that he was too wrong, and his opponent was much stronger than he thought: "What a strong power! What a fast speed! He is definitely not incapable of close combat!"

Nangong Mengdie deceived the opponent, and naturally would not give the opponent a chance. The two long legs attacked continuously, constantly breaking through the opponent's defense and hitting its mecha, gaining a clear upper hand.

One step is wrong. If the pilots of the Genesis Organization were fully prepared at the beginning, they would not be suppressed so quickly, but now there is no way. They can only block and protect their deadly parts in vain, hoping to delay the time to others. Companion arrived.

At the critical moment of establishing a battle formation, where can Nangong Mengdie make the opponent get what he wants, the speed of attack has increased again, his feet continuously swayed the opponent’s weapon and kicked on its mecha, and soon kicked a few pieces of armor. .

The pilots of the Genesis Organization didn't dare to think about it. He focused only on defense, and he was suppressed in turn while he was the one who approached him, which was really depressing.

Before the pilot of the Genesis Organization was depressed for too long, the boomerang that he had blocked before flew back. He heard the sound and looked back and almost frightened his soul. The three boomerangs were directed towards him. It's so easy to get out of the way.

There is a boomerang before Nangong Mengdie, and the mecha of the creation organization is trapped. This is the trap set by Nangong Mengdie. Using the boomerang to circulate and attack, first trick the opponent to block the first wave of attacks. Then he returned when the opponent thought it was safe. At this time, the opponent was basically fighting with him, and then avoided the second wave of boomerang attacks.

The pilot of the creation organization stepped into Nangong Mengdie’s trap perfectly. He wanted to move away from the boomerang attack range, but Nangong Mengdie didn’t let him go. His legs firmly sealed all the space next to him. I can't get out even if I try.

The Mecha of the Genesis Organization, eager to break through the blockade, was struggling to hit the waist by Nangong Mengdie. The powerful force broke through the armor and passed into the mecha, hitting the mecha components inside, causing a temporary failure of the energy transmission system. As a result, the pilot of the Genesis Organization lost control of the mecha in a short time, and the mecha suddenly stopped and fell to the ground.

Although the pilot of the Genesis Organization quickly recovered the power of the mecha, the boomerang had already flew behind him, and he was cut by the three flying boomerangs before he could react. The mecha was cut into four parts. Scattered in the air.

Nangong Mengdie swept across with one leg, blasting all the smashed mobile phone armors, successfully breaking through the interception.

There was no enemy in front of her. Nangong Mengdie accelerated forward and pulled a long distance, stopped at the most suitable position to use the blocking gun, bent down to set up the blocking gun, and looked for a chance to cooperate with his companions.

Seeing that Nangong Mengdie reached the position smoothly, Hong Bin led the remaining people lined up to block the Genesis Organization mecha behind. It was now to see if they could withstand the impact of the opponent, and then defeated the opponent bit by bit.

Because Chen Feng wanted to rescue Zheng Zhirong, the large force that had left alone was besieged by five creation organization mechas, but Hongshui Bin was not worried about his friend, because he believed that Chen Feng's strength could definitely control all these enemies. Kill.

Seeing that the pilots of the creation organization could not catch up with Nangong Mengdie, they tilted all their firepower on the rest of the people. All the mechas took out long-range attack weapons and fired at the crowd of people in Hongbin with full fire. The place is in a mess.

Ye Qihu was in front of Nangong Huadie and Ji Ling. The mechas of these two were not good at defensive power, so he took on the burden of guarding his companions and resisted all the pouring gunfire for them.

There are too many mechas of the Genesis Organization. Their attacks are gathered in one place. Even if the power of each attack is not that strong, the number of them is still infinite.

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