Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1523

Chapter 1523: Suddenly realized

In front of other people, Brahman Kaul is not easy to ask these questions. Now that the environment is safe, he asks his doubts. In this less than an hour, it is impossible for the bodyguard to go back and forth to the Ancient Shenlan Republic.

The bodyguard must explain to Brahman Kaul, so he repeated what Chen Feng said, and made sure that no suspicious person appeared by his side when he drove the two off the car: "There should be no problem. They let me send it to the car. The city where I first met said that he could return to his country."

"They can enter Buddhism quietly, indicating that they have their own means of transportation and infiltration routes. Yes, they should have retrieved the means of transportation in the past." Brahman Kaur thought about it carefully and guessed that Chen Feng and Hsu Bin were there. doing what.

On Chen Feng’s side, the two of them had successfully entered the vehicle they drove. Hongshuibin happily groped in the car, “It’s better to own your car. If you leave it here, it’s true. I feel a little bit reluctant."

"Haha, this time we can be regarded as a catastrophe. When we encountered Brahman Kaur, we were told that we can enter the main base on the border of Buddha Laye and we can come out. I think we must have a good luck." Chen Feng is also working on today's I am very excited about the experience. This experience is too bizarre. If it weren't for my own personal experience, no one would believe it.

As the two returned to their vehicles, their mobile phones rang frantically. They picked up the calls from their partners in the Southwest Military Region, and there were at least 40 or 50 missed calls.

Chen Feng hurriedly called Ye Qi back. It was because he had the most communication records in it, and it was estimated that the partners were all together, and the results of who they called were the same.

Chen Feng just pressed the dial button and the phone was connected. It seemed that Ye Qi was really anxious. As soon as he connected, he heard Ye Qi's hasty voice: "Is Chen Feng you? Why did you lose contact for so long? There is nothing wrong with you, right?"

"It's okay. It is estimated that the signal was blocked. We met Brahman Kaul just now and went to their main border base for a stroll." Chen Feng thought that the base and the car that picked them up should be equipped with signal shielding devices. It will cause them to temporarily lose contact with the outside world.

This is a normal situation. It is impossible for the main border base of the Fulaye country to have targeted defensive measures. There must be special shielding treatment for communication equipment entering from the outside. It is understandable that the mobile phones of Chen Feng and Hongshuibin cannot be used.

In the end, Chen Feng’s words made Ye Qi even more worried, and he almost yelled into the phone: "What?! You saw Brahman Kaur and entered the frontier master base? Then how did you get out? Brahman Kaur will release Past you?"

The movement on Ye Qi's side attracted the attention of others. After hearing Ye Qi's explanation of the ins and outs, all of them were not calm. Nangong Phantom Butterfly reached out and grabbed the phone: "What happened to Brother Chen Feng? Can you explain it clearly? Don't worry us."

"Hahaha, you really don’t have to worry about it. If we can communicate with you now, doesn’t it mean that we are very safe now? You see me and Shui Bin are doing well." Chen Feng was very moved by everyone’s concern for themselves. Switch to a video communication mode, so that everyone can clearly see themselves and Hongbin.

In order to be more vivid, Hongshuibin deliberately jumped a few times: "Yes, we are not safe to come out. Tell you, Brahman Kaul is completely different from what we imagined, so I will tell you more slowly when I return. talk."

"Are you still in the country of Buddha, right? Come back quickly, wait until you come back and talk slowly." Ye Qi saw the scene behind Chen Feng and recognized that this was still in the country of Buddha. Quickly remind the two of them to go back to China before talking about other things.

Chen Feng got into the vehicle and started it, saying that he would start driving back to the country: "Well, we will drive back now. It is estimated that we can return to the border near the evening in the evening.

"I will meet you in the past!" Nangong Huandie stood up and ran towards the hangar. She was worried that Chen Feng would encounter accidents on the way back, and she would try her best to ensure the safety of the two.

Nangong Mengdie blocked her sister’s path. She thought it was not a good decision: “Sister, don’t be impulsive. If we act, it will attract the attention of Fo La Yeguo, in case they infer Chen from our actions. Feng and their whereabouts, then they will only become more dangerous."

Nangong Huandie listened to her sister's words, but was still a little unwilling: "Then there are no measures to ensure the safety of Brother Chen Feng and the others, I am afraid they will encounter accidents on the road."josei

"They can handle it well. We have experienced so many things together. This time we can get out of Longtan Tiger Den. Don't you still have no confidence in them?" Nangong Mengdie continued to convince her sister that she believed that Chen Feng and Shuibin could be safe Return.

Ye Qi asked everyone to go to the hangar first. It is best to prepare for action in case of any accident. Act as soon as the situation arises: "What we can do now is to prepare in the base. Don’t act rashly. Make sure that if something goes wrong. You can attack immediately, let Chen Feng take care of the others."

"Okay! Then let's go over." Nangong Huadie had no opinion anymore, and everyone went to the hangar to board the mecha and waited for news.

However, Chen Feng is still safe. The people of Buddhism did not know that they had returned to the city. They thought that they had been released by Brahman Kaul and thumped their chests in the base. They felt that the commander-in-chief was too emotional and delayed the affairs of the country.

Chen Feng and Hongshuibin didn’t dare to stay in the country of Buddhism. No one can guarantee that those people will react. It’s better to leave this place of right and wrong and let Chen Feng drive to the road where they came. go with.

The people at the main base at the border of the Buddha and Ye Kingdom were annoyed for a while, and finally someone discovered something was wrong. It didn’t take long for Brahman Kaul to return to the base. It was not enough time to send Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin away, at least she The bodyguard of's body will definitely not be able to go back and forth to the Ancient Shenlan Republic.

"It is absolutely impossible for them to return to the Ancient Godland Republic so quickly, to search outside the base quickly, and to send people to the city where the accident occurred, maybe they are still there!" The man yelled. , To remind others to hurry out and find someone, Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin are likely to stay in Fo La Ye.

After receiving this person’s reminder, the people surrounding Brahman Kaur suddenly realized that they were all deceived by the female commander and wanted to leave the country of Buddha. It’s totally unreasonable in terms of time. If they work harder, they might be able to find Chen Feng. Bin with flood.

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