Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1548

Chapter 1548: Various exhibition methods

The enemy cannot help Ye Qi to be careless, so he is willing to abandon his personal feelings and agree to besiege Brahman Kaur: "Okay, then we will go together, Shui Bin and I will block Brahman Kaur together, and the remote support will be given to Chen Feng. Up!"

"I'll be in place right away!" Chen Feng controlled "World Breaking" and started to lift off. Shooting from above is the most effective attack method during siege, which can facilitate observation and aiming.

Ye Qi and Hongshuibin went straight to Brahman Kaur and rushed towards Brahman Kaur. If they want to destroy the Buddha's attack, they must block Brahman Kaur. Today's battle will be very fierce.

Guan Yuzhen is guarded in the mecha army. Although he is no longer the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Military Region, the people of the Southwest Military Region still respect him and are willing to obey his orders. So Ye Qishun logically appointed him as deputy commander. Take control of the whole situation instead of yourself.josei

Now that the battle between several special planes has not yet fully begun, it is impossible to judge what the final outcome will be. It is not wise to press up all the combat power rashly, so Guan Yuzhen moved the heavy armor to the front first to stabilize the line. Let's talk about other things later.

As for Nangong Mengdie and others who cooperated with the action, Guan Yuzhen did not give them too clear instructions. For these young pilots who are used to fighting alone, Guan Yuzhen gave them great freedom and let them make decisions according to their own ideas.

The remaining people include the sisters of Nangong Mengdie, Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling. Among them, Nangong Mengdie has a super long-range and powerful heavy beam sniper rifle. Nangong Mengdie has the invisibility ability that is impossible to prevent. Zheng Zhirong’s frontal combat ability is good. Ji Ling's explosive power is suitable for killing enemies quickly, and the combination is considered very threatening.

The team is dominated by Nangong Mengdie. She let the rest of Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling go to the front line in the large army first. Zheng Zhirong attracts the enemy’s attention. Ji Ling cooperates with the explosion and kills, while Nangong Phantom is on standby first. Plan when you see where it is needed.

Under the protection of his own heavy armor, Zheng Zhirong successfully surpassed the sky of artillery fire, first drew out a long stick to attack the line of defense of Fo La Ye country, slammed hard with both hands to both sides, pushing the two heavy armors in front of him.

While the two heavy armored mechas were standing unsteadily, Ji Ling suddenly rushed out from behind Zheng Zhirong. Two daggers hit the back of one of the mecha's necks, smoothly piercing the weakest position and piercing its driver. In the cabin.

The pilot in the cockpit died instantly, and the heavy mech leaped straight forward to expose the loopholes in the defense line. The mechas of the other Southwest Military Region surged to expand the loopholes, but the rest of the Fo La Ye country reloaded. The mecha quickly reinforces and keeps them out.

Ji Ling Lone Army was deeply surrounded by many heavy armors. He was driving a modified aircraft with superior explosive power. It did not have too strong defensive capabilities. After being compressed into the space of action, it was sturdy and sturdy for several times. Easily killed in the mecha group.

Nangong Mengdie discovered Ji Ling’s crisis in time, and the long-targeted blocking rifle was slightly off the head of the gun. A thick beam of light flew straight to the front section of the Fo La Ye defense line, and the heavy armor in front of Ji Ling Fly through and through.

The pilots of Fo La Yeguo have tried very hard to block the attack of Nangong Mengdie. They united nearly ten heavy armors to open their shields and tried to use their numerical advantages to share the power of the beam.

It is a pity that this blocking gun specially developed by Lin Xian is too powerful. It is not inferior to the Miao Yin Cannon. How could it be blocked by them, so these ten heavy armors did not last for three seconds. It was knocked off as many as possible.

The heavy armor around him was knocked off, giving Ji Ling enough space to move. He didn't dare to neglect and immediately moved to the direction of the mecha units in the Southwest Military Region, returning to a safe position before the enemy mecha was replenished.

Large-scale mech combat relies on overall strength. If the individual ability is not outstanding enough, it can play a limited role. There is a lingering fear of escape from the soul. If Nangong Mengdie's help is not available in time, he may suffer a big loss.

Zheng Zhirong was guarding Ji Ling and asked with concern: "I just wanted to rush in to rescue you, but I can't break through the line of defense. Are you okay?"

Ji Ling checked the condition of the modified machine and found that it was not as good as he expected. The opponent's attack did not cause much damage: "It's okay, they don't have much room to shoot if they stick too tightly, they are all minor injuries. "

"Be careful, don't enter their camp alone." Nangong Mengdie reminded the two people in front to pay more attention, and asked Nangong Huadie to come forward to assist them: "Sister, go up too, I will move to the long-range attack team. They can't threaten me."

The shooting mechas of the Southwest Military Region have been gathered in one place. Under the command of Guan Yuzhen, they poured firepower on the opponent, creating a safe approach space for oneself, and killing the single or damaged mechas. Nangong Mengdie moved into them. It is very suitable, and there are special mechas to guard them. As long as the front line of defense is not lost, there will be basically no danger.

Nangong Huandie glanced at her surroundings. There was indeed no place for her to play in the back, and she kept moving forward at a constant speed: "Okay, I'll go to the front line to fight, sister, be careful!"

No one noticed the invisible Nangong Phantom, so when she came to the front line where the battle was the most intense, the two sides attacked each other in front of her, completely unaware that she was still standing next to a mecha.

Nangong Huandie is not in a hurry to take action. She can do whatever she wants to do when she is invisible. It is best to use it at the most critical moment, otherwise the enemy will have more defense after she strikes, and many actions will be hindered by then.

Tell Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling the news of his arrival. Nangong Phantom Butterfly observes the changes in the battlefield. The quality of the pilots of Fo La Ye is slightly weaker than that of the Ancient Shenlan Republic, so the Southwest Military Region's mecha is under attack. Many defenses were shaken a little, and the recent Nangong Magic Butterfly keenly discovered these opportunities.

"Let’s mainly attack this place. Most of the heavy armors here have been mobilized to other areas. As long as they can break through the line of defense, it will be difficult for them to regroup." After analyzing all the loopholes seen, Nangong Phantom Butterfly found the most. In the Bo Luo area, she believed that as long as she could break through the Buddha La Ye country, she would no longer be able to stop their offensive.

"I'll help you destroy the defense!" Nangong Mengdie took the initiative to undertake the first attack to break through the defense line. Just now, she has assisted the Southwest Military Region Mecha to attack several areas and helped the friendly forces there to gain some advantages. My companion provided assistance.

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