Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1673

Chapter 1673: Smooth wind

Hong Bin held Chen Feng and slowly landed on the island. He couldn't reach Chen Feng through the communication channel, so he approached the "World Breaking" cockpit and directly shouted, "What's wrong with Chen Feng? Are you okay?"

How could Chen Feng, who fell into a coma, respond to Hongbin's call, "World Breaking" was completely silent, and even if Hongbin was shaken, he did not respond, making Hongxingbin increasingly worried about Chen Feng's condition.

"No, I have to take Chen Feng back as soon as possible, and I ask you to help me." Hong Bin thinks that this will not work. If you don't find a professional doctor to check Chen Feng's body, there may be serious problems.

However, "Candle Light Youying" is not intact now. After a hard fight with Smith, he has suffered serious injuries. It is impossible to carry the "Breaking World" for a long distance flight. It needs the help of surrounding mechas.

Naturally, the surrounding pilots would not refuse to Hongbin's request. Several mechas flew to Chen Feng to help Hongbin lift the "World Breaking" together, and then the crowd flew down to the main base of the Southeast Military Region.

The battle on the other battlefield is not over yet. I don’t know what happened. The Mecha units of the Saint Gama Empire seem to know the defensive arrangements of the Southeast Military Region. The positions of assaults are all in the weak points of the defense line, which really brings the Southeast Military Region. There is a big threat.

Fortunately, Nangong Mengdie and others were assigned to the battlefield. When Pan Yuguo and other top-level pilots were too busy to take care of them, the four of them acted as firefighters, helping the southeast military area mechas to resist attacks and defending them from The St. Gama Empire’s mechas are on the offensive one after another.

The four of Nangong Mengdie were very tired after they turned around for more battles. Zheng Zhirong couldn't help saying: "Where did the people of Saint Gama Empire get the information about our defense? How did every offensive be just right? ?"

"I don't know, I only know that if we continue like this, we will be exhausted on the road." Nangong Huadie's forehead is full of sweat, constantly rushing from one place to another, physically and mentally exhausted.

Ji Ling also expressed that he was very tired. With his assassin-style fighting style, he would have to engage in various explosive battles every time he rushed to a place, which consumed more than others: "I hope we can defend in the end, otherwise we All the efforts were wasted."

"The actions of the Saint Gama Empire must be premeditated. After the battle is over, Commander Pan has to find out who leaked our confidential information." Nangong Mengdie flew at the end with a heavy beam blocking gun. It's hard enough for her to travel long distances with such a heavy weapon.josei

"Yes, it must be checked. This person must have a high status, otherwise it is impossible to access such a high degree of confidentiality." Nangong Huandie feels very sorry for her sister, so she resents the leaker even more.

Everyone rushed all the way to support, and there was no time to think about how the battle on Chen Feng's side was going. They could only wish the two of them could work together to stop Smith's impact again.

After Hongbin flew back to the main base of the Southeast Military Region, a team of doctors rushed to the hangar to pick up Chen Feng. This is the newly-emerged pilot of the King of Aircraft. The hope of the Ancient Godland Republic in the future, they must ensure that they will not appear. Any accidents.

Even Pan Bayi appeared in the hangar. He couldn't bear the responsibility of causing Chen Feng to have an accident because of an insignificant battle. He had to confirm that Chen Feng was innocent to rest assured.

When Chen Feng was lifted out of the cockpit, his face was blue, his lips were bloodless, and his body was still slightly convulsed. At first glance, it looked very bad. Hongshui Bin immediately panicked: "Chen Feng was fighting just now. It was good time, and Smith didn't directly hit the "World Breaking" cockpit, how could it be like this?"

"Are you sure that Chen Feng was not directly attacked? I think he doesn't seem to be right." Pan Ba ​​repeatedly confirmed to Hongshuibin. It is hard to imagine that nothing happened just by looking at Chen Feng. I hope Hongshuibin can give Give a more detailed answer.

"It is true that he did not suffer a direct attack from Smith. At that time, Smith wanted to kill Chen Feng, but Chen Feng dodged him, and then Chen Feng broke out with extraordinary combat effectiveness, and Smith fled in a hurry." Carefully recalling the whole process of the battle, he clapped his palms suddenly: "Oh! I know! Is it related to Chen Feng's powerful combat power?"

"We walked and talked about the specific situation." Pan Bayi heard a play. It seems that there were extraordinary changes during the battle, which may explain why Chen Feng became like this.

The team of doctors immediately carried out an examination after receiving Chen Feng into the treatment room. All the data showed that Chen Feng's body was in extreme disorder. For some reason, there seemed to be signs of collapse. The blood was blocked and all organs fell into failure.

Pan Bayi had already learned the course of the battle from Hong Bin in detail, and then came to the infirmary to ask the doctor about the results of the examination: "What is the condition of Chen Feng's body?"

The doctor took off the mask and shook his head at Pan Bayi: "It's not so good. Chen Feng's mental problem should have caused the physical function to be affected. Now his body cannot adjust itself. We are about to help his organs through the instrument. Restore function."

"Then trouble you guys. Be sure to help Chen Feng stabilize. Don't make any mistakes." Pan Bayi grabbed the doctor's hand and exhorted him, asking him to cure Chen Feng. If he needs anything, he will Satisfy.

After listening to Hongbin's words, Pan Bayi vaguely felt that Chen Feng had made a breakthrough again, but he didn't dare to think too deeply, because Chen Feng is now a pilot of the emperor, would it not be a step toward a demigod? The threshold for pilots?

This is a stage that even Pan Yuguo has not been able to reach. Who would believe that Chen Feng will overtake Pan Yuguo and become the first young pilot to become a demigod pilot. Just thinking about it, I don’t think it is reliable. Pan Yuguo thinks that we must be saved first. Chen Feng personally confirmed it.

The war in the Southeast Military Region is not over yet. After initially confirming Chen Feng’s situation, Pan Bayi rushed back to the command room to continue commanding the battle. After Chen Feng’s victory in the battle, he would be able to dispatch 20 mechas to assist in the battle. Everywhere else.

Twenty mechas are not much to say, but their strength is not bad, at least they can bring some changes to the anxious battle. Pan Bayi let them participate in the two most important battles based on priority and distance, and successfully opened. A breakthrough point for victory.

The addition of the new force helped the southeast military region’s mechas repelled the attack from the Saint Gama Empire, and then went to help other places. The advantage grew like a snowball, and the Saint Gama Empire’s mecha gradually became unable to support it, and eventually became a few top pilots. Under the unanimous decision to give up the attack and gradually receded.

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