Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1714

Chapter 1714: Wait for time

Abraham didn’t want to look at the other person in front of him, and didn’t want to give up his dominance in Lao Burma, so he slammed the cup in front of him and smashed it to pieces on the ground: "This is my business, if you talk more I will kill you now!"

"Haha, do you still dare to do it with me now? Don't you be afraid of being picked up by the people of the Ancient Godlan Republic?" As a result, the opposite person was not fooled at all. Who can mix in Lao Burma is not a human spirit, Abraham The threat has no effect.

The other party’s ignorance made Abraham very angry but helpless. Who made him now in an awkward situation? If it hadn’t been for the arrest of all the merchants of the Ancient Godlan Republic, where would it appear? situation.

But it’s impossible for Abraham to let go. He won’t give up his benefits easily after he has been in the old Burmese for many years. After he opened his mouth, it’s even more difficult to deal with. The two forces have been fighting for a long time, and they have been fighting for the distribution of benefits. .

Chen Feng saw that they would be unable to produce results in a short time, so he controlled the "World Breaking" to move in another direction. After standing on a high place for a long time, he once again attracted the attention of the patrolling mechas on the opposite side, and needed to change a place.

Slowly spinning around Abraham's territory, Chen Feng is actually observing it on the spot. Urshan's map is not too detailed, and he will be more helpful to the action after confirming the details with his own eyes.

The modified aircraft driven by the three ace pilots was very conspicuous. They believed that they were not of the same grade as the other pilots. They did not bother to stand with other mechas and were too lazy to inspect around, so they stood and turned around. Feel free to look around.

Chen Feng focused on these three modified fuselages, and he soon discovered a breakthrough worth taking advantage of. After joining the Abraham forces, these three ace pilots have always been very popular and have never done patrols. This kind of thing, so they don't know how to do patrols, and they don't know how to stand the most reasonable.

The three modified machines stand randomly in the area under their responsibility. They are all easily accessible by outsiders, especially Chen Feng’s primary target. The long-range combat modified machine using beam rifles is being compared. From the outside, he snorted around the mechas, seeming to enjoy controlling them to inspect.

Standing so close to the outside, Chen Feng wouldn't be able to justify it if he didn't break it in the first place. Seeing his dazzling appearance, Chen Feng wished that he would continue to hold on for a while, and don't give up halfway.

The two forces are still fighting fiercely in the territory. During this time, Chen Feng must not act rashly, otherwise it will cause a joint siege of nearly a hundred mechas inside, not to mention whether he can retreat completely after saving people. .

Seeing the excitement of the modified machine, it is estimated that it will not stop for a while, Chen Feng returned his gaze to the center of the territory and observed the progress through the magnifying vision system.

By the way, Chen Feng can also glance at the large wooden house also in the central area. It was built there separately, and there are two mechas guarding the surrounding area. The terrain is flat and open for observation and pursuit. It is estimated that it was originally used to detain prisoners. , This time just shut the merchants of the Ancient Godlan Republic in.

Abraham was very upset with the other party's attitude, but the current situation is really not easy for him to go to war, so after tangling with the other party for a while, he chose to give up some of his benefits.

The last two leaders set the plan for the final distribution of benefits. Abraham accounted for 55% and the other accounted for 45%. It is considered that everyone is happy to get what they need and successfully completed this transaction negotiation.

"If you need help, you can really ask me for help. The price of friendship is definitely not expensive." The leader of the other power once again told Abraham when he left that he could help, as long as he gave the appropriate compensation.

How could Abraham ask for help from other forces, he would lose if he loses, it would be shameful if he asks for help and is defeated: "No need, this is Lao Burma, what storms can the Ancient Godland Republic make? I can do it myself, without you worry!"

"Goodbye, then, I hope I can see you in a few days." The other party waved goodbye when he saw Abraham's oil and salt not entering. Anyway, the result will be released soon, and the division of forces in Old Myanmar will definitely happen. Great changes, he has to go back and be prepared.

After the negotiation between the two sides is completed, there is no need to stay in Abraham's territory and stare.

Out of caution, Chen Feng continued to observe for a while, and determined that the mechas that did not belong to Abraham really left and would not return.

And Abraham also asked his pilots to park the mechas back to the hangar. Just now, he was trying to put pressure on the forces that came to negotiate the deal, so he asked the pilots to drive the mechas out. Now that things are done, there is no need to let them go. They continued to wander on the ground. After all, driving a mecha operation consumes a lot of energy, which is all wasted money, even if Abraham has money, he cannot withstand such meaningless consumption.

After the mecha troops parked in the hangar, Abraham’s territory returned to calm. Abraham himself got into a villa next to him and never came out again. Only 20 mechas outside were still performing patrol duties, and there were big ones. The two mechas next to the wooden house controlled the merchant, if no accident happened, it would have passed by today.

Chen Feng is still not in a hurry. The pilots in Abraham's territory have just returned to their houses to rest. They should still be in a period of excitement in driving the mechas, and they can explode close to the optimal level if they drive mechas in a short time. Chen Feng doesn't need to get rid of the bad, it's best to wait until they are halfway to rest and they are not up and down.josei

And it’s still early, even if you wait for another hour or two, it’s still in the evening. Chen Feng’s cockpit has dry food and it’s no problem to fill his stomach. It is very likely that the modified aircraft that is good at long-range combat will not have anymore. Interested to command his men, and then have to find another opportunity.

As time passed slowly, Chen Feng went round and round around the periphery of the Abraham Territory, arousing more and more suspicions. In the past, there would be a chance to stay here for such a long time. Chen Feng’s behavior was really unusual. One point, only to see that he only has one mecha, he should not have the ability to attack them, so he is not too worried.

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