Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1718

Chapter 1718: negotiation

There is no need for Abraham to argue with Chen Feng for life or death. He does not want to contact Chen Feng for the sake of face, so he must find someone to deal with it on his behalf. The people around him are not negotiating, and he has no other choice.

The man stood up when he saw it, and things were moving in the direction he envisioned, and there was no need to make extravagances: "Then I will talk to him and try to get some compensation."

The man asked Abraham to order the mecha units within him to stop attacking Chen Feng. Since he wanted to start negotiations, he had to show his sincerity to Feng. Moreover, stopping the fighting can also reduce the loss of his own mecha, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Chen Feng was keenly aware of the opponent's actions, and Chen Feng, who did not understand what Abraham intended, did not dare to be careless, and quickly controlled to fly to the back to charge up, so as to maintain sufficient energy in the possible re-opening of the battle.

The two parties came to a relatively peaceful state, and each was afraid of not taking it easily. The person appointed by Abraham contacted Chen Feng through the public channel through the communication device in the base: "Hello Chen Feng, I will negotiate with you on behalf of Abraham. "

"We have nothing to talk about. Return the person to me and I will leave immediately. I have nothing else to say to you." Chen Feng is completely uninterested in the negotiation. The other party obviously wants to use this reason to do things, and he doesn't want to step into the other party's trap.

"Don't worry, I contacted you with a sincere heart. The merchants just saved their lives under my best efforts. You can trust me." The man hurriedly prevented Chen Feng from ending the communication and told him Saved the businessman by himself.

Now Chen Feng knew the true identity of the person who was suddenly about to negotiate with him. Wu Ershan once told him that there would be a secret pile to help him protect the businessman. He wanted to come to the other party to tell this thing to let him have Prepared.

Chen Feng realized the identity of the other party and knew that the other party would not harm him, so he changed his tone: "Then I should thank you for your kindness? Tell me about the negotiation conditions and I will see if it is acceptable."

Chen Feng was willing to negotiate, and it would be easier. Abraham sighed in relief. If you don't say anything far away, he will leave a lot of mechas alone, which plays a vital role in maintaining his position.

Abraham was watching behind him, so the man could not show his bias towards Chen Feng, and then said, "We can return the merchant to you, but you have killed so many mechas, so there is nothing to express. ?"

"What can I say, you kidnapped businessmen in our country, I'll come to rescue them. Anything that happens in it is your own responsibility." Chen Feng will not easily agree to the party's request, even if the other party helps save the businessmen. He will not let go.

"This is boring. You have smashed so many of our mechas and caused us huge losses. It is impossible to take people away without paying the price. If we continue to besiege you, you will not feel good? Step back, it's convenient for each other." The other party continued to persuade Chen Feng, and almost told him to hurry down the step he gave him.

Chen Feng heard what he meant. It seemed that Abraham was willing to be soft, but he needed to make a statement first before Abraham would choose to stop. Thinking of this, Chen Feng changed his attitude: "What do you want? With me It’s impossible to compensate you too much for your permission, but I will try my best to coordinate."

The man turned his head and glanced at Abraham, and then listed the requirements: "It's very simple. Our strength is very important here in Burma. We need compensation that can make up for today's loss and provide us with enough pilots and mechas. "

Abraham's needs are simple, that is, to get pilots and mechas from the Ancient Gods Republic. He believes that with the deep heritage of the Ancient Gods Republic, he can definitely provide stronger mechas than those built in Lao Burma. As for the pilot, that was an extra extravagant request of Abraham. If the Quran God Republic was willing to send a pilot over, he would be happy to accept it, at least for this period of time.

"A pilot is absolutely impossible. How could the pilots of our country work for you?" Chen Feng rejected the request for pilots. The pilots of the Qur'an God Republic could not work for Lao Burmese's personal power. , Even if the military department issued an order, no division would be allowed to sign up, unless the pilots were forced to go, Chen Feng would not like to see this happen.

After rejecting the other party’s unreasonable request, Chen Feng conditionally agreed to another request: "As for mechas, our country has some retired mechas. I can apply to transfer some to you, although these mechas are a bit old. , But it’s also much better than the mecha you are using now. If you don’t want to accept it, there’s no way.”

Chen Feng told the other party about his bottom line, saying that he would try his best to deal with the matter, as for more, there is no guarantee.

The person negotiating with Chen Feng looked at Abraham again, and the final decision was made by Abraham. Whether he agreed to Chen Feng's terms would depend on Abraham's consideration. He didn't dare to overstep him, otherwise he would definitely be shot in the next second.

Abraham thought for a while and decided to agree. If the pilots, he can continue to recruit with money. Mechas are rare items that cannot be created in a short time. Moreover, they are the standard mechas of the Ancient Gods Republic, compared to the ones they built themselves. The mecha is much more powerful: "Yes, but I need him to determine how many mechas he can give us. If the number is too small, then tear up the ticket!"

The man relayed the words to Chen Feng intact, asking Chen Feng to determine as soon as possible how many mechas he would give, and Chen Feng contacted Commander Ma on the spot, telling him Abraham's request and his compromise, hoping to get the military headquarters stand by.

After listening to what happened to Chen Feng, Commander Ma happily promised to send 30 mechas to Abraham. Now all the pilots of the military districts have already piloted the second-generation mechas, and the remaining one-generation mechas are released. It's useless, it's better to use it to do something more meaningful.josei

Of course, Commander Ma will not simply hand over the mecha. He will install a self-destruction program on these generations of mechas. Once an outsider wants to crack the technology in the mecha, the self-destruction program will be triggered to explode on the spot. , To ensure that the mecha technology belonging to the Qur'an God Republic will not leak.

Regarding Commander Ma’s arrangement, Abraham had no reason to refuse. He was able to get a first generation of mechas already very good. The original idea of ​​using a first generation of mechas for research also dissipated and lost about forty mechas. But because of this, he got thirty better mechas of the Republic of the Gulan God, and he didn't suffer from it.

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