Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1756

Chapter 1756: Retreat

Pan Yuguo was aware of the strength of his opponent as soon as he fought against him. Fortunately, there was Hong Bin reminded him that if he did fight, he would definitely suffer a loss and might even endanger his life.

But this kind of strength is not enough to cause Murong Fan to be injured. Other things must have happened here, because it was Abe Boya who invited Murong Fan to fight. Now this mech chases here but no Abe Boya is seen, is it Di Zhu? There are more arrangements for the Wen Federation?

Pan Yuguo cautiously looked around, and there was no abnormality. He asked Hongshui Bin to prove: "Why didn't you see the'Knife God'? Isn't he fighting the'War God'? Why didn't he appear."

Speaking of Abe Boya, Hung Hwa Bin couldn't get angry. This guy didn't have the tolerance that the God of War should have. He would join hands with other people to attack in order to win, which was a shame to the God of War.

"Abe Boya was injured by my master. It should be left behind to prepare a special plane. The two of them were shamelessly attacking hand in hand. We didn't have any precautions before we started!" Hong Bin said concisely and told Pan Yuguo what happened during the battle. , Out of contempt for Abe Boya, he even called his name directly.josei

Pan Yuguo slammed a punch on the wall of the cockpit after hearing this. He could imagine Murong Fan being attacked and attacked at the time. Under such unfavorable conditions, Murong Fan could even launch a counterattack. This strength is really admirable: " A bunch of bastards! Fortunately, the'War God' is so superb that he can actually counterattack them and push them back. Now I will protect you from leaving. Let him go to the doctor."

After watching Hongbin go ashore, Pan Yuguo turned back and retargeted the enemy. Now he can finally let go and start fighting with him: "You don't want to be so messy, then don't blame us for besieging you too!"

Pan Yuguo believed that he could not beat the opponent, and what the opponent did made him no longer have any burdens. He ordered the mecha units to gradually rush to the vicinity to attack together. You do the fifteenth in the first day of the junior high school, so that you can also feel the siege. taste.

The pressure on the triplets pilots increased in vain. His strength was very strong, but he was still unable to face the overwhelming attacks. In many cases, he was able to dodge and avoid being hit by some extremely threatening attacks. in.

And they had to be careful of the threat of Pan Yuguo. After allowing the mecha troops to attack, Pan Yuguo hid quietly, and dived into the bottom of the sea like they had ambushed Murong Fan before. The triplets pilots don't know when Pan Yuguo will From where to launch the attack, a careless person is likely to end up like Murong Fan.

The triplets pilots believe that they have a lot of room to play in the future. It is not cost-effective to fight the Ancient Godland Republic now. Just now I saw Murong Fan's state in a very poor state. There is a high probability that he will not live long. , In this case, they don't have to insist on fighting against the mecha units of the Southeast Military Region.

The hero didn't suffer the immediate loss. The mission of the triplets pilots had been completed, and there was no need to do superfluous things, so after Pan Yuguo led a violent attack, he turned around and returned, killing all the mechas encountered by the ancient gods and orchids along the way.

I can’t fight against your huge mecha forces, so I will vent your singular mechas. The triplets pilots think so and do the same. Those two hundred units came to the battle area with Murong Fan. The mechas were simply dead for eight lifetimes. On the one hand, they had to fight against the attacks of the Ju Timor Federal Mecha Troops while also guarding against the attacks of the triplets pilots. People continued to die and fell into the sea, and the number of mechas dropped sharply.

This is because they are strong enough to persist until now. If they were replaced by ordinary pilots, they would have collapsed. The elite pilots brought by Commander Ma from the military have strong discipline, even when it is impossible to win. Persist in the battle, and will never let the Zhu Timwen Federation easily win the battle.

After witnessing the attack on Murong Fan, these pilots felt a sense of grief and indignation. The Zhu Timwen Federation acted so shamelessly that the God of War was involved in the attack and onlookers. They must survive and tell the story. Let the world hear, let everyone know how disgusting the Ju Timor Federation is, and how treacherous Abe Boya and the pilots driving different special planes.

Therefore, when the triplets piloted the "Yaki Orochi" and met these pilots on their way back, they could all explode beyond their own combat power to fight against them. In a state of righteous indignation, everyone performed exceptionally prominently. Makes the triplets pilots unable to kill them smoothly.

A lot of time was lost in the killing process, so the triplets did not kill too many pilots behind the triplets. When there were less than 100 mechas in the Ancient Godland Republic, Pan Yuguo finally arrived with reinforcements. .

Seeing the miserable appearance of the friendly army, Pan Yu's heart was deeply touched. The Zhu Timwen Federation took advantage of Murong Fan's sneak attack and was seriously injured to launch a fierce attack on other people. This bad behavior must be stopped by someone.

Pan Yuguo believed that he was responsible and capable of rescuing the mecha in front of him, so he rushed in first and used the sword technique to directly kill the two mechas blocking the way in front of him, opening the retreat channel: "You go first, I will stop them. !"

The pilots who were besieged by the Ju Timor Federation Mecha Troops were exhausted, and letting them continue to fight would not provide much help, so Pan Yuguo asked them to retreat first, and the new forces from his side were responsible for fighting the enemy.

"I'll beg you for the rest!" The military pilots were not polite with Pan Yuguo. There are not so many polite words on the battlefield. You may delay the fighters if you shirk it. So after expressing thanks to Pan Yuguo, these mechas have all responded He flew back and gave up his position to the newly arrived Southeast Military Region Mecha Unit.

The Ancient Godland Republic has been replaced with a new force, and it is still coming in continuously. The number is several times more than before. The triplets are not in full bloom. After losing a brother, their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. In the face of so many enemies, he is too weak.

Abe Boya is even more unlikely to come forward to fight. He didn't even participate in the pursuit of Murong Fan, so he would never participate in other battles. After seeing the mecha troops from the Quran God Republic, he turned around and left. He hesitated. nothing.

The triplets pilot saw that Abe Boya walked so simply, so he also retreated in the direction of the Zhu Timwen Federation. He didn't want to fight on his own against the increasing number of enemies, even if he won, there would be no benefit.

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