Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1840

Chapter 1840: Formal dialogue

Parting is always sentimental. Chen Feng didn't want to have any more extravagances, and immediately drove "World Breaking" into the air and flew away, leaving only Chen Xinghai, who raised his arms high on the land, and You Jia, who kept comforting him.

"Godmother has to leave for a while because she has something to do. There will be a chance to see her in the future. Don't be sad, okay?" You Jia calmed Chen Xinghai for a while before successfully calming him down. It seems that her child and Brahman Kaul's The relationship is indeed very deep, and Chen Xinghai has never been so excited on weekdays.

During the flight, Brahman Kaur sat in the cockpit of the "World Breaking" without saying a word. Chen Feng knew that she was still immersed in the negative emotions caused by the separation from Chen Xinghai, so she let her sit there in a daze.

Time can dilute everything. Don't look at the relationship between Brahman Kaur and Chen Xinghai now, but what will become after a while? Chen Feng is not sure, maybe the relationship will fade after the two separate, anyway, watch again.

When Chen Feng and Brahman Kaul landed in the military headquarters, Brahman Yapeng was still on his way back from the Southwest Military Region. Because he was very interested in opponents who had fought many times, Brahman Yapeng stayed in the Southwest Military Region. After a long time, I have a deeper understanding of Guan Yuzhen and Ye Qi.

Brahman Yapeng was not far from the military headquarters and could arrive soon, so Commander Ma first gathered all the people who participated in the meeting and entered a strictly protected meeting room.

After Chen Feng walked into the conference room and saw that Hongshuibin was among them, he walked quickly over: "You don't even say hello to me when you come back. How about? Are there any gains in Tenjin Temple?"

"Tenjin Temple is amazing. I learned a lot about it there. I have also made new breakthroughs in the driving skills of the mecha. I think my exploration of the black lotus world may no longer be less than you." Hongshui Bin smiled mysteriously and said I am not what I used to be a few months ago.

Seeing that Hongshuibin is so confident, Chen Feng feels itchy, and wants to have a simulated battle with him as soon as possible: "Not bad, let's go to the simulator room to practice some hand, let me see how strong you are now?"

"Okay, tell you, I am confident that I will not send too many new war gods from the Gusu Empire and Fo La Ye Kingdom. If a war really breaks out, I won't worry about loopholes in the battlefield of top pilots." Hong Hung Bin was really confident. He didn't look down on the God of War of the other two countries, but had sufficient confidence in his own strength.

Chen Feng became more and more curious about what kind of situation Hong Bin had at Tenjin Temple. The two sat together and talked in a low voice. They exchanged their experiences at Tenjin Temple. They found that they had different feelings, but they all had visible progress.

"It seems that the experience at Tenjin Temple has improved us. Although I don't know the reason, we can suggest other pilots to go over and see if it works." Chen Feng has already begun to think about how to make it. The pilots of the Qur'an Republic also benefited. If Tenshin Temple can benefit every pilot in the past, wouldn't it be possible to increase the overall strength of the country?

Hongshuibin agreed that the most urgent need of the Quran God Republic is to strengthen its combat effectiveness. No matter what method is worth trying: "You can suggest Commander Ma to give it a try. Anyway, you won't lose out."josei

Sergey learned from Joey about the true situation of Brahman Kaul accepting Chen Xinghai as his son. He admired this female machine emperor. He even dared to be himself freely outside under the domestic pressure. , He never thought of doing this.

So Sergei stayed next to Brahman Kaur and told her his admiration: "I can’t think of you as such a person who dares to love and hate. Consider their feelings. I can't do this, admire!"

"What do they think that is their business, I just need to have a clear conscience." In front of Sergei, Brahman Kaul did not conceal his contempt for the senior officials of the Buddha Laye country. Those guys have crushed their brothers and sisters for so many years. It is impossible for other countries not to know that it would be too fake if she showed gratitude. .

"After all, you are a native of Buddha Laye. You have to save some face for them outside, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble when you go back." Sergey admired Brahman Kaul's courage, so he provided her with some of her own experience, and didn't want to see this. A special female machine king fell to a bad end.

"My brother is the God of War. Those guys didn't dare to do anything about me, and I didn't do any treason. There was no reason for them to think about it. But thank you for coming out and let me know a lot of interesting people. "Brahman Kaur doesn't worry much about her situation. She thinks that going abroad this time is very meaningful, and it's much more interesting than staying in China.

"It's nothing, I just live a few more years, and have more experience in life than you." Sergey is a very upright person, and replied to Brahman Kaul's gratitude in a clear manner: "If you can, you are Go around the world more, it will make you feel very different."

Brahman Kaur's face suddenly dimmed. It's not that she didn't want to walk around more. It's a pity that the senior officials of the Buddha Laye country would not allow it: "Those guys are too restrictive. After I go back, I don't know when the next time I come out. "

The senior leaders of the Buddha Laya country will not easily let the Brahmin Yapeng brother and sister leave, because the combat power of the brother and sister is very important to this country. If there is an accident, the Buddha Laya country will immediately become a third-rate country.

This time, because of the special circumstances, it is rare that a very special incident occurred in the Quran God Republic. In order to obtain benefits from it, the senior officials of the Buddha Laye allowed the Brahman Yapeng brothers and sisters to investigate, hoping to find the truth through their abilities.

Brahman Kaur separated from Chen Xinghai in front, and now he is worried about the high level in the country, and his mood is very depressed. Sergey doesn't know how to comfort women, and sitting aside is embarrassing. Others seem to think they are awkward.

Sergei's embarrassment lasted until Brahman Yapeng appeared. When Brahman Yapeng pushed open the door of the meeting room and walked in, Brahman Kaur immediately became active and stood up to greet him: "Brother, you are finally here."

"Yeah, it took a lot of time to hurry. I'm really sorry to keep everyone waiting." Brahman Yapeng nodded to his sister, and then apologized to the others in the conference room. After all, he was the last one to arrive. , Let others wait.

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