Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1852

Chapter 1852: invite

Commander Ma would not let other people watch his daughter's jokes, and ordered all the people in the hangar to go back to their jobs, and then call several people who are qualified to participate in the meeting to the command room.

Commander Ma’s decision to announce Murong Fan’s death has been approved by the leader of the Qur'an God Republic, so next he will gather the wisdom of everyone to see how the world can accept this reality smoothly without causing it. They doubt the strength of the Qur'an God Republic.

Chen Feng stayed alone in the military department and had nothing to do, so he also ran to the command room to participate in the meeting, and made some suggestions to let the participants know how the top pilots would view Murong Fan’s death, so they can prepare for a better response Measures.josei

The discussion lasted for a long time. In order to avoid accidents, all aspects must be considered. The final result of the discussion was not to make other announcements, and only invited the leaders of several important countries to participate in Murong Fan's condolences ceremony.

Murong Fan’s ashes have already been put into the land for safety. The invitation of leaders from other countries is only to inform them of the reason why Murong Fan died suddenly. Apart from a few important countries, the Qur'an God Republic does not need to explain too much to the rest of the countries. , Otherwise they will feel that they have a guilty conscience and want more people to forgive them.

After the leaders of these important countries return, the news of Murong Fan's death will naturally spread throughout the world, and the Quran God Republic can only dispel the suspicions of others by responding to all changes without change.

Commander Ma’s proposal has been approved by the leaders. He will definitely come out to help receive guests, and cooperate with the military’s deployment to convey his own ideas, letting the other party know that he will not be in trouble because of Murongfan’s death. .

As the new God of War of the Quran God Republic, Hongshui Bin must also participate in the condolence ceremony. Commander Ma also counted Chen Feng and Pan Yuguo and asked them to show up at the condolence ceremony. This is for the other side to see The pillars of their future, before they are ready to attack, they have to weigh whether they can handle these three young pilots.

The performance of Hongbin has been recognized by Sergei and Brahmin Yapeng. At that time, Commander Ma will objectively describe the fighting of the three people, and I believe it can make these countries understand that the Quran God Republic is still uncomfortable.

The matter should be sooner rather than later. After further consultations between the leaders and Commander Ma, the time for the condolence ceremony was set three days later. This time is sufficient for Sergei and Brahman Yapeng to return to China to handle various affairs. Up.

Commander Ma is responsible for liaising with the countries on the invitation list. The Saint Gama Empire, the Gusu Empire and the Buddha Laye must definitely be invited. There are also seven or eight countries with quite good strength, only Emperor Zhu The Federated States of Brunei was excluded. For this country that used insidious means to entrap Murong Fan, the Republic of the Qur'an God did not welcome them to participate in condolences to Murong Fan.

After receiving the communication from Commander Ma, these countries all expressed incredible emotions. They couldn't accept the news of Murong Fan's sudden death. In their eyes, Murong Fan was only slightly inferior to Griffin and almost impossible to defeat. Exist, it is impossible to be killed by someone.

The leader of the Saint Gama Empire performed slightly better, because Griffin carefully studied and analyzed the movements of the Ju Timor Federation, and felt that there must have been some changes in the peak matchup that day, and the Zhu Timwen Federation would be unscrupulous against the ancients. The Lanshen Republic launched an attack, so they prepared in advance, but they didn't expect Murong Fan to die because of the battle.

After the news reached Griffin, he immediately stated that he would also participate in Murong Fan’s condolences ceremony. He was full of respect for this old opponent. He couldn’t think of how Murong Fan would fall into Abe Boya’s hands and wanted to go personally. Know the truth.

Commander Ma agreed to Griffin's request, and a powerful God of War fell. It would be abnormal if Griffin did not come.

As for the leaders of the Gusu Empire and the Buddha Laye Kingdom, let alone talk about it. The two gods of war have communicated with their senior officials after returning, and they have known the news of Murong Fan in advance, and they have expressed that they will be three days later. Go to the Ancient Godland Republic.

Other countries that have been kept in the dark are the most confused. Their leaders even suspect that the caller is playing a prank. It has been a long time before they believe that the person on the other side is indeed from the military headquarters of the Qur'an Republic. Commander Ma.

Murong Fan’s death has a very significant influence. No one knows whether the world structure will change due to this. Therefore, these countries all expressed their willingness to participate in the condolence ceremony after receiving the invitation from Commander Ma. They have to go to the scene to confirm. And exchange views with other countries to see how to deal with it next.

On the premise that the news of Murong Fan’s death can be announced without permission, Chen Feng still cannot reveal the slightest words in the daily communications with You Jia. You Jia feels distressed that Chen Feng can’t help without knowing the reason, so she can only tell Chen. Feng takes good care of herself, she and Xinghai will wait for him to return home in Langya Mecha Academy.

Three days passed quickly. Chen Feng asked You Jia to pay attention to the news of the day and then set off for the condolence ceremony. The leaders of various countries have already set off. They should start setting up the scene.

The condolence ceremony site was very simple. Adhering to the not-so-noticeable concept, Commander Ma directly chose the location in the National Cemetery of the Republic of the Quran God, and he was carrying out condolences to Murong Fan's tombstone.

Hearing is fictitious and seeing is believing. Commander Ma also specially arranged an instrument to broadcast the video of Murong Fan's ashes. After seeing these images, I believe the leaders of these countries will no longer doubt whether Murong Fan is real. 'S dead.

Sergei and Brahmin Yapeng also appeared in the condolence ceremony with the leaders of their respective countries. They had respect for Murong Fan and wanted to come personally to send him the last trip.

The layout of the condolence ceremony is very simple. On the way through the national cemetery to Murongfan cemetery, the leaders of various countries looked at the hundreds of tombstones around and felt the weight of the history of the Quran God Republic.

It is precisely because of the contributions of these martyrs that the Qulan God Republic has stepped into the ranks of the world's powers. Murong Fan is not the first and will not be the last. As long as this spirit does not disappear, the Qulan God Republic will Will not decay.

This is also the reason why Commander Ma decided to choose the location of the condolence ceremony at the National Cemetery. He wanted these people who came to participate in the condolence to feel the cultural heritage of the Quran God Republic, at least not to think of contempt.

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