Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1904

Chapter 1904: Capture

The commotion here and the chaos of the full channel naturally attracted the attention of Brahman Yapeng. When he heard that Gandhi Garawa framed his sister for treason, he couldn't help but turn his head and look around. He saw the "Kaling" driven by Brahman Kaul. The scene where "Pin Jia" was hit by numerous beams and fell would be unthinkable if it weren't for Chen Feng's help.

Brahman Yapeng was concerned about the safety of his sister. He didn't believe that his sister would betray the Buddha La Ye country. He couldn't concentrate on the battle of Hsu Bin any more. He danced the golden stick and wanted to fly in the direction of his sister.

Originally, the Brahmin Yapeng had a slight advantage in the battle. He has been a pilot for more than ten years than Hongbin. The experience accumulated over the years is not covered. In the process of fighting, he took the initiative little by little. Tightly in his hands, if all goes well, he can achieve restraint on Hongbin after a period of time.

But it's a pity that Brahman Kaul will encounter such a big crisis. Maybe he will become a sinner in the entire Buddha Laya country, and even his life will not be guaranteed. Therefore, Brahman Yapeng had to give up the opportunity to choose to leave.

"Want to leave? You asked me whether I would agree." But the Brahman Yapeng had just flown less than a hundred meters, and was blocked by the eagle-shaped "Candle Light Youying". Hung Hung Bin obviously did not want to let him leave to destroy Chen. Feng's actions.

The younger sister is in a dangerous situation, and the Brahman Yapeng is very anxious. He has no time to argue with Hongshui Bin, and urges the "Brahma" to attack Hongshui Bin, trying to make a way forward.

Hung Hung Bin's wings spread out the golden Zen stick, and Brahman Yapeng walked around him directly. The attack just now was only used to attract Hung Hung Bin’s attention, and his goal was still to go to his sister. .

Hongshuibin used his extremely accurate dynamic vision to see through the changes in Brahman Yapeng's body movement, and after swinging away the golden stick, he once again blocked the Brahman Yapeng: "You don’t need to worry, Chen Feng can protect the Brahman Kaur. She will never be in danger."

"Do you think it's as simple as it's dangerous? Killing the heart, now Gandhi Garawa has given my sister the reputation of a traitor, how can she gain a foothold in the world in the future?" Brahman Yapeng did not agree with Hsu Bin's statement. Now his sister still has a chance to clear her notoriety. If she was taken away by Chen Feng from the Ancient Shenlan Republic, it would be hard to tell.

Hongshuibin understands Brahman Yapeng's thoughts very well, and he does not understand why things suddenly become like this, but out of trust in Chen Feng, he must not let the Brahman Yapeng go to hinder Chen Feng: "Then I'm sorry, we I have different identities, and I will definitely help Chen Feng complete his actions, so I still cannot let you leave."

Brahman Yapeng frowned. It seemed that he had no chance to leave without repelling Hongbin. He had no choice. For the future of his younger sister, he had only to quickly defeat Hongbin.

In the end, the Brahman Yapeng was not able to succeed. Hongshui Bin’s strength was not weak, at most it was only a little bit worse than him, and it was not able to be quickly defeated. In order to hinder the Brahman Yapeng, he specially strengthened his defenses. Without giving him any chance to achieve the goal, the two fought for a while but didn't move much distance.

It’s not that Brahman Yapeng didn’t want to stop mecha troops from attacking his sister through the military channel, but he still held back after thinking about it. Now the situation is unclear. Many pilots are wary of Brahman Kaul. It’s easy for him to speak up again. It will cause mutiny, and the situation will only get worse when the pilots have doubts about themselves.

Now the battle between the two mecha units has only begun and there is no sign of failure in the Buddha Laya country. Brahman Yapeng cannot cause chaos in the whole army because of his sister. If so, let the Buddha Laya pilots. If the trust between them falls apart, they will definitely usher in an irreversible defeat. Not only will they not be able to clear Brahman Kaul’s charge, even he will be involuntarily put into a cauldron of disaster to the country and the people. No chance to stand up.josei

Brahman Yapeng was extremely aggrieved. The best result right now is to watch Chen Feng take Brahman Kaul away. From a security point of view, at least from a security point of view, there is no need to worry about danger when his sister falls into the Republic of the Qur'an. Will protect her.

And seeing Chen Feng take the Brahman Kaul back, Gandhi Garawa secretly relieved that after Brahman Kaor was taken away, he couldn't come back to explain, and he would have time to perfect his lie and take the Brahman test. News of his betrayal.

"Gandhi Garawa! Didn't you and my sister attack Chen Feng together? Why would you say that my sister had treasoned and escaped alone? I need an explanation!" Then came the question from Brahman Yapeng, on his side Fighting with Hongbin again, he questioned Gandhi Garawa's behavior and felt that his actions were very unreasonable.

"Your sister didn't fight against Chen Feng with me at all. She was cheating me!" How could Gandhgarawa tell the truth to Brahmin Yapeng and start to find reasons to justify herself: "She led me into a trap, thinking I wanted Chen Feng to kill me, and I tried my best to escape. In the end, she chased me all the way to kill her. Our people have seen it with their own eyes."

Brahman Yapeng didn’t believe every word that Gandhgarawa said. He knew his sister very well. She didn’t have much ties to Chen Feng, and it was even more unlikely that she would collude with him to frame his own people: "Nonsense Badao, we don’t know how you are fighting with Chen Feng at all. I will find out the truth. If it turns out that you are lying, you can prepare a coffin for yourself!"

The threat of Brahman Yapeng made Gandhi Garawa a little worried. After all, the identity of the other party was higher than him. Thinking back to whether there were loopholes in his words, how could he better deal with the questioning later.

I was thinking that Gandhi Garawa had forgotten that he was still on the battlefield. After hearing the reminders from others, he realized that Chen Feng had appeared again not far from him.

Chen Feng has properly placed the Brahman Kaur, and Guan Yuzhen sent people to transport the "Jaling Pinga" back to the main base of the Southeast Military Region. The Brahman Kaur inside will also be strictly guarded, and there will never be any accidents. .

At this time, Chen Feng can let go of his fists without any scruples. The Buddha's strength will be greatly affected by the loss of Brahman Kaur. It depends on whether he can grasp the opportunity and turn the hidden advantage into the battlefield. Victory.

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