Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1967

Chapter 1967: Each have concerns

"We can't let them continue to regain their combat power. Their increased strength is very detrimental to us!" Oshima Wano urged Abe Boya to do it very anxiously. If he drags it down and opens the island, I am afraid that he will not be able to win it back.

"What do you say? Do you want to go to war with them now?" Abe Boya didn't know the truth, but once they gestured, they would definitely cause a war between the two mecha armies. Is this a benefit or a disadvantage for the Zhu Timor Federation? To be verified.

In terms of the average strength of pilots, the Zhu Timwen Federation is slightly inferior to the Qur'an God Republic. From the perspective of the number of mechas, it seems to be slightly less. Except for the advantage of Abe Boya, it has no advantage. It is the most likely to fight. The result is failure.

The failure of a battle of this scale will be a disaster for the Ju Timor Federation. Abe Boya cannot easily make a decision. He is not a reckless man like the Oshima Mano brothers, and must first evaluate all aspects of the impact.

Seeing that Abe Boya ignored him, he didn’t want to attack the island with his nonsense. They wanted to expel the four special planes that were blocked in front of them by themselves. They are confident of their own strength and absolutely can. Gain the upper hand.

Seeing the enemy approaching, he promised to insert the wine gourd onto the fixed tip, and led everyone to intercept: "Cooperate with my action, the other party is tricky, don't you alone get entangled by him!"

The fierce fame of Brother Oshima and the "Yaki Orochi" are well known in the world. They promise not to take it lightly. No one can beat him on his own. You must use everyone's strength to repel him. .

"Booming" opened all the cannon holes on its body and aimed at the "Yaqi Orochi" to release all firepower. Under its cover, the three special planes of "Dark Night", "Lone Wolf" and "Swordman" surrounded them in three directions. , Surrounding the enemy and attacking continuously.

Although the Oshima Mano brothers are strong, the "Yaki Orochi" also has four arms, but under the joint efforts of the four, they can only be reduced to a passive beating situation. The cockpit where Oshima Chio is located is almost hit by a promised shot. She was in a cold sweat.

"No, it's too dangerous to go on like this!" Oshima Chiao loudly warned his brother, he didn't want to die like his brother.

"Abe Boya! Come and help!" Oshima Mano appealed to Abe Boya for help, and he couldn't get rid of it by himself.

Abe Boya rushed past with a ship-cutting knife, and forced Lang Ba and Fu Yuntian who had trapped the Oshima Wanfu brothers back. The beam rifle in the promised hand also followed his trajectory, helping them out of their predicament with one move.

After getting rid of the situation of being besieged, the Oshima Wanfu brothers wanted to retaliate by driving the "Yaki Orochi". As they flew to Fu Yuntian, they heard Abe Boya's stopping voice: "Don't fight anymore, get back quickly. ."

After the confrontation just now, the Oshima Mano brothers had a sense of awe for Boya Abe. If he hadn't rescued the enemy in time, he wouldn't be able to walk around today, so he obediently stopped the charge and left the battlefield backwards.

Seeing that the other party didn't want to continue fighting, he promised to quickly pick up the wine gourd and drank it. The confrontation process with Abe Boya seemed simple, but it took him a lot of energy. There were signs of hidden injuries in his body that needed alcohol to be anesthetized.

A battle that may have caused the fall of many top pilots was invisible. It relied on Abe Boya’s sober judgment. This world is not the only two mecha powers in the world, the Koran Republic and the Ju Timor Federation. After the two wars, The strength was greatly compromised, and the Saint Gama Empire would never remain indifferent. No one hoped that the snipe and the clam would compete for the profit of the fisherman.josei

Another mech came out from the Ancient Godland Republic. This mech is different from other standard mechas. It covers a lot of armor front and back, but there is no outstanding weapon. It should be at the expense of attack power. Specially strengthened defense.

Commander Ma’s voice was heard from this modified aircraft: "As expected of the'Knife God', I have a very thorough view of the situation. I am also worried that huge casualties will occur in the confrontation just now. Thank you for preventing this possibility."

In the modified aircraft is the Commander Ma. This mech is a special commander aircraft of the military. It is driven by a dedicated pilot. Commander Ma can concentrate on taking the command to the scene to participate in the battle.

Although there is an unforgettable hatred for Abe Boya, there is a saying that now is not the best time to start a full-scale war. Both mechas come from afar and are still on a wide sea that is not suitable for fighting. Once the war starts, the loss is immeasurable.

Abe Boya saw this clearly before choosing to forbear. Commander Ma admired his decision and deepened his guard. Blindly tyrannical is not considered powerful. The real threat is this kind of person who knows how to advance and retreat. Murong Fan is in his hands. The above is not without reason.

Boya Abe didn't care about Commander Ma's evaluation of himself. His primary goal was still to recapture the island. The mecha army behind him was still approaching, and he needed to find a suitable opportunity.

After the opponent’s truce, promised that the four returned to the island to form a formation, with "Lone Wolf" and "Swordsman" standing in front, "Dark Night" in the middle, and "Booming Heaven" guarding the rear. It would be difficult for the enemy to attack directly. Break through their defenses.

And seeing the changes on Master’s side, Chen Feng unplugged the plug that was partially charged and returned to the island. He walked to the promised side and stood with him: "I’m back, plus I, they should be more no chance."

"Don't forget me, how can I fight Abe Boya without me!" Hongshui Bin also followed Chen Feng back. Although he suffered a loss in the confrontation with Abe Boya, he is still very motivated. One day he will want to fight. Blade this enemy.

Pan Yuguo controlled the "crazy war" and flew in front of the modified aircraft used by Commander Ma to prevent the enemy from carrying out beheading operations. The three special aircraft returned to the battlefield. After a small amount of energy was added, it was enough to ensure that no errors occurred in all aspects.

Now Abe Boya is even more unable to act rashly. The Zhu Timwen Federation also sent three fighter emperors, but their strength is not comparable to that of the opponent. No one can win a one-on-one battle. He has to deal with at least three. A top pilot has to spare his hands to help others, and it is easy for a negligence to cause irreparable consequences.

The two armies continued to confront Kaidao. Chen Feng and others on the island firmly stood in the best combat position. Now that Kaidao has been grabbed, they said nothing will be returned to the enemy. The next one The series of actions still count on it.

The Minister of Military Affairs of the Zhu Timor Federation also came to the scene. He flew out on a modified aircraft similar to that used by Commander Ma: "You really are not going back? Do you have to go to war with our country?"

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