Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2075

Chapter 2075: Old friend

"Mengdie killed his opponent in the end. Senior Ye Qi is still unclear. Let's go together. It should be over soon." Chen Feng hadn't come to Ye Qi's side and suggested to go and take a look.

Just when the three of them were about to leave, Ye Qi and Zheng Zhirong appeared in front of them. Looking at the smile on Zheng Zhirong’s face, they all knew that Ye Qi must have won too. All of the partners who entered the second round won. People feel delighted.

"It seems that our independent action team is very strong. If Huandie and Zhirong had encountered a strong enemy ahead of time, they would have hope of winning in the second round." Hongbin was very satisfied with the performance of the partners. This is the Republic of the God of Qur'an. The top competition is now, and being able to reach the third round shows that they have entered the ranks of the top domestic pilots.

"I will be able to meet Pan Yuguo in another round, so I must not lose in the first three rounds." Ye Qi decided to help Chen Feng explore the reality of Pan Yuguo. He must maintain a complete victory before encountering Pan Yuguo.

Chen Feng is very grateful for Ye Qi’s dedication. After all, Ye Qi’s current status is different. As the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Military Region, he doesn’t need to miss his old feelings too much. Do so much."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of effort. If I lose without encountering Pan Yuguo, then the entire Southwest Military Region will lose face." Ye Qi used the Southwest Military Region as a reason to block Chen Feng's mouth, saying that he was representing the Southwest Military Region. Fighting.

Now Chen Feng has nothing to say. When people take out the Southwest Military Region, he can’t always be shy and say don’t do anything for yourself: "Well, I hope Senior Ye Qi will have a very good performance next time, let everyone I know that the Southwest Military Region is very powerful."josei

The time of the selection battle is very tight. When there are external threats from the Saint Gama Empire, the Gusu Empire, and the Fo La Ye Country, Commander Ma must determine the ownership of the Yixiang Zhuguo as soon as possible, so the second round of competition The third round of competitions began immediately after the end of the second day, to determine the final eight players.

At this round of the selection battle, all the elites left are the elites. Among the group of Chen Feng, except for Ye Qi, everyone knows that they have little hope of winning, so they set the goal to perform as much as possible. Okay.

After a night’s rest, Nangong Mengdie stepped out of the distress caused by the second round of the competition and stood in front of everyone vigorously: "Today is a high probability that I will have the last game with Ji Ling, Chen Feng and Ye Qi you. We must win, everyone!"

"Okay, we will definitely reunite with you with victory!" Chen Feng and Ye Qi patted their chests together, saying that they had to win the competition in everything they said, and lived up to the expectations of their partners.

The partners had four competitions to be held at the same time, so the rest of the people made a distribution. Hong Bin continued to watch the battle of Pan Yuguo, because he wanted to investigate Chen Feng; Nangong Huandie did not follow Chen Feng but went to his sister. Over there, she wants to cheer for her sister by her sister's side; Zheng Zhirong struggled for a while and decided to watch Ji Ling's battle, because Ye Qi's victory was a high probability event, and he wanted to see if Ji Ling could surprise everyone.

Chen Feng’s opponent is An Xuri. He is very eager to fight Chen Feng. Now that he finally has the opportunity to be overjoyed: "I finally met you. You, who was at the bottom of the Academy Tournament, surpassed everyone in one fell swoop. Let me try what is so special about you, can you really deserve the praise of others?"

"I have always heard that Anjia's marksmanship is quite powerful, and I also want to see it, let's fight!" Chen Feng is also looking forward to fighting An Xuri. An Xuri's marksmanship is indeed unique and he almost defeated Pan Yuguo. , Can't be careless.

When the officer opened a random map for the two of them, An Xuri suddenly called to stop. He had another thought: "Wait a moment! I want to revisit the venue of the Academy Tournament. I wonder what you think?"

"Yes, it should be very interesting." Chen Fengxinran agrees. An Xuri's proposal is very good. It can make people relive the feelings of playing on behalf of the school in the past, so why should he refuse.

Since both sides of the competition had the same requirements, the officers directly created the map according to their ideas. Chen Feng and An Xuri drove their mechas to appear on a wide playground, surrounded by stands full of students.

"Yes, this is what I want. I want to defeat you in this environment!" An Xuri was very satisfied with the simulated map. He wanted to fulfill his unfulfilled dream: to completely defeat the enemy in front of him.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Chen Feng had a lot of emotion. At that time, he had no chance to play. If the Azure Mecha Academy was not reconciled to fail, he would never have played. Now by coincidence, he once again appeared on this field that will never be forgotten, so he should fight for Langya Mecha Academy again.

Controlling the floating artillery to slowly lift into the air, Chen Feng has made all the preparations for the battle: "Come on, I am no longer who I was. Since you want to see my combat effectiveness, then I will do my best to let you see us clearly. difference!"

"Kill!" An Xuri raised his spear and rushed towards Chen Feng. The battle between the two was very fierce. An Xuri's synchronization rate has reached 95. What is lacking is that he has enough record to recognize that he has become a pilot.

However, Chen Feng deliberately suppressed his synchronization rate and kept himself at the same level as An Xuri. He wanted to defeat the opponent with his strength openly and convinced that the opponent who lost was convinced that Langya Mecha Academy was excellent.

An Xuri’s marksmanship is extraordinary, and he can always seize the most suitable time to destroy the beam. For this reason, Chen Feng speeds up his shooting frequency and allows more collisions between the beams to change the route. However, An Xuri has repeatedly passed the gun The acceleration device catches up with the changing beam, and can still destroy the flying beam, without giving Chen Feng a chance to hit him.

Through the spear that accelerated from time to time, An Xuri protected himself very well. He came to Chen Feng to launch a quick attack, and almost pierced the "Breaking World" waist with one shot. This gave Chen Feng a wake-up call to his opponent. Very skilled in technique.

An Xuri did not cause any damage to Chen Feng. His spear can be accelerated by the acceleration device. Chen Feng can also use the floating gun behind him to make the "World Breaking" move more dexterously. An Xuri is bound to get a shot. Be avoided like this.

An Xuri failed to stab Chen Feng and continued to attack. He relied on his superior spear skills. He lost to Pan Yuguo because he did not perform well. Now Chen Feng actively suppresses his strength to fight with him. He wants to prove his ability to defeat the opponent. .

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