Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2102

Chapter 2102: Withdrawal

The giant sword was swung by tigers and tigers. Chen Feng felt strenuous and unable to support it. Now that the beam cage was formed, he used the two floating cannons to control its return, and he tried hard to hold on until the beam cage covered Smith. The moment of living.

Smith attacked Chen Feng with all his strength, and from the corner of his eye he saw the approaching beam cage. He immediately understood what Chen Feng was doing. It turned out that this young pilot actually planned to use the formed beam cage to give himself a fatal blow.

Smith had suffered a loss in the beam prison, so he did not want to be enveloped in the beam prison again, but now that the beam prison has taken shape, his only chance to break the game is to defeat Chen Feng first. Chen Feng has no energy to control the beam prison after defeat. , And the beam cage without control will lose its threat, and everything will be under his control.

Smith paid more attention to Chen Feng, who didn't use his full strength to block him. The young pilot's growth rate was so amazing, no one in this world except Griffin was distracted when he dared to fight him.

Perhaps allowing Chen Feng to grow up would be more terrifying than Hong Bin. After discovering Chen Feng's ability, Smith had a very strong murderous intent on Chen Feng, and he could not tolerate the existence of people who would threaten the Saint Gama Empire.

The attack frequency of the giant sword suddenly increased and the strength increased sharply. Smith had already launched his strongest attack. Not to mention that Chen Feng had two floating guns not by his side. Even if all his weapons were in Smith, he was sure to break through his defense.

Sure enough, Chen Feng appeared very embarrassed in front of Smith's attack. Part of the beam failed to defend and the overall defense line collapsed. Smith was suppressed from the air to the ground, and the number of weapon handovers increased.

"I came to me before I could fully grasp the ability after the breakthrough. It was just looking for death!" Smith seemed to see the hope of killing Chen Feng. If he couldn't kill Hong Bin, then it would be good to change the target to Chen Feng. In short It’s just right that the Quran God Republic has two gods at the same time.

The giant sword broke through the beam line of defense and stabbed Chen Feng directly. All Chen Feng could do was block him with a beam sword, but the giant sword slammed his beam sword from top to bottom and plunged directly into the left shoulder of "Bro World", wanting to continue. Cut it off forcefully.

When Smith was about to use his hands, he noticed that the other side of the "World Breaking" shoulder suddenly lit up, and then a beam that was much stronger than the ordinary beam hit his door, scared him to lean back and avoid it. Shocked in a cold sweat.

In the battle with Smith, Chen Feng had not used the micro beam cannon, just to wait for Smith to strike him by surprise. Although the micro beam cannon on the left shoulder was cut off by the giant sword, the one on the right The mini beam cannon is safe and sound, and can still be used to launch an unexpected blow.

Smith leaned backwards to avoid the attack and failed to increase his attack to complete the goal of "breaking the world". Then the beam cage was in place in time and the big net was opened to cover him, and the battle entered Chen Feng's rhythm.

Smith can use the giant sword to attack again, cutting the "World Breaking" along the gap just now, but he will also be screened by the continuous beam of light. Smith quickly pulls the sword and retreats, he does not want to and Chen Feng fought hard.

The shoulder was severely damaged, and the "world-breaking" left arm could no longer be lifted, but this did not affect Chen Feng's control of the floating gun. When Smith retreated, he immediately mobilized all available floating guns to pursue him. Maximize the effect of the beam cage, at least so that the opponent cannot easily break free.

Using himself as a bait to successfully use the beam cage, Chen Feng naturally can't waste its power. All beams are chasing Smith, and no matter how the opponent rushes in, he will be firmly trapped in it.

The light beams coming from various angles caused Smith an unusual headache. The experience of losing his hand before came to mind again, and he had to take the giant sword apart, and use seven swords to guard his body first.

Smith has a lot of weapons, but Chen Feng has more weapons. Ten floating cannons circulate frantically around the "dead", without giving Smith a chance to destroy them and launch rapid bursts. Seeing that there are more and more beams forming the beam cage. .

Smith didn't have a better way to defuse the threat of these beams. He used seven swords to forcibly destroy the beams to win a safe space, but the floating gun shooting speed was very fast, and the newly added beams far exceeded the destroyed beams.

The closer to Chen Feng, the denser the beams of light. Smith saw that it was too difficult to attack Chen Feng and chose to give up. If he dragged it down, the beams around him would become more and more, and then it would be very troublesome to want to leave.

Smith is very fortunate that he did not forcefully cut off the "Broken World" just now, because "Broken World" is a very special mecha. Its main body combat effectiveness is not outstanding, but it can be attacked without using the main body. The floating gun behind him acts as Independent individuals can move freely, and as long as Chen Feng is conscious, they can continue to fight with them.josei

Smith gradually began to be unable to prevent the successive beams. He found that the power of these beams had increased a lot compared to before. Chen Feng had already become the **** of war, and naturally he could exert a stronger combat effectiveness. It is strange that the power did not increase.

Smith was also haunted by the shadow of his last defeat. Seeing that if all the beams hit him, his entire body would stand up. He thought that Chen Feng had already caused a certain amount of damage anyway, and now the evacuation barely made sense.

Looking at the Brahman Yapeng again, Smith saw that he and Hongshuibin were on the same level. The two people had different technical characteristics and said that it was better to have the advantage. In short, there would be no results in a short time.

Since Brahman Yapeng could not deal with each other, Smith had no intention of fighting anymore. Today’s battle can be regarded as a failure. They did not know that Chen Feng would break through and become the **** of war at the most critical time. Show up.

"I'm going to retreat, if you want to fight, stay and fight by yourself." Smith shouted to the Brahman Yapeng and began to retreat. The synthetic giant sword swept a large area of ​​the beam behind him, while the subsequent beams had not been filled. Get away before leaving.

Because Chen Feng suffered relatively serious damage, most of the beams in the beam cage were mainly defensive, and failed to maintain the beam balance in all directions and different angles, so there was no way to pursue Smith accordingly.

After seeing that Smith first gave up the fight, Brahman Yapeng also unequivocally stopped fighting with Hsu Bin.

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