Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2104

Chapter 2104: Face and heart discord

Gradually, Chen Feng became familiar with his abilities, and gradually would no longer be easily suppressed by Smith, and occasionally caused him a lot of trouble.

Smith and the Brahman Yapeng were equally matched with their opponents, while the Mecha units of the Saint Gama Empire could not compete with the garrison units of the Southwest Military Region. Although their capabilities were good, they were insufficient in number and suffered a lot in large-scale battles.

It is not an easy task to transport pilots and mechas to Froya over the interception on the coast of the Qur'an Republic. Therefore, the number of Saint Gama Empire troops here is not large, and it is even more difficult to sustain after battle consumption. .

Guan Yuzhen saw through the enemy's dilemma, so he drove the garrison troops to take the initiative, and engaged in more intense hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, which made them wear faster. After several times, the Saint Gama Empire's mecha units finally couldn't hold it.

"Can you defeat Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin, give me a word, if not, we have to consider retreating." The commander of the Saint Gama Empire found Smith and Brahman Yapeng and asked them to give themselves a clear answer.

The Saint Gama Empire mech troops came to attack the city alone. The biggest advantage was that they had two Gods of War, but now there are also two Gods of War in the Southwest Military Region. After offsetting each other, the disadvantaged side became them instead.

The commander must figure out the comparison of the combat power between the two sides. If Smith answers that he can't figure it out, he doesn't need to insist anymore. Their number is limited and they cannot fight a war of attrition with the Southwest Military Region. If it fails, they strategically give up and retreat.

"Let's take a look again, Chen Feng and Hongshuibin both became the gods of war not long ago. If they can't be solved now, it will be even more difficult." Smith still wants to give it a try. It is not easy to fight the Republic of the God of Quran. He doesn't want to be empty-handed. go back.

As a result, in the subsequent battles, Smith never seized the opportunity to defeat Chen Feng. It was not that Chen Feng had reached the same level as him, but that Chen Feng could control too many weapons, and Smith wanted to inflict serious damage on himself. Can't escape.

Smith didn't want to die with Chen Feng, so he gave up all the opportunities that appeared. Although he could have the upper hand in the scene, he couldn't turn into a victory. This feeling made him very uncomfortable.josei

And the Brahman Yapeng side is similar. Hongshui Bin is now more and more adapted to fighting with him. He can be accepted by Murong Fan as a closed disciple with amazing potential, especially after watching the decisive battle between Chen Feng and Pan Yuguo. , He also had a further idea about his double draw sword technique, and used it in the battle with Brahman Yapeng.

During the battle, Brahman Yapeng found that Hsu Bin became more and more difficult to deal with. The last time it was because he and Smith had a chance to kill him, but when fighting alone, he could not suppress Hsu Bin, let alone defeat. Kill him.

Chen Feng gradually adapted to the changes to become the God of War, and Hong Hung Bin's ability was constantly improving. The Southwest Military Region stabilized again and did not allow the enemy to continue to break through the line of defense. Therefore, Guan Yuzhen could focus on the deployment of troops.

The top pilots were unable to gain an advantage, and the generals were not Guan Yuzhen's opponents. There was gradually a gap between the people of the Saint Gama Empire and the Buddha, and the distrust grew stronger.

The Saint Gama Empire felt that the Buddha Laye was dragging its feet, while the Buddha Laye was so lofty that the two sides could not work in the same direction. Fortunately, they were fighting in different cities separately, otherwise it would have happened long ago. Infighting.

The two countries were at odds with each other and continued to maintain their offensive against the Southwest Military Region. But at this moment, an accident occurred on the Gusu Empire. No one thought that they would take the initiative to withdraw from the Northern Military Region and even fight with the Qur'an God Republic. Restart the conversation.

The ancient Soviet empire did not do it at will. They were always watching the changes that occurred after Chen Feng appeared in the Southwest Military Region. Various intelligence told them that Chen Feng was a veritable God of War, and the Saint Gama Empire and Buddha Laye might not be able to win. .

If the two countries fail, then Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin can turn around to support the Northern Military Region. The Gusu Empire does not want to fight against them. After all, there is a threat from the European Union behind them. If they lose their troops here, they will be in trouble.

Since they were not sure of gaining benefits from the Qur'an God Republic, the leaders of the Gusu Empire made a decisive decision to start peace talks. The relationship between the two countries was originally relatively close, and they should succeed if they had a better attitude and gave up some benefits.

So Joey became a bridge between the two countries. He was a staunch anti-war faction. He was still working hard to stop the war when the ancient Soviet empire attacked. He had a relatively large influence in the Republic of the Qur'an God, so let him Very suitable as a representative.

Joey accepted this mission unwillingly. He was very willing to see the two countries get back together, so he immediately came to the military to negotiate with Commander Ma, hoping that the two sides would end the war and return to the original relationship.

How could Commander Ma easily agree to Joey that the Gusu Empire was the one who initiated the war. It’s too overbearing to fight and stop as long as you want. Isn’t the Republic of the Quran God the only thing you can do? So Joey went behind closed doors.

Commander Ma didn’t want to see Joey, Joey used his various ways to express his goodwill to Commander Ma through different relationships, and he also contacted the leader of the Gusu Empire and asked him to follow Ma first. The commander-in-chief said hello.

Since the leader of the Gusu Empire decided to negotiate with the Qur'an Republic, he would not care if he would lose face. After Joey made a request, he immediately called the leader of the Qur'an Republic, apologized to him and asked for it. Peace talks.

The leader of the Qur'an God Republic responded coldly and asked the leader of the ancient Soviet empire to directly negotiate with Commander Ma. The leader of the ancient Soviet empire immediately dialed the military number, hoping that Commander Ma could meet Joey.

The leader of the Gusu Empire called directly. Commander Ma had to answer it. After the two chatted a few words and learned that the other party really wanted to reconcile, he agreed to chat with Joey, but there was no guarantee that it would be possible. Talk about success.

Commander Ma is willing to see that Joey is already a great improvement. The leader of the Gusu Empire has no objection at all, and said that Joey can fully represent the Gusu Empire, and he can talk to him about any requirements.

All the mechas that entered the Republic of the Qur'an God stayed where they were not allowed to attack. The leader of the Gusu Empire issued personnel appointments and appointed Joey as the highest-level diplomat, giving him the power to make decisions on his own.

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