Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2267

Chapter 2267: return

As a result, just when Griffin was about to integrate his spiritual power with the world of Black Lotus, this **** call was made, and Griffin was completely undisturbed, and all his efforts were completely wiped out. .

The Secretary of the Army doesn’t know what happened to Griffin. If he knows that because of his own reasons, Griffin lost the possibility of achieving a synchronization rate of 100, maybe he will live in chagrin for the rest of his life, or even be unable to proceed. command.

Griffin also considered this possibility, so he chose not to say anything. He stood up silently and walked towards the entrance of the cave. Halfway through, he turned his head and looked at the body of the white bear on the ground: "We met by fate, but unfortunately I still have no chance. If you can successfully break through, otherwise you will become a good story. It is a pity, this time will be forgotten by history..."

After speaking, Griffin stepped out again. The white bear is already a corpse. Naturally, it is impossible to answer Griffin, but its head is facing the direction of the hole, and its dry mouth is grinning because it has lost its vitality. In general with a silent smile.

I don’t know if this smile is a bitter smile at Griffin’s words or a mockery. Maybe only when I find the white bear on Huangquan Road and ask him to know the answer, Griffin has no reluctance to walk out of the cave, and soon there will be other animals here. occupied.

Griffin is not a short distance away from the Saint Gama Empire, but he did not ask the Minister of Military to send someone to pick him up. The Quran God Republic will definitely send many spies to stare at the Saint Gama Empire’s military headquarters. A movement, especially when the coastline just fell, once the Saint Gama Empire military headquarters moved something related to it, it would only be more dangerous at that time.

Therefore, Griffin decided to return to the Saint Gama Empire on his own. He has traveled countless times and has already found several secret channels. It is very simple to return to China, and the Minister of Military did not insist on letting him handle it. .

Since winning the landing battle, Commander Ma has not rested for several days, just like the leaders of the Saint Gama Empire and the Minister of Military. He braced his physical discomfort and deployed various matters on the shore, never allowing the other party. Hit yourself back to the Pacific.

Especially when there is information about Griffin, Commander Ma asked the responsible officer to report it to him as soon as he had the news. After the return of this "gun god", he will surely set off a counterattack climax, and know his whereabouts. Seize the opportunity.

Of course, the most convenient way is to find Griffin and kill him directly, so that he will never be able to return to the Saint Gama Empire to fight with mechas. Everyone has thought of this once-and-for-all approach, but it has never been realized so far.

One is that Griffin protects himself very carefully, and does not participate in any activities of the Saint Gama Empire on weekdays, so no strangers can find the opportunity to approach him; the second is Griffin's own strength is very strong, even if he does not drive a plane A. He is still a strong soldier. From his battle to kill the white bear, it can be seen that someone who rushes in front of him will probably be killed.

Griffin was looking for a way to move to the Saint Gama Empire, while Chen Feng was driving the "world-breaking" patrolling on the coastline. He was preparing for the counterattack that the Saint Gama Empire might launch at any time, and he was investigating whether anyone would follow suit. Signs of external approach.josei

Everyone knows that Griffin’s mighty power must first overcome his obstacle in order to completely defeat the Saint Gama Empire, so Chen Feng was also given another task. If you see a strange vehicle approaching, you can directly Its destroyed.

Chen Feng has doubts in his heart. He doesn't want to perform this kind of task. Griffin is very strong. He is not sure that he can win, but what does it mean to kill him in this way? This will become his inner demon and he will never get rid of it.

Chen Feng was unwilling to do this. He directly told Commander Ma what he meant, and Hongshui Bin also expressed the same idea. Commander Ma sighed as he watched the two young God of War's firm eyes: "Otherwise, you have Does faith fight him?"

"Yes! If we two join forces, even if we lose, it won't make the Gun God better. He won't hinder other people's fighting!" Hong Bin nodded and said with great certainty. Now the combat effectiveness of the two together is very impressive. Griffin may not be able to defeat them.

Commander Ma looked at Chen Feng again, and Chen Feng also replied affirmatively: "As long as there are no accidents, he can't make his move!"

"Okay, then you can do it yourself." Commander Ma decided not to let the two perform tasks, but this does not mean that he will abandon this plan, "but I will let others continue and kill 'Gun God' is a matter of the entire country.

The different positions of the two sides have different considerations. Chen Feng can understand Commander Ma’s difficulties. After the other side compromised and took a step back, he did not make any progress: "We understand, it depends on luck."

Chen Feng flew forward along the coastline. On the way, he encountered several groups of patrol mechas of the Saint Gama Empire. After seeing that the special plane "Breaking the World" was approaching, they flew back without saying anything. Chen Feng's intention to fight.

The pilots of the Saint Gama Empire knew that he could not beat Chen Feng at all. If they forcefully used the number of floating guns behind him to "break the world," none of them could escape, so it is better to give up the battle and leave directly, and there will be someone who can survive. opportunity.

Chen Feng didn’t have the idea of ​​chasing them, and kept moving forward at the original speed. It was the purpose of patrols to scare the opponent back. He only had to make sure that the Saint Gama Empire did not launch a sneak attack. Big.

Chen Feng continued to fly forward. Suddenly it rained in the sky, and dense raindrops hit the "World Breaking" fuselage. Through the vision system, Chen Feng saw that the front of his eyes were blocked, and he had to increase the power to see further.

This was a sudden torrential rain. In an instant, the rain filled the space around the "Broken World". The rain was very dense and constantly washed the dust on the "Broken World" fuselage, coupled with the flickering thunder from time to time, a bit creepy a feeling of.

How can Chen Feng be frightened by this emotion. He has experienced even more horrific things as a pilot for so many years. He flies forward like a okay person. This storm must not last for long, and it will be a while later. Dissipate by yourself.

After being washed away by the heavy rain for more than ten minutes, the rain finally subsided, and the scorching sun reappeared in the sky above the "world-breaking", and the scorching light kept shining down, as if no storm had just happened.

The water droplets on the fuselage of "Bro World" evaporated quickly, and Chen Feng noticed that a small aircraft appeared in the distance.

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