Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2281

Chapter 2281: Bullying the weak

This avoided exposing loopholes during the attack, and gave full play to the advantages of Tang Dao. Smith and Robertson could not stand being hit by Pan Yuguo's sword drawing technique. They were forced to retreat several times and failed to expand their advantages.

Seeing the wound on "Kuangzhan", Smith decided to give it a try: "Robson, you go over to attract him to swing the knife, and then I will launch a second wave of offensive, trying to inflict heavy damage on him when he can't recover the Tang Dao!"

"Okay." Robertson promised and immediately followed suit. After this cooperation, he found that Smith's strength was still quite good. He would launch a fatal blow and have a greater grasp, so he would be a decoy.

Controlling "Lucifer" and rushing to the right of Pan Yuguo, Roberson raised a gun to force Pan Yuguo to turn around to respond. Robertson's attack was very determined. Pan Yuguo had no better way than to block the spear with a knife.

When Tang Dao was in contact with the long spear, Robertson suddenly changed his skills to withdraw the power from the long spear. A long spear that was supposed to surge like a thunder became a soft finger, sticking to Tang Dao to prevent Pan Yuguo from taking it back.

Pan Yuguo realized that he had fallen into the trap of the opponent and increased the power of Tang Dao to shake the spear, but Robertson's skills were not lost to him. No matter how Pan Yuguo tried, he could not get rid of the shackles of the long spear. Tang Dao could not return. By your side.

Seeing that Robertson had completed his explanation very smoothly, Smith quickly rushed forward and rushed Qi Jianhe straight to the head of "Crazy War". The giant sword flicked through the air, which meant that Pan Yuguo would be cut off.

Pan Yuguo is not fighting alone. In order to prevent accidents, he has always maintained a high degree of vigilance. After the spear and Tang Dao are intertwined, he discovered the other party's intentions and controlled "Dark Night" to rush towards Pan Yuguo at full speed.

Just as the giant sword was about to stand on the head of the "crazy war", he promised to rush to Pan Yuguo in time, and saw him kick Smith's wrist, and the beam rifle in his hand opened fire with full force, completely blocking Smith's attack on Pan Yuguo. Space.

Smith did not change his original intention because of the promised block. After his wrist was kicked, although his movements were slightly modified, he could still control the huge sword to slash downwards. The promised beams were basically avoided. A few hard ones could not be avoided. Resistance down.

The armor on the chest of the "Necromancer" is pitch black, but there is no life-threatening. If you want to destroy its defense promise, you will have to attack for at least three or five rounds, but he doesn't have this chance. The giant sword has already been cut in the "Dark Night". "On the shoulders.

With a violent tearing sound, the giant sword destroyed the armor of "Dark Night" without any suspense. It continued to chop "Dark Night"'s left arm completely downwards. It can be seen that if the promise does not rush forward to intercept it, Pan Yuguo will be even If you don't die, you will suffer severe damage.

The left arm of "Dark Night" was cut off, half of the beam rifle held in his hand was thrown out, and its flying direction was just above Smith. He promised to raise his only right hand to shoot at it, and it detonated smoothly. Man controlled beam rifle.

A violent explosion exploded on his head, and Smith couldn't help but pause to avoid the power. He didn't want to suffer damage to himself. After defeating Xu Nuo and Pan Yuguo, there were other battles. He wanted to keep the best state.

Smith's avoidance gave Promise a chance to get out. He jumped a few steps and then left in front of Smith. Pan Yuguo also took the opportunity to throw off the long spear stuck to the Tang Sword, and moved back together with Promise to a safer distance.

Smith, who is holding the winning ticket, was not in a hurry to pursue it. He waited for the beam rifle explosion to pass before he stepped forward again: "You are defeated, and now I surrender obediently and I can let you go. If you continue to lose and resist, don't blame me. Up."

Finally speaking the long-prepared lines, Smith felt that he was refreshed. He was so arrogant when facing Chen Feng and Shuibin once, but now he can only vent his emotions in exchange for objects.

"Humph! Even if you win, you will be ridiculed by the world. I don't know where your arrogant confidence is?" Promise closed the damaged parts of his left arm and said sarcastically. He didn't understand Smith's bullying of the weak. the behavior of.

Smith's heart is full of how to win, so he can do whatever it takes: "No matter what the world says, victory is the most memorable. After the Pacific is captured, who else will question my approach?"

Robertson still needs to point his face. He defended himself: "In order to win, let's try it temporarily. If you consciously retreat, it will be fine. Don't force us to make another move. Otherwise, it won't be as simple as breaking the arm."

"Don't think about it!" Of course, he promised not to give up. He raised the gun again and shot, responding to Robertson with a beam of light.

"Toast and not eat fine wine, I will send them on the road today!" Smith hated the promised behavior. In the past, only people who dared to resist him would get cramped by peeling skin. Today it seems that he is going to return to his old business again.

The loss of an arm’s promised combat effectiveness has dropped a lot, causing Pan Yuguo to take on more responsibilities, but he can stop Robertson but can’t stop Smith. Soon the "crazy war" is also all over his body, which is not far from the serious injury. .

Smith gets more and more excited when he fights. The enemy's unrelenting battle means that he can do more damage to them. This is very consistent with his bloodthirsty personality. With the increase in the number of hits, he is getting better and better, and there is almost no room for Robertson to intervene. .

At first, Robertson could find opportunities to attack several times, but the more he fought, the more he found that he couldn't integrate into the fight. Smith had done everything by himself, and his forceful shots would have a negative impact.

So Robertson decided to sit on the sidelines and make plans. Then he saw an extremely strong beam coming straight in his direction, and quickly reminded: "Smith be careful, their counterattack is coming!"

Smith looked up when he heard the words. He was very familiar with this beam. It was the attack that Chen Feng's friend Nangong Mengdie used to launch a blocking gun. He had been injured by this beam once, so the impact was very profound.

Smith didn't want to be hit by the beam, so he temporarily let Pan Yuguo avoid the area covered by the beam. This beam lasted for a long time, and Smith could not go forward again for nearly ten seconds.josei

These ten seconds gave Pan Yuguo a chance to evacuate. He and promised to fly backwards again. At this stage of the battle, their state and special planes are already close to their limits. If they continue to fight, they will definitely get the opponent's number of falls. One more.

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