Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2283

Chapter 2283: Bad behavior

Of course, in the end, Smith rushed out of the encirclement with his superb strength. Behind him, dozens of heavy mech shields shattered and the cockpit was destroyed and plunged into the sea. The giant sword of the "necromancer" played a great role. A can resist it.

Smith continued to fly forward, but Robertson was left behind and surrounded by heavy mechas. Robertson yelled: "There are too many heavy mechas here. Come and help me!"

The sudden need to face the encirclement of so many mechas made Robertson panic. Although his strength is good, it is still very troublesome to deal with so many enemy aircraft. Besides, Pan Yuguo will chase him at any time, and he feels like he has been trapped. Up.

Smith is really pitting Robertson. He has never regarded Robertson as a partner who shares weal and woe. Instead, he used him to realize his own monopoly of all the credit. Robertson was trapped because of his purpose.

Only when the people of the Qur'an Republic put most of their attention on Robertson, Smith has a better chance to complete the impact plan. There is no enemy to prevent him from killing several in and outs in the mecha unit of the Qur'an Republic. .

Fortunately, Commander Ma saw through Smith's intentions. He told Pan Yuguo and the three people not to waste their time on Robertson, as long as they deal with Smith, Pan Yuguo led the way, chasing Smith all the way without relaxing.

It is very uncomfortable for Robertson to be surrounded by dozens of heavy armors. Even if he can destroy one in half a minute, it will take at least dozens of minutes to kill all of these heavy armors. At that time, the daylily It's cold.

And Smith was also chased by Pan Yuguo and played the whole game. As a result, he could not fully exert the destructive power planned. He was intercepted several times with good chances, and did not cause any damage to the mecha troops of the Republic of Gulan. Fatal blow.josei

But on the whole, Smith’s tossing still caused heavy losses to the mechas of the Quran God Republic. Everywhere he went, he could shoot down dozens of mechas. At least two to three hundred mechas were lost in the entire battle. In his hands.

This is not even considered Smith’s impact on the defense line. After he broke into the Qur'an Republic’s mech forces’ defense line was greatly affected. The Saint Gama Empire’s mecha took advantage of the momentum and expanded the effect. In short, they achieved this battle. A very good result.

He killed a lot of enemies but he couldn't fight according to his own mind. Smith didn't have a good fight in this battle, and Robertson was even more depressed. Except for the first defeat of Pan Yuguo, he was reloaded from start to finish. A surrounded.

When Roberson had almost rushed the heavy mecha, the retreat order of the Saint Gama Empire was also sent to him, and he was so angry that he slammed his fist on the front screen, and slammed his fist into pain: "Damn! Liffin, you use me!"

After playing for a long time, Robertson had already figured out what was going on. Smith was using himself to divert some enemies he didn't want to deal with, so that he could have a chance to fight easily. He believed that he had become a discarded pawn.

Fortunately, Griffin had been harassed by Pan Yuguo three people in the end and failed to get an excellent experience. This made Robertson a little more comfortable. He quietly told himself that he would never trust Smith in the future, and he had to weigh everything carefully before he said anything.

Smith's goal is not to recapture the island. It is his favorite process to be able to kill more enemy planes while leading the victory. Although he cannot be fully realized because of harassment, the result still makes him more satisfied.

After receiving the order to retreat, Griffin put away his guns and stopped: "Mingjin has retired, let's hit here."

"The'Gun God' is still great. We have always wanted to leave but we have never succeeded." Chen Fengxiao said, panting. During the battle, Griffin firmly blocked all their leaving space, and let them There is no chance to escape the battle.

"You can do it when you reach my level, don't rush it slowly." Griffin thinks that this is not worth talking about. His strength can do it naturally again. If you can't do it, you can become the strongest. God of War.

Hongbin turned his head and looked towards the main battlefield, and found that although his own mech was damaged a lot, the line of defense was still quite stable: "Smith tried to attack with Robertson, but it didn't seem to have achieved the effect."

"Indeed, it seems that there must be a dispute after returning." Griffin nodded and said yes, Smith could not take the island back even after taking such actions. So what's the point of doing this?

After Griffin left, Chen Feng and Hongshuibin returned to their camp and saw many mechas with wounds on them. Compared to when they were inspecting from a distance, the impact caused by Smith was still quite significant.

The pilots are all despising Smith’s bad behavior. They have never heard that the more powerful pilots will unite with others in battle. If it weren’t for the timely and accurate response of Commander Pan Yuguo and Ma’s Commander-in-Chief, it would be a big defeat today. .

"Smith was once the leader of the Creation Organization after all. His behavior cannot be measured by common sense. From now on, we must pay more attention to his movements." Chen Feng and Hongbin reached a consensus and must face up to the threat posed by Smith.

Looking at the Saint Gama Empire, a fierce quarrel broke out after all the personnel returned to the base. After stopping the mecha, Robertson rushed to Griffin with a stride and stretched out his hands to grab his collar. He pushed to the wall.

How could Smith let Robertson get what he wanted? He broke Robertson's outstretched hand and pushed forward. Instead, he pushed Robertson staggering: "What are you doing, what are you doing?"

Smith kept silent about his behavior of leaving Robertson behind, and bit back that Robertson had a nerve, which made Roberson furious: "You said I was nervous? What did you think when you left me with those heavy armors? Saying that you join me to break through the defenses of the Quran God Republic, I think you just want to use me as a bait, so that one person will steal the limelight.

Everything Robertson said was right. He slapped Smith's abacus one by one at all o'clock. Smith was so angry that he punched Robertson in the face so that he could not speak anymore. Then he felt that his reaction was a bit too overwhelming and would be flattering, so he quickly took Robertson again. Hold on to persuade me: "I'm sorry I just got excited, I don't have such thoughts, don't talk nonsense."

Roberson was punched to his face so fiercely painful. He has been a man of heaven since he was a child. He has never been treated like this before. No matter how stubbornly Smith is, he knows that he is right. Otherwise, Smith will not be this way. Kind of reaction.

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