Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2298

Chapter 2298: Promise Chengwei

Smith's feeling is that he is fighting a lot of enemies, but these enemies are like the same person before each other. Their attacks are continuous and the defense is quite strong. It takes a lot of effort to overcome the past.

Smith's plan was to strike at the ordinary pilots of the Qur'an God Republic quickly and violently, but ended up in an endless war of attrition. The battle that deviated from the original intention of the operation made Smith very uncomfortable, always thinking of changing the rhythm.

It seems that knowing the dilemma Smith is facing, Griffin took the lead in showing a different combat effectiveness. He suddenly changed the rhythm of the battle with two spears and took the initiative to face the flood bin. No matter what weapon or part of the attack, he took it all.

All of the series of attacks by Hongshuibin were taken, and he felt that all his energy seemed to be taken off, without causing any imaginary interference to Griffin, and quickly reminded Chen Feng: "He seems to be using a new method, you should pay more attention. !"josei

Chen Feng observed Griffin from multiple angles because of the floating gun, and he was even more aware of the other side's strangeness than Hongbin: "Yes, I see him constantly adjusting to meet your attacks, maybe he wants to fight us. Up."

"How can it be so easy to follow his ideas, we continue to drag, drag Smith to the bathing country and they will say after they trap Smith!" Flood Bin shouted and emboldened himself, no matter what Griffin wanted to do, he would stop the opponent.

During the battle, Pan Yuguo informed Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin that they would hold Smith with all their strength, and then Brahman Kaul and the sisters of Nangong Dream Butterfly would slowly shift their positions during the battle until Smith was completely enclosed in the circle.

Didn't Smith want to deal with ordinary pilots, then they would mix with ordinary pilots to go to the most suitable position. Once the encirclement formed, Smith wanted to rush out, and he would lose his flexibility and ability to attack wantonly.

Smith noticed that someone was trying to surround himself, but he was more confident in himself. Unless it seemed that Chen Feng came by himself, it would be impossible for those pilots of average strength to pose a threat to him, and he didn't need to care about them for the time being.

Smith is more concerned about first completely destroying Pan Yuguo. This opponent has already suffered heavy damage from him before. As long as one more force is added, it can make it completely unable to turn over. At that time, even if the floating gun is still around, it will be difficult to form an effective influences.

There was a sharp gap between the two in level. Even though Pan Yuguo had used all his best to resist, he was hit by Smith one after another. The armor of "Crazy War" was damaged severely, and after experiencing another blow, the last intact right hand could not bear it.

After blocking Smith's attack again, Pan Yuguo heard a tearing sound in his right arm. He thought that the artificial muscles could not withstand the violent impact and broke apart. How could he strike if he couldn't even move his weapon? Then he abandoned his knife and retreated wildly.

Chen Feng still noticed the changes in Pan Yuguo after the intense battle with Griffin. Pan Yuguo could not give up the battle without special circumstances, so he controlled the floating artillery to block the area in front of Pan Yuguo to avoid Smith from pursuing it.

Smith rushed forward for a short distance and then stopped. The beam barrage in front was very dense. If he forced his way through, he might be injured. Now the "dead" is not in the best condition, so don't take this risk lightly.

After Pan Yuguo retreated, no one could resist Smith head-on. When Smith was about to expand his ambitions, he saw a dark special plane appeared in front of him, causing the morale he had just boosted to fall again. : "Promise? Why did you come here? Is Robertson defeated by you?"

Since Smith’s opponent is Pan Yuguo, the enemy of the promise must be Robertson. Although the relationship with Robertson has deteriorated, Smith believes that Robertson can hold back the promise, at least not allowing him to appear in front of him until his plan is completed.

But now Promise actually came in front of him, and by observing the appearance of "Dark Night", Smith found that the opponent did not appear to be injured. Robertson is not that weak, right? Can he not leave a scar after playing with Promise for a long time?

Although Smith thinks that Promise can't stop him just like Pan Yuguo, this is different from the previous situation. He has already fought with Pan Yuguo, and if he promises to make up again, he is about to start all over again. There is floating cannon harassment beside him. Thinking about it would be very troublesome, so Smith's mentality has changed. He is already doubting whether his plan can be realized.

Promise came here because he repelled Robertson. Although Roberson is very strong, he is still a bit worse than promised. He promised not to fight Smith to get enough rest, and he can break out all the battles in a short time. force.

Robertson did not guard against the sudden outburst of the promise, and was threatened by the promised continuous attack. At this time, Brahman Kaul and Nangong Mengdie played a vital role again. They looked for opportunities to target Robertson with the wonderful sound cannon and sniper rifle. Once again, they were forced to retreat and fired together. Two amazing beams went straight to Robertson and the other.

Robertson was in a state of desperation, and being targeted by these two beams again was a situation that couldn't be worse. No matter how he responded, he couldn't handle it well, but the situation forced him to think of a way out anyway.

In the end, Robertson felt that Nangong Mengdie’s strength was the weakest, and her attack should be something she could afford, so she leaped back to the right and took a bite. "Lucifer"’s left arm shield couldn’t protect her whole body, with many limbs. Was hit by a beam of light.

As soon as he felt the power of the beam, Robertson regretted it. He underestimated the sniper rifle in the hands of Nangong Mengdie. He didn’t know how many times Lin Xian had strengthened the sniper rifle for his lover. The Republic of God is also on the top of the platoon, and Robertson himself hit the gun's eye with the full blow of the upper demigod.

The armor of the "Road West" quickly melted away. Murong Fan estimated that all the limbs of the special plane would be wiped out in a few minutes, and the warning sound kept reminding him that the special plane had reached its limit and he needed to make changes as soon as possible to avoid the attack.

In desperation, Robertson had to land forcibly before he flew much distance, but he was greeted below by a more dangerous promise. He promised to know the strength of Brahman Kaul and Nangong Mengdie, knowing that no matter how Robertson chooses, he will have no good results. .

When Robertson was still being continuously attacked by the beam, he promised to come to the key position first and wait for Robertson to fall.

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