Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2380

Chapter 2380: pressure

Once the Qur'an Republic has no constraints on the top pilot level, then they can gradually erode the Saint Gama Empire through their superiority at the top pilot level, and turn the advantage into victory bit by bit. This is the most terrifying news.

So even though the Minister of Intelligence has rushed out to collect information, other senior officials in the Saint Gama Empire have also begun to use various means to try to figure out Chen Feng's current strength. This is a major event related to the rise and fall of the country, and everyone is busy.

For a while, the conference room was full of phone calls. Seeing everyone's hysterical panic expressions, the President of the Saint Gama Empire calmed down. He patted on the table continuously, causing these high-level officials to turn their heads and look at him.

"Don't panic, even if Chen Feng breaks through, he will still not be able to beat the'Gun God'. At most, we must be more careful when fighting in the future, and can't make mistakes that we didn't care about before." The president reminded everyone of the most powerful in the world. The pilot was still on his side, Chen Feng's breakthrough was not enough to change the facts, and their panic was a bit overreacted.

The president's words calmed the seniors a little bit, but they were still very eager to use their own means to explore the truth. No matter how difficult the battle will become in the future, they must first figure out what is going on with Chen Feng.

After a short period of time, Chen Feng did not get a clear answer. Chen Feng protected the news of his breakthrough very well. Only a few people in the Qur'an God Republic knew that the spies of the Saint Gama Empire could not reach them at all. No one among the characters that can be reached by spies knows this most confidential information, so when asked what Chen Feng’s synchronization rate is, it’s a daunting expression, and I also asked people in China why they suddenly asked them this. There is no diligence.

After all, Chen Feng is too young. There are people who have become gods of war around the age of 30, but none of them have reached the synchronization rate of 99. It's no wonder that the Saint Gama Empire spies would ask such questions, because they never imagined that this would happen. Thing.

People in the country didn't dare to pack up tickets and say anything more. They only asked the spies to investigate and must find out. So the spies of the Saint Gama Empire took action one after another, trying to find relevant clues in the Republic of the God of Quran.

Every spy who tried to detect Chen Feng's intelligence attracted the attention of the security organs of the Qur'an God Republic, because the leaders of the country had greeted them in advance and asked them to look for people interested in Chen Feng. These people are likely to have problems.

Now the Saint Gama empire’s spies have to take huge risks to inquire about the news in order to complete the tasks explained in the country. The more they do, the faster they will be exposed. They were captured by the security organs of the Qur'an Republic within a short time to prevent them from continuing. action.

Of course, the captured spies are very hard-spirited. Most of them committed suicide directly after exposure, except for a small number of those who were taken to prison before they had time, but they would rather die than telling what they were doing, and did not reveal any valuable information. .

Those who can be sent as spies have been specially trained and their loyalty to the country has also been tested. Therefore, the security organs of the Qur'an God Republic gave up the idea of ​​opening their mouths and sent all captured spies on the road. .

After tossing for a long time, the Saint Gama Empire Intelligence Department found nothing. They had no channels to obtain the latest developments of Chen Feng. Instead, they lost a large number of personnel because they hurriedly let the spies launch operations, which was not worth the gain.

The head of the intelligence department came to the president in a desperate manner. He bowed his head in embarrassment: "We have not received any useful information. The information about Chen Feng is all old, and he has remained in the base on Gunkanjima. It is true. Not accessible."

After a day of adjustment, the president is no longer as impatient as before. He also tried to collect information through his own relationship, but the result was exactly the same as the intelligence minister, so he understood the other party’s difficulties, but did not embarrass the other party anymore: "The Qur'an God Republic has a very strict blockade of intelligence, and it is normal that it cannot be detected. You don't need to blame yourself."

The Qur'an God Republic strictly protects the information about Chen Feng, at least it shows that Chen Feng himself is in a situation, and the president personally visited Griffin and asked him for advice on Chen Feng’s performance on the battlefield yesterday, Griffin It is very clear that if it weren't for Chen Feng's synchronization rate breakthrough, it would be impossible to block him with Hongbin, and Chen Feng himself had admitted.

Therefore, the President thought that it was no longer necessary to consume the spies who had been lurking with difficulty. Chen Feng's breakthrough was a certainty. Now the Saint Gama Empire should consider how to deal with the two war gods who have become more powerful.

This is the most practical problem that bothers the president. As long as they can’t deal with Chen Feng and Hongshuibin in one day, they will quickly fall into passive danger after the outbreak of the war. This is a decisive factor for the proud Saint Gama Empire. not allowed.josei

Until now, the Saint Gama Empire still believes that they are still the most powerful country in the world, and they still have the strength to defeat any enemy country, so they cannot tolerate being mounted on the head by the Quran God Republic and must find a solution.

The President has asked the Secretary of the Military to mobilize more resources to strengthen the plasma gravity compression gun, and requires that this giant gun must be upgraded again in the shortest possible time, whether it is the rate of fire or the power, as long as it can be changed. Just do it.

Because Griffin made it clear that he was not sure to defeat Chen Feng and Hong Bin together, unless he can break the synchronization rate to 100 during this period of time, but he has not succeeded for so many years, so he cannot be considered at all. in accordance with.

Griffin tried hard for many years, but he was stuck at 99 sync rate and failed to achieve a breakthrough, which made many people even doubt whether there is 100 sync rate or whether Griffin’s efforts were in the wrong direction. In a dead end.

Only Griffin himself knew that he had done nothing wrong, because he could feel the existence of the bottleneck. This bottleneck was so strong that he could never find a breakthrough, but if he could break through, then even ten Chen Feng would not be his opponent.

After sending the president to leave, Griffin returned to his training room. He sank and sat in it quietly, recalling all the battles and enemies he had experienced, thinking carefully about the place worth remembering and the enemy. Outstanding performance in these areas.

Griffin tried to use his experienced characteristics to perfect his skills. Since the breakthrough of synchronization rate is hard to count on, it is better to focus on polishing his skills and see if he can make the double-gun fighting technique stronger.

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